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Theory and research on self‐regulation, emotional adjustment, and interpersonal processes focus increasingly on parasympathetic functioning, using measures of vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) or respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). This review describes models of vmHRV in these areas, and issues in measurement and analysis. We propose a framework organizing theory and research as examining (a) vmHRV as an individual difference or a situational response, and (b) resting, reactive, or recovery levels. Evidence supports interpretation of individual differences in resting vmHRV as a broad biomarker for adaptive functioning, but its specificity and underlying mechanisms require elaboration. Individual differences in vagal reactivity (i.e., trait‐like differences in vmHRV decreases during challenge or stress) are less commonly studied in adults and results are mixed. Many stressors and challenges evoke temporary decreases in vmHRV, and in some research self‐regulatory effort evokes increases. In a smaller literature, positive interpersonal experiences and some restorative processes increase resting vmHRV, whereas depletion of self‐regulatory capacity through related effort decreases it. Greater attention to conceptual distinctions regarding vmHRV constructs and several methodological issues will strengthen future research. Importantly, researchers should exercise caution in equating vmHRV with specific psychosocial constructs, especially in the absence of converging assessments and precise experimental manipulations.  相似文献   
When participants search for a target letter while reading, they make more omissions if the target letter is embedded in frequent function words than in less frequent content words. Reflecting developmental changes in component language and literacy skills, the size of this effect increases with age. With adults, the missing-letter effect is due to both word function and word frequency. With children, it is unclear whether the growing size of the missing-letter effect across development is due to a larger effect of word function, word frequency, or both because previous studies with children seeking to isolate the influence of word frequency and word function suffer from important methodological limitations. With these methodological limitations eliminated (Experiments 1 and 2), performance in a letter detection task was assessed for children in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 as well as for undergraduate students. The results revealed that the influence of word function increases with age, whereas the effect of frequency is fairly stable across ages. Furthermore, normative predictability data collected in Experiment 3 revealed that third graders and undergraduate students were equally good at predicting function slots in a sentence.  相似文献   
In the clinical literature, thought suppression is considered to play a role in the development of intrusion-related psychiatric syndromes, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, acute or posttraumatic stress disorder, phobias, and addiction. This assumption goes back to a study by D. M. Wegner, D. J. Schneider, S. R. Carter, and T. L. White (1987) in which participants were asked to suppress thoughts of a white bear, an assignment that proved to be nearly impossible to complete. The present two studies sought to explore the influence of the content of control instructions on intrusion frequency in thought suppression experiments. Notably, during nonsuppression (i.e., control) periods, participants can either be instructed to think about white bears (i.e., expression instruction), or to think of anything including white bears (i.e., liberal instruction). Results indicated that expression instructions resulted in an increased number of target thoughts, while liberal instructions did not. Implications for the interpretation of thought suppression findings are discussed.  相似文献   
This study aims at verifying whether Portuguese gender-inflected nouns and adjectives are represented as full forms as suggested by Spanish data (Dominguez, Cuetos, & Segui, 1999). A series of lexical decision experiments is reported. Grammatical gender, frequency dominance, and grammatical category are manipulated and cumulative frequency is controlled. The results do not provide support for a full form representation of gender-inflected words. They suggest that grammatical category, or the nature of the inflectional process involved (lexical or syntactic), affects the way words are represented and accessed. Shorter recognition latencies were obtained for nouns drawn from Feminine dominant gender-inflected pairs than from Masculine dominant pairs whereas a tendency in the opposite direction was observed in adjectives. The effect of frequency dominance appears, nevertheless, to be restricted to feminine nouns. The data are compatible with the view that masculine nouns and adjectives are represented as gender-unmarked forms. These results are discussed in relation to current dual-access models of word recognition and to the notion of "interpretability" of lexico-syntactic features, as put forward in the Minimalist Program of Generative Linguistics.  相似文献   
Prior research has shown that people can learn many nouns (i.e., word–object mappings) from a short series of ambiguous situations containing multiple words and objects. For successful cross‐situational learning, people must approximately track which words and referents co‐occur most frequently. This study investigates the effects of allowing some word‐referent pairs to appear more frequently than others, as is true in real‐world learning environments. Surprisingly, high‐frequency pairs are not always learned better, but can also boost learning of other pairs. Using a recent associative model (Kachergis, Yu, & Shiffrin, 2012), we explain how mixing pairs of different frequencies can bootstrap late learning of the low‐frequency pairs based on early learning of higher frequency pairs. We also manipulate contextual diversity, the number of pairs a given pair appears with across training, since it is naturalistically confounded with frequency. The associative model has competing familiarity and uncertainty biases, and their interaction is able to capture the individual and combined effects of frequency and contextual diversity on human learning. Two other recent word‐learning models do not account for the behavioral findings.  相似文献   
汉字识别中的部件加工:错觉性结合实验的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎红 《心理科学》1999,22(3):213-217
本研究用“错觉性结合”的实验范式探讨汉字识别中的部件加工。被试对两个刺激字之后出现的目标字进行再认。结果发现在速示条件下,目标字部件与刺激字的部件相同时(如目标字为“她”,而刺激字为“姓”及“地”),被试常把目标字误认为刺激字。这种错误再认率随字频及部件频率的升高而降低。此外,刺激字的排列方式不同于字的结构方式时,字频及部件频率的效应减弱。上述结果不但表明整字频率、字的空间组织因素影响汉字识别,更显示部件是汉字认知过程的一个重要加工层次。  相似文献   
对2008年12月底前公布的山东出土商代青铜器铭文资料进行统计,可得单字645个,不计重复字为154个。进行字频统计与测查,发现:字频分布呈现两极分化,最高字频覆盖率达9%,即每11字就出现1次;仅出现1次的有109字,约占单字总数的71%。高频字集中在亲称用字、日名用字、作器或器名用字以及部分族名。亲称高频字是"父"。日名高频字集中在双数日,未见"丙"、"壬"。这些情况反映出商代山东与中原铜器铭文的一致性与差异性。  相似文献   
The lexical decision task is probably the most common laboratory visual word identification task together with the naming task. In the usual setup, participants need to press the “yes” button when the stimulus is a word and the “no” button when the stimulus is not a word. A number of studies have employed this task with developing readers; however, error rates and/or response times tend to be quite high. One way to make the task easier for young readers is by employing a go/no-go procedure: “If word, press ‘yes’; if not, refrain from responding.” Here we conducted a lexical decision experiment that systematically compared the yes/no and go/no-go variants of the lexical decision task with developing readers (second- and fourth-grade children). Results showed that (a) error rates for words and nonwords were much lower in the go/no-go task than in the yes/no task, (b) lexical decision times were substantially faster in the go/no-go task, and (c) there was less variability in the latency data of the go/no-go task for high-frequency words. Thus, the go/no-go lexical decision task is preferable to the “standard” yes/no task when conducting experiments with developing readers.  相似文献   
The present study examined age differences in the disposition to forgive others and the role of interpersonal transgression frequency and intensity. Data from a representative cross-sectional sample of Swiss adults (N = 451, age: 20–83 years) were used. Participants completed a self-report measure of forgivingness and indicated whether and how intense they have experienced different types of interpersonal transgressions during the past 12 months. Results indicate that older adults were, on average, more willing to forgive others than younger adults. Frequency and intensity of transgressions were negatively related with age. Moreover, the results show that transgression frequency and intensity explained, in part, age differences in forgivingness. Future directions concerning the meaning of age differences in forgivingness are discussed.  相似文献   
陈茗静  王永胜  赵冰洁  李馨  白学军 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1151-1166
基于E-Z读者模型和中文阅读的整合模型, 词切分和词汇识别是否属于交互作用的统一过程存在争议。通过转换阅读方向来操纵文本熟悉性, 研究其在词切分和词汇识别中的作用。实验1考察中文文本熟悉性和词间空格促进作用之间的权衡。使用Eyelink 1000记录40名大学生在中文阅读中的眼动特征。结果发现:词间空格对中文阅读的促进作用在阅读训练后消失, 表明中文阅读中文本熟悉性和词间空格的促进作用之间存在权衡。实验2操纵文本熟悉性和词频来探究文本熟悉性在词汇识别中的作用, 结果发现:文本熟悉性和词频在早期指标上的交互作用; 阅读训练和词频不存在交互作用, 表明文本熟悉性影响词汇识别的早期加工阶段。研究结果表明中文阅读的词切分和词汇识别可能是顺序加工, 支持E-Z读者模型。  相似文献   
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