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Human freezing has been objectively assessed using a passive picture viewing paradigm as an analog for threat. These results should be replicated for other stimuli in order to determine their stability and generalizability. Affective films are used frequently to elicit affective responses, but it is unknown whether they also elicit freezing-like defense responses. To test whether this is the case, 50 participants watched neutral, pleasant and unpleasant film fragments while standing on a stabilometric platform and wearing a polar band to assess heart rate. Freezing-like responses (indicated by overall reduced body sway and heart rate deceleration) were observed for the unpleasant film only. The unpleasant film also elicited early reduced body sway (1–2 s after stimulus onset). Heart rate and body sway were correlated during the unpleasant film only. The results suggest that ecologically valid stimuli like films are adequate stimuli in evoking defense responses. The results also underscore the importance of including time courses in human experimental research on defense reactions in order to delineate different stages in the defense response.  相似文献   
“冻卵”作为人类辅助生殖技术的重要组成部分已经愈发成熟和规范,但目前我国的人类辅助生殖技术规范却并不允许为单身女性实施冻卵技术。冻卵是女性行使生育决定权以实现生育权的方式,而生育权作为一项基本权利,具有明显的人格属性,它与女性对身体的自由决定和人格的自由发展紧密相关,不应以特定的婚姻身份为前提。允许在一定条件下适当放开单身女性利用此项技术具有重要的意义。相应的法律规范也需要作出调整,以避免生育市场化风险和高近亲结婚率。  相似文献   
In an earlier study we found that shock-elicited defensive aggression was intensified in rats that had been deprived of playfighting as juveniles. The three experiments reported here extend this phenomenon to the more naturalistic intruder/resident paradigm for eliciting defense. Rats were reared from 20 to 50 days in one of three conditions: in pairs or in isolation with or without 1 hour of daily playfighting experience. They were rehoused in small groups at 50 days, when the frequency of play is beginning to wane, in order to eliminate the effects of ongoing isolation at the time of testing. They were tested for defense at 80 to 100 days by being placed in a resident's cage for 10 minutes. Our main finding was that play-deprived animals spent significantly more time immobile after they had been attacked than did animals of the other two groups. The increased immobility associated with playfighting deprivation is not caused by baseline differences in emotionality such as those elicited by a novel environment (Experiment 1), the presence of a strange animal (Experiment 2), or nonsocial aversive stimuli (Experiment 3). Furthermore, play-deprived rats were not more reactive when pinched with forceps to stimulate a bite delivered by a conspecific, whether or not another rat was present behind a divider. Thus isolates' greater reactivity may be restricted to situations involving pain coupled with close proximity to and contact with another rat. A secondary finding was that there were no differences in defensive behaviors other than immobility. The appropriate generalization to be drawn from these studies is that early social deprivation facilitates the defensive response to a social threat that happens to be prepotent under the given experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Rats that receive nociceptive electric shock in an environment normally show the conditional fear-induced defensive response of freezing when returned to that environment. If several electric shocks are given in a massed manner they will condition less freezing than the same shocks given in a distributed manner. If a single shock is given immediately after placement in the chamber it does not support any conditioning, although the same shock given after a brief delay does. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (PAG), which damaged dorsomedial, dorsolateral, and lateral PAG, enhanced freezing under these conditions. Lesions of the ventral PAG, which caused extensive damage to the central gray below the aqueduct, reduced conditioning under the more optimal parameters (distributed or delayed shock). This was taken to indicate that both of these regions support different modes of defensive behavior and that when activated, the dorsolateral PAG inbits conditional fear-induced defensive behavior. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Two experiments were performed in which rats had to avoid shock by both pressing and releasing a bar within specified intervals. When the release-shock interval was held constant and the press-shock interval was increased, response rate decreased and bar holding increased. When the press-shock interval was held constant and the release-shock interval was increased, both response rate and bar holding decreased.  相似文献   
Disruptions of fear extinction-related potentiation of synaptic efficacy in the connection between the hippocampus (HPC) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have been shown to impair the recall of extinction memory. This study was undertaken to examine if chronic mild stress (CMS), which is known to alter induction of HPC–mPFC long-term potentiation, would also interfere with both extinction-related HPC–mPFC potentiation and extinction memory. Following fear conditioning (5 tone-shock pairings), rats were submitted to fear extinction (20 tone-alone presentations), which produced an increase in the amplitude of HPC–mPFC field potentials. HPC low-frequency stimulation (LFS), applied immediately after training, suppressed these changes and induced fear return during the retention test (5 tone-alone presentations). CMS, delivered before fear conditioning, did not interfere with fear extinction but blocked the development of extinction-related potentiation in the HPC–mPFC pathway and impaired the recall of extinction. These findings suggest that HPC LFS may provoke metaplastic changes in HPC outputs that may mimic alterations associated with a history of chronic stress.  相似文献   
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the primary motor cortex (M1) can boost motor performance in Parkinson’s disease (PD) when it is applied at rest. However, the potential supplementary therapeutic effect of the concurrent application of tDCS during the training of motor tasks is largely unknown. The present study examined the effects of tDCS on upper limb motor blocks during a freezing-provoking writing task (the funnel task) requiring up- and down-stroke movements at alternating amplitudes. Ten PD patients and 10 age-matched controls underwent two sessions of writing combined with 20 min of anodal or sham tDCS on the left M1 in a randomized cross-over design. The primary outcome was the number of upper limb freezing episodes during five trials of the funnel task on a touch-sensitive tablet. PD patients showed a significant reduction in freezing episodes during tDCS compared to sham. No effects of tDCS were found for the amplitude, variability and speed of the strokes outside the freezing episodes. However, patients who reported freezing episodes in daily life (N = 6) showed a beneficial effect of tDCS on stroke characteristics. These results indicate a subgroup-dependent variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation applied during the performance of motor tasks in PD. This warrants future studies to examine tDCS as an adjuvant tool for training programs aimed to reduce motor deficits related to freezing.  相似文献   
The hippocampus has been suggested to be involved in spatial (or configural) memory and also in the inhibition of certain response or goal alternatives. An increasing number of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral studies indicate that the hippocampus is functionally heterogeneous along the dorsal-ventral axis. Identification of distinct behavioral roles for the dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus may resolve differences between the various theoretical accounts of hippocampal function. The present study examined the effects of electrolytic lesions restricted to the DH or VH on fear-conditioned freezing, passive avoidance on the elevated T-maze (ETM) test of anxiety, and general activity in male Sprague-Dawley (Charles-River derived) albino rats. We found that rats with lesions of the VH, but not DH showed reduced freezing to both context and tone conditioned stimuli (CS). Rats with VH lesions also showed a reduced latency to emerge from the enclosed arm on trials 2 and 3 of the ETM (indicating reduced anxious behavior), while having no effect on the latency to escape from the open arms on trial 4. There were no differences in activity between the groups. These results indicate that the VH and DH are differentially involved in passive avoidance on the ETM and conditioned freezing to context and tone CS. We suggest that the VH may be specifically involved in modulating goal-oriented, defensive behavior expression through hypothalamic and amygdaloid connections.  相似文献   
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