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Behavioral contrast and response-ratio sensitivity to reinforcement were compared in multiple schedules in which components alternated strictly or according to a pseudorandom sequence. Average component durations in the two regimes were always 60 s, and order of presentation of component alternation regimes was counterbalanced across subjects. In Part 1, the reinforcer rate in one component was reduced from 60 per hour to zero, while that in the other component was unchanged. Positive behavioral contrast occurred in the constant component in that response rates increased, but neither the reliability nor the magnitude of contrast was affected by the manner in which components alternated. Part 2 was similar, except that a number of different reinforcer rates were used in the varied component. Neither contrast nor sensitivity of response ratios to changes in reinforcer ratios depended on the regime of component alternation. Thus, the predictability in time of future reinforcement conditions, which is a feature of regular multiple scheduling, does not appear to be a determinant of multiple-schedule performance.  相似文献   
Four squirrel monkeys responded daily under a fixed-interval 5-min or 8-min schedule of food-pellet delivery. Cocaine (0.03 to 1.7 mg/kg) and saline were injected before occasional daily sessions (acute administration). Some doses of cocaine produced substantial overall increases in response rate for 3 of the subjects; effects were less substantial for the remaining subject, who exhibited modest increases in response rate early in the session and during the middle portion of the intervals. A dose that increased response rate when administered acutely was then administered before each session (chronic administration). Chronic administration resulted in a reduction in the increases in response rate seen under acute administration for all subjects.  相似文献   
Four White King pigeons in Experiment I were exposed to a fixed-time 90-second food schedule with successive access to water and a conspecific target. Drinking per session was sporadic and minimal, while attack per session occurred during most interfood intervals for all animals. Analysis of the temporal distribution of attack showed that the typical postreinforcement pattern of attack developed over the course of the experiment. In Experiment II, the same animals were exposed to a series of fixed-time schedules ranging from 30 to 360 seconds with successive access to water and target. Time engaged in drinking and the number of interfood intervals with drinking were less than that of attack. Food and no-food baselines, which have been typically used to assess schedules-induced drinking and attack, respectively, were used to evaluate the effect of the schedule on attack and water ingestion. Relative to the no-food baseline, both attack and drinking were enhanced by the schedule in all birds. Relative to the food baseline, drinking was slightly suppressed in three birds and attack was enhanced in all. For all animals, the food baseline resulted in more attack and drinking than the no-food baseline.  相似文献   
Rats were trained on concurrent fixed-ratio variable-ratio or concurrent fixed-ratio mixed-ratio schedules of food reinforcement. The variable-ratio schedule was composed of an arithmetic sequence of 11 ratios that averaged 50; the mixed-ratio schedule consisted of equiprobable ratios of 1 and 99. Fixed-ratio values, varied over experimental conditions, included 25, 35, 50, 60, and 99. The proportion of responses and time allocated to the variable- or mixed-ratio schedule increased as the size of the fixed ratio increased. For most subjects, higher proportions of responses and time were maintained on the fixed-ratio schedule at fixed-ratio values of 25 and 35; higher proportions of responses and time were maintained on the variable- or mixed-ratio schedule at fixed-ratio values of 50 or higher. On concurrent variable-ratio fixed-ratio schedules, the tendency for responding to be maintained exclusively by one schedule was related to the difference in local reinforcement rates obtained from those schedules. Exclusive responding was approximated when the difference in local reinforcement rates obtained from those schedules was large; responding was more evenly distributed between the schedules as the difference in the rates at which reinforcement was obtained from each decreased.  相似文献   
Five pigeons were exposed to several concurrent variable-interval food reinforcement schedules. For three subjects, one component of the schedule required a key-pecking response, the other a treadle-pressing response. For the other two subjects, both schedule components required treadle-pressing responses. The relative probability of reinforcement associated with the manipulanda was varied from 0 to 1.0 in 13 experimental conditions for the Key-Treadle subjects and nine conditions for the Treadle-Treadle subjects. The results indicated that the logarithms of relative time spent responding, and the logarithms of relative number of responses emitted on a manipulandum, approximated direct linear functions of logarithms of the relative frequencies of reinforcement associated with that manipulandum. No systematic bias in favor of time spent key pecking over time spent treadle pressing was apparent for the Key-Treadle subjects. All subjects exhibited undermatching, in that the ratios of time and response allocation at the alternatives systematically differed from the ratios of reinforcers obtained from the alternatives in the direction of indifference. Key pecking appeared to have no special link to food beyond treadle pressing or what would be expected on the basis of the reinforcement dependencies alone.  相似文献   
Effects on choice of reinforcement delay and conditioned reinforcement   总被引:20,自引:20,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons chose between fixed-interval schedules of different durations presented in the terminal links of concurrent-chains schedules. The pair of schedules was always in the ratio of 2:1, but the absolute duration of the fixed intervals varied. In one set of conditions, the different terminal-link schedules were associated with different keylight stimuli (cued conditions). In a second set of conditions, the different terminal-link schedules were associated with the same stimulus (uncued conditions). Results from the cued conditions replicated previous findings that preference for the shorter fixed-interval schedule increased with fixed-interval duration. Preferences in the uncued conditions were lower than in the corresponding cued conditions but also increased with fixed-interval length. In addition, the degree of control under the uncued conditions was correlated with the extent to which the schedule during the terminal link was discriminated immediately upon entry into the terminal link. The pattern of results in both conditions was inconsistent with the notion that choice behavior matches relative immediacy of reinforcement. Reanalysis of previous evidence for matching (Chung and Herrnstein, 1967) showed that matching in fact did not occur, as the preferences of their subjects for the shorter of two delays also increased with the absolute size of the delays.  相似文献   
As Mogenson and Cioé (1977) have assumed that our electrodes aimed at the ectostriatum (Hollard and Davison, 1971) were actually located there, we feel that a presentation of the histological data is necessary. Following termination of further experiments (Hollard, 1974) the pigeons, numbered 93, 95, and 119, were sacrificed and perfused with saline followed by 10% formalin. Sections, 50 microns thick, were cut on a freezing microtome. Prints were made by mounting each unstained section of a microscope slide and placing them in a standard photographic enlarger. The electrode tips of Pigeons 93 and 119 were located in the paleostriatal complex. The sections of Pigeon 95 were damaged and precise localization was not possible. Further work in this laboratory has also found that, using the same coordinates, electrode tips tend to fall in the paleostriatum, rather than in the more dorsal ectostriatum at which they are aimed. The paleostriatal placements tended to sustain self-stimulation, whereas others located in the ectostriatum sustained relatively low or unstable rates.  相似文献   
Concurrent variable-interval schedules were arranged with a main key that alternated in color and schedule assignment, along with a changeover key on which a small fixed ratio was required to changeover. Acceptable matching was observed with pigeons in two replications, but there was a tendency toward overmatching. Local response rates were found to differ for unequal schedules of a concurrent pair: local response rate was greater for the variable-interval schedule with the smaller average interreinforcement interval, but qualifications based on an interresponse-time analysis were discussed. In a second experiment, two 3-minute variable-interval schedules were arranged concurrently, and the experimental variable was the changeover procedure: either a changeover delay was incurred by each changeover or a small fixed ratio on a changeover key was required to complete a changeover. Changeover delays of 2 and 5 seconds were compared with a fixed-ratio changeover of five responses. The response output on the main key (associated with the variable-interval schedules) was greater when a changeover delay was arranged than when a fixed ratio was required to changeover. A detailed analysis of stripchart records showed that a 2-second delay generated an increased response rate for 3 seconds after a changeover, while the fixed-ratio requirement generated an increased rate during the first second only, followed by a depressed response rate for 2 seconds.  相似文献   
Stimulus overselectivity, a phenomenon exhibited by autistic and institutionalized retarded individuals, was examined in mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped public school children. Subjects were 16 young, educable mentally retarded, 16 learning disabled, 15 nonhandicapped first- and second-graders, and 16 older, educable retarded students. The children were trained on a 3-component visual discrimination task and then tested on individual elements to determine which element or elements were controlling subject responses. Nine of the young educable mentally retarded children and eight of the learning disabled students showed some overselectivity. The majority of overselective retarded children were controlled by only one of the three components of the training cue, whereas the majority of the overselective learning disabled children responded to the discrimination task on the basis of two of the three components. No overselectivity was exhibited by the nonhandicapped students. All three cue components were also functional in controlling the responding of 14 of the 16 older retarded students, but two children were under the control of only one cue. The research indicated that in terms of overselectivity, learning disabled children respond more like young, mildly retarded children than they do like nonhandicapped ones. The demonstration of stimulus overselectivity in a sizable portion of a learning disabled sample may have implications for a more empirically based approach to this handicapped population.  相似文献   
Responding under sequence schedules of electric shock presentation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Lever pressing by squirrel monkeys was examined under second-order schedules of electric shock presentation in which different discriminative stimuli were associated with consecutive components (sequence schedules). Components were always two-minute fixed-interval schedules, and three different overall schedules were studied. Under an overall eight-minute fixed-interval schedule, the first component completion after at least eight minutes had elapsed produced electric shock. The number of components actually completed ranged from one to four; thus, different discriminative stimuli were occasionally associated with electric shock presentation. Under an overall “yoked” variable-ratio schedule, electric shock was presented after completion of a variable number of components; the required number and the distribution of components were matched to those obtained under the overall eight-minute fixed-interval schedule. Under an overall fixed-ratio schedule, electric shock was presented after completion of four components (chained schedule). Under all three sequence schedules, responding in early components was characterized by a pause followed by a single response after the end of the two-minute interval; responding in later components was characterized by a shorter pause followed by positively accelerated responding. Manipulation of overall schedules of shock presentation in these complex behavioral situations produced changes in responding comparable to those ordinarily obtained after similar manipulation of dependencies under both single and second-order schedules of food presentation. These experiments extend the range of conditions and levels of complexity under which responding can be maintained by presentation of electric shock.  相似文献   
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