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易学思想与中国传统建筑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从卦象、易数与阴阳合德三方面论述了易学思想与中国传统建筑之间不可分割的联系,中国建筑作为中华文明的重要组成部分,其本源是来自<周易>,与易学思想的发展变化密切相关.  相似文献   
大学生SCL-90测试结果的研究   总被引:88,自引:1,他引:88  
采用SCL-90临床症状自评量表,对随机抽取的安徽大学1-4年级200名学生进行测试,结果表明:大学生心理健康总体水平低于全国成人常模;生源于城市和农村的大学生相比,总体差异不显著;生源于应届高中毕业生和历届高中毕业的大学生相比,在恐怖和精神病性两因子上,前者的均分显著高于后者;男女大学生相比,女大学生在抑郁和恐怖两个因子上的均分显著高于男大学生。  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors discuss Frege's theory of logical objects (extensions, numbers, truth-values) and the recent attempts to rehabilitate it. We show that the eta relation George Boolos deployed on Frege's behalf is similar, if not identical, to the encoding mode of predication that underlies the theory of abstract objects. Whereas Boolos accepted unrestricted Comprehension for Properties and used the eta relation to assert the existence of logical objects under certain highly restricted conditions, the theory of abstract objects uses unrestricted Comprehension for Logical Objects and banishes encoding (eta) formulas from Comprehension for Properties. The relative mathematical and philosophical strengths of the two theories are discussed. Along the way, new results in the theory of abstract objects are described, involving: (a) the theory of extensions, (b) the theory of directions and shapes, and (c) the theory of truth values.  相似文献   
In this paper, the author derives the Dedekind–Peano axioms for number theory from a consistent and general metaphysical theory of abstract objects. The derivation makes no appeal to primitive mathematical notions, implicit definitions, or a principle of infinity. The theorems proved constitute an important subset of the numbered propositions found in Frege"s Grundgesetze. The proofs of the theorems reconstruct Frege"s derivations, with the exception of the claim that every number has a successor, which is derived from a modal axiom that (philosophical) logicians implicitly accept. In the final section of the paper, there is a brief philosophical discussion of how the present theory relates to the work of other philosophers attempting to reconstruct Frege"s conception of numbers and logical objects.  相似文献   
本文将分五个部分以论邵雍之易数思想:首先,以天地之数和圆方之数作为天地源起之象征,并以此二数分为十六大位,以穷究天地体用之变化。其次,以阴阳奇偶之数作为天圆地方之数的基础,并以阴阳刚柔之四象、八卦配合干支之数,参以天地变化之数和体四月三之原则,以导出象征生灵万有之动植通数。再次,结合前两部分所探讨之天圆地方变化十六位数和阴阳刚柔奇偶动植通数,以呈现出一体用生物运行具象之数,以此代表天地万物的流行生化之象《天主运行,地主生化》。再次,将天行刚健之数进一步具体细分为元会运世之数.以成就邵雍独创之历法纪年。同时,将地生柔顺之数进一步体现于律吕声音之多元性和差异性来表现动植生物之不齐与参差。最后,以此五类大数施行、旁通而统贯于自然界与人文界之一切万有,以作为邵雍易学中穷理之学的终结。  相似文献   
According to Jacob Bernoulli, even the ‘stupidest man’ knows that the larger one's sample of observations, the more confidence one can have in being close to the truth about the phenomenon observed. Two-and-a-half centuries later, psychologists empirically tested people's intuitions about sample size. One group of such studies found participants attentive to sample size; another found participants ignoring it. We suggest an explanation for a substantial part of these inconsistent findings. We propose the hypothesis that human intuition conforms to the ‘empirical law of large numbers’ and distinguish between two kinds of tasks–one that can be solved by this intuition (frequency distributions) and one for which it is not sufficient (sampling distributions). A review of the literature reveals that this distinction can explain a substantial part of the apparently inconsistent results. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
高雨 《周易研究》2007,(6):22-28
唐人李鼎祚的《周易集解》是现存最早的两汉象数易学文献,具有独一无二的文献价值。然李鼎祚的《周易集解》作为经学的解释文本是其所处时代学术思想的集中体现,他以两汉以来的象数易学及唐代易学中的"新义"反对孔颖达的《周易正义》,反映了唐代易学发展的新动向;李鼎祚的《周易集解》强烈地批判了王弼等玄学派易学"以无为本"的哲学观念,在整个易学哲学发展史中,成为沟通汉代易学与宋代易学的重要纽带。  相似文献   
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