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This paper aims to define some unexpected convergences and foreseeable divergences regarding the conceptualization of dreams and their use as a research tool, specifically in clinical practice with non-neurotic patients. It includes a concise review of different lines of thought on the vicissitudes of dreams throughout the history of psychoanalysis: from their initial conception up to their use to examine transference and relational aspects in the context of a psychoanalytic process. The idea of the merely evacuative function of dreams from patients in certain diagnostic categories is discussed and compared with that of their potential communicative value. Lastly, the essay sets forth an interdisciplinary semiotic-pragmatic approach to the function of dreams and their clinical and technical use in the context of the intersubjective dynamic field. Based on the hypothesis that dreams related in the session are communicative signs, this proposal argues their significance as a symbolic matrix that generates processes of psychic semiosis. To do so, it combines certain lines of psychoanalytic thought with ideas coming from C. S. Peirce's analytic semiotics. Clinical material is included to illustrate this viewpoint.  相似文献   
The deBroglie–Bohm quantum potential is the potential energy function of the wave field. The quantum potential facilitates the transference of energy from wave field to particle and back again which accounts for energy conservation in isolated quantum systems. Factors affecting energy exchanges and the form of the quantum potential are discussed together with the related issues of the absence of a source term for the wave field and the lack of a classical back reaction.  相似文献   
Smooth pursuit eye movements are performed in order to prevent retinal image blur of a moving object. Rhesus monkeys are able to perform smooth pursuit eye movements quite similar as humans, even if the pursuit target does not consist in a simple moving dot. Therefore, the study of the neuronal responses as well as the consequences of micro-stimulation and lesions in trained monkeys performing smooth pursuit is a powerful approach to understand the human pursuit system. The processing of visual motion is achieved in the primary visual cortex and the middle temporal area. Further processing including the combination of retinal image motion signals with extra-retinal signals such as the ongoing eye and head movement occurs in subsequent cortical areas as the medial superior temporal area, the ventral intraparietal area and the frontal and supplementary eye field. The frontal eye field especially contributes anticipatory signals which have a substantial influence on the execution of smooth pursuit. All these cortical areas send information to the pontine nuclei, which in turn provide the input to the cerebellum. The cerebellum contains two pursuit representations: in the paraflocculus/flocculus region and in the posterior vermis. While the first representation is most likely involved in the coordination of pursuit and the vestibular-ocular reflex, the latter is involved in the precise adjustments of the eye movements such as adaptation of pursuit initiation. The output of the cerebellum is directed to the moto-neurons of the extra-ocular muscles in the brainstem.  相似文献   
董燕萍  袁媛 《心理科学》2008,31(1):192-194
启动实验的有效条件之一是,控制组和实验组的目标词在基线反应时上相同,但在实际操作中,不少研究没有收集基线反应时,只是确保了两组目标词在频率上相同.本研究实验结果显示:对于母语而言,如果词频很高,相同频率的词得到相同反应时的机率很大;相反,机率就比较低;对于外语而言,这种机率相对更低.实验说明,相同词频的词不一定能得到相同的反应时,因此收集基线反应时是启动实验不可或缺的步骤.  相似文献   
Modern engineering is complicated by an enormous number of uncertainties. Engineers know a great deal about the material world and how it works. But due to the inherent limits of testing and the complexities of the world outside the lab, engineers will never be able to fully predict how their creations will behave. One way the uncertainties of engineering can be dealt with is by actively monitoring technologies once they have left the development and production stage. This article uses an episode in the history of automobile air bags as an example of engineers who had the foresight and initiative to carefully track the technology on the road to discover problems as early as possible. Not only can monitoring help engineers identify problems that surface in the field, it can also assist them in their efforts to mobilize resources to resolve problem.  相似文献   
本文重点在于提出并阐释了一种证实性治法研究的设计理念——纳入标准的二重性原则:检验中成药治疗某种“西医病”是否安全有效,制定受试对象的纳入标准时既辨病又辨证,研究结论的可靠性与可重复性将更有保证;在辨病的同时应该计算四诊量化信息的离均差平方和,评价受试对象之间“对表现为某证构成标志的症状和体征”的不同程度以严格控制其证候表现上的差异。  相似文献   
非法人体试验行为的刑法规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非法人体试验行为具有严重的社会危害性,而现行刑法又无法全面进行规制,致使该行为得不到公正的处理,影响了刑法预防犯罪目标的实现。根据犯罪化所应当具备的社会危害性、刑法谦让性原则等条件以及国际立法经验,建议刑法修正后增加非法人体试验罪,并参照非法行医罪的法定刑进行刑罚设置。  相似文献   
Carl S. Helrich 《Zygon》2006,41(3):543-566
Abstract. I present a partially historical discussion of the basis of the quantum theory in nonmathematical terms using human knowledge and consciousness as an underlying theme. I show that the philosophical position in both classical and quantum theory is the experimental and mathematical philosophy of Isaac Newton. Because almost all the systems we deal with are multicomponent, we must consider the limitations and openness imposed by thermodynamics on our claims in both classical and quantum treatments. Here the reality of measurement stands in the way of any simple picture but also provides the basis for considerations of free will. Particular care is taken with the concepts of quantum measurement, entanglement, and decoherence because of their importance in the discussion.  相似文献   
The Oedipus complex, a basic concept in Freudian theory, is an essential factor in the constitution of the human subject. It plays a key role in the structuring of the personality and in the orientation of desire. It is the oedipal triangular structure that precedes the pre‐oedipal situation (in a logical, not chronological, order), and not vice versa. The oedipal structure exists before the infant's biological birth. It is present in the parents' desires and identifi cations, which inexorably fall upon each subject. That is why the author believes that it is necessary to leave behind a solipsistic reading of the nuclear complex of neuroses‐a reading that is based solely on Oedipus's drive nucleus‐and take a joint and comprehensive view of Laius's and Jocasta's histories and traumatic experiences, which were invested in their son. Among these three vertices, a dynamic set of forces emerges whereby a basic, original unconscious fi eld phantasy is created that bears a unique narrative and an invisible and hermetic web made of passions and beliefs, scandals and secrets. This phantasy gives shape to an unrepeatable oedipal structure in each subject, a structure that articulates with the effects of the narcissistic and fraternal dynamic and may determine the subject's fate. This paper develops the following issues: 1) Oedipus, victimizer or victim? 2) the generational confrontation as dynamic fi eld; and 3) neuroses with a preponderance of dualistic relationships.  相似文献   
陈丽君  张庆林  蔡治 《心理科学》2006,29(2):297-300
在概述国内外有关问题发现研究的四种研究模式的基础上,从问题发现的影响因素方面对以往研究进行扩展,探讨了在不同领域里不同的材料呈现方式对儿童问题发现的影响。对262名小学三年级和五年级儿童的研究表明:儿童的问题发现有显著的领域差异,言语呈现可能比实物呈现更能促进儿童发现高质量问题,五年级儿童在问题质量的新颖性方面好于三年级儿童。  相似文献   
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