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In psychometric mental-rotation tests, males mostly outperform females. The stimulus material and stereotype beliefs could partly be responsible for these differences. This was investigated in an experimental study administering traditional cube figures (C-MRT) and structurally similar pellet figures (P-MRT) to middle- and high-school aged children. 168 participants either solved the C-MRT or the P-MRT and filled out a questionnaire about their perceived ability of stereotypically masculine and feminine activities and about their gender stereotype beliefs. Overall, boys outperformed girls and all children who solved the C-MRT were better than those who solved the P-MRT. Only boys' mental-rotation performance increased with age while girls' perceived ability of stereotypically masculine activities decreased. A regression analysis identified children’s gender, their perceived ability of stereotypically masculine activities and their female gender stereotype beliefs as predictors of mental-rotation performance. Results are discussed with a focus on stereotype threat effects and gender differences in mental-rotation strategies.  相似文献   
基于自我决定理论,本研究考察了体验购买与实物购买这两种购买方式与个体享乐幸福感和意义幸福感的关系,并探索了个体的关系需要满足在其中的中介作用。采用回忆范式启动不同购买经历之后,被试依次完成关系需要满足问卷、享乐幸福感与意义幸福感量表。结果显示,体验购买组的享乐幸福感和意义幸福感都显著高于实物购买组;关系需要满足程度在购买类型与享乐幸福感、意义幸福感的关系间分别起到中介作用,这表明购买类型通过满足个体的关系需要进而提升其享乐幸福感和意义幸福感水平。  相似文献   
物质奖励制度在现实生活中无处不在, 但物质奖励能够激发人们的工作热情吗?依据认知评价理论, 奖励具有信息和控制两种因素, 前者有助于内在动机的维持, 后者则会损害内在动机, 即有侵蚀效应。这种侵蚀效应已经为众多研究所证明。对此效应的深入研究发现, 在不同情形下, 侵蚀效应的大小受到奖励条件设置、竞争情形、个体的归因倾向、反馈信息、自主选择空间等因素的影响。近年来神经学研究则进一步观察到侵蚀效应的神经表征与机制。  相似文献   
“提取练习”对记忆保持的促进效应在过去10年获得了研究者的高度关注与认同。在此基础上, 研究者开始将提取练习研究的关注点由记忆保持转向对教学实践更具价值的意义学习上。本文从提取练习对意义材料学习的促进效应、提取练习在意义学习评估指标上的优势以及提取练习与其它意义学习方法的比较三个方面回顾了提取练习促进意义学习的实验证据, 介绍和比较了两种解释提取练习如何促进意义学习的理论假设, 并且梳理了在真实的课堂教学中获得的提取练习促进意义学习的研究成果。综述表明, 提取练习与重复学习和精细加工学习相比, 在促进意义学习方面更具优势, 值得且可以在教学实践中进行推广。但是, 现有研究中纳入的意义学习的评估指标体系、所涉及的知识类型以及与之比较的意义学习方法都较为单一, 且内部机制的解释理论也存在争议, 在以上方面还需要进行深入研究。  相似文献   
采用移动窗口技术,探讨了不同掩蔽材料对中文阅读知觉广度的影响,结果表明:(1)相对于“※”掩蔽,文字掩蔽条件下的阅读效率更低、平均注视时间更长、眼跳幅度更小。(2)“※”掩蔽下被试的知觉广度为注视字左侧1个字,右侧2-3个字;文字掩蔽下被试的知觉广度为注视字左侧1个字,右侧3-4个字。综合上述结果,文字掩蔽材料可以比“※”掩蔽材料获得更大的知觉广度,但阅读效率更低。在中文阅读中,文字掩蔽材料更适合探讨阅读知觉广度  相似文献   
A material‐discursive perspective holds advantage in understanding male realities. It seeks to integrate dominant approaches that appear anaemic in their failure to capture the interplay between the material and discursive realms of human existence. Three dominant metaphorical themes in the rhetorical representation of South African masculinities are described in an attempt to illustrate the complexity of embodied masculine experience. In this sense the discussion seeks to reveal the dynamic nature of masculine debate and lived experience across differing contexts. It serves to underline the importance of adopting a material‐discursive perspective in understanding men, which recognizes that they do not exist as a homogeneous social group, and as such experience their masculinities in a variable and changing fashion. The theoretical amalgamation of social representations and rhetoric is argued to provide a useful analytical tool in an endeavour of this nature. It is suggested that the rhetorical approach problematizes an overly consensual view of social reality that social representations theory typically promotes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
What role do material objects play in the formation of religious subjects? Drawing from an ethnographic investigation of the evolving relationships between a group of Eastern Orthodox converts and their religious icons, this article develops a theoretical approach to this question that conceptualizes material artifacts as “plot devices” in the formation of religious identity narratives. Integrating insights from studies of material religious culture with narrative theories of identity, this article argues that religious artifacts become significant to religious identity construction to the extent they act as resources for the configuration of a narrative structure in which transcendent or sacred others play a part. As the empirical details of this study demonstrate, attending to how religious objects’ symbolic meanings (i.e., who or what they represent) are mediated by their unique material characteristics (how they make meanings physically present to social actors in embodied social interaction) is of vital importance for explaining the significant role material artifacts play in the religious emplotment of action and experience.  相似文献   
束皙的赋作是六朝赋史中的特立独行者,选材的独特、语言的质朴使他在崇尚绮丽繁缛文风的西晋赋坛饱受争议。本文以为.正是柬皙赋中的这些迥异于时的因素使得他“代表了西晋文学非主流的一端”,对赋体表现空间的拓展及其功能的完善做出了贡献。  相似文献   
从纵向发展来看, 近年来贝叶斯推理研究从重推理问题轻推理者因素(关注频率信息和图表呈现的促进效应, 推理问题内容对推理的影响, 生态效度等), 逐渐转向重视推理者因素(知识背景, 主体关联性程度等)和推理过程, 最后发展到将推理问题、推理者和推理过程整合的趋势; 从横向发展来看, 各个纵向发展的阶段内部也有横向发展阶段, 整个研究结构呈立体状。未来的研究应进一步结合推理材料、推理过程考察推理者因素如焦虑、认知风格、元认知和工作记忆等对贝叶斯推理的影响, 并利用新的研究手段如ERP、眼动仪等探索和验证贝叶斯推理的影响因素及其认知加工过程。  相似文献   
The author hypothesizes that the papers Freud wrote in the period 1934‐9 constitute a fi nal turning point in his work resulting from an attempt to work through, by means of self‐analysis, early traumatic elements reactivated by the conditions of his life in the 1930s. The author emphasizes that the ups and downs of Freud's relationship with Sándor Ferenczi and the mourning which followed his death in 1933 played an important role in this traumatic situation. He suggests that through these last works, Freud pursued a posthumous dialogue with Ferenczi. This working through led Freud, in Moses and monotheism, to an ultimate revision of his theory of trauma, a revision which the author examines in full, in the light of the works of the Egyptologist, Jan Assmann. A new analytical paradigm emerges: that of constructions in analysis developed in the article of the same name. The activity of construction appears as an alternative to the mutual analysis proposed by Ferenczi and is closely bound up with the notion of historical truth. In psychoanalysis, it would mean constructing a historical truth whose anchoring in the material truth of the past is essential, though it should not be confused with it.  相似文献   
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