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卦主说是易学发展中一个比较重要的解易体例,其通过对《周易》经传的解构所蕴含的易学思想也是历代易学家研究的一个重要课题。卦主说发端于《易传》。后经西汉京房、魏王弼、清李光地等的阐述及运用,卦主说发展到相当完备的程度。虽然历代易学家所站的角度不同,认定卦主的标准也不尽一致,但他们之间毕竟存在着一定的承传关系。通过卦主说,他们阐明了一定的易学思想,也反映了当时的社会状况。  相似文献   
The author discusses and illustrates the place in current Kleinian practice of the analysis of the Oedipus complex. He outlines the development of the concept of the Oedipus complex by Freud and by Klein and later writers in the Kleinian tradition. Because the child's exclusion from his parents' sexual relationship represents such a fundamental aspect of reality for the child, analysis of the patient's responses to the oedipal situation constitutes the central task of analysis. Despite the Oedipus complex being in this way central, it is sometimes hard to discern because what is most visible are the patient's defensive responses to the oedipal situation. The emergence of meaning in analysis is often understood unconsciously as the product of the parental intercourse, represented by the work of the patient with the analyst, or of the analyst's or the patient's mind. The analysis of the patient's characteristic reactions to moments of meaningfulness in analysis is therefore an especially fruitful focus for the analysis of the Oedipus complex. The author illustrates these ideas by three clinical examples, from a 3½‐year‐old child, a borderline psychotic patient and a more neurotic patient.  相似文献   
A case of hysteria is presented in order to create a frame of reference for the author's approach to the concepts of hope, belief and faith. A difference between hope as a 'sad passion' (which is here called regressive hope) and hope as a principle of mental functioning is established. The concept of hope will at fi rst always be based on beliefs-either beliefs organised in the paranoid-schizoid position (called here fragmented and delusional beliefs)-or those organised from the depressive position (complex systems of beliefs, which end up being dogmatic); the latter typically occur in neurotics. It is suggested here that there is another possibility for hope, which is based on faith. The meaning of faith is considered here externally to the religious sense. The solid establishment of hope as a principle-based on faith-can be viewed as responsible for the opening up of creative potentials and as one of the main aims of analysis. Such an aim, however, requires the establishment of a deep relationship, both in theory and in clinical practice, between the Kleinian question of the depressive position and the Freudian question of the Oedipus complex.  相似文献   
当代都市女性择偶心理的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
殷雷 《心理科学》2004,27(2):468-470
本研究以问卷凋查和描述统计的方法,对当代都市女性的择偶心理进行了分析和探讨。从不同女性对择偶标准的排序中.显示出当代都市女性在择偶心理上的共同倾向.以及出现的某种变化。  相似文献   
本文包括长时记忆视优效应的三项实验。实验一使用汉语为学习材料,北京人与广东人为被试;实验二使用英语为学习材料、美国人与中国人为被试;实验三使用日语为学习材料、日本人为被试。三项实验都有视觉、听觉两种呈现方式。三项实验的结果都有利于证明频率差异假设,即如果在书面言语中经验某字词的频率高于在口语中经验该字词的频率,则该字词的视觉呈现优于听觉呈现。  相似文献   
Seventeen newborn squirrel monkeys, housed socially with their mothers and other adult females, were observed during their first 10 days of life. As early as day 1, infants began responding, vocally as well as by eye contact, to vocalizations and gaze directed to them by mothers and allomothers (aunts). Visual contact appeared always to be initiated by the adults. Infants spent less than 4% of awake time in eye contact with adults, but most infant-directed vocalizing occurred during these episodes, when both mothers and allomothers greatly increased their rate of calling. Infants were more likely to respond to vocalizations directed to them while in eye contact; 72% of infants' responsive vocalizing occurred then. These data are compared to those for human mothers and infants, where eye contact has also been shown to stimulate vocal exchange. A functional explanation of the involvement of allomothers, based on the infant's clinging position, is discussed.  相似文献   
Micro-position effects in visual short term memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term memory for visually presented eight-digit numbers was tested in a forced recall, read-and-dial task. The digits were presented non-grouped or grouped in 2+2+2+2 or 2+3+3 digit formats. Spatial grouping enhanced memory performance and produced local discontinuities in the serial position curves related to grouping format. These micro-position effects are explained in terms of the relative spatial distinctiveness of individual digits.  相似文献   
换位棋问题规则的表征与解题正确率间关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王东晖  傅小兰 《心理科学》1997,20(6):536-540
本研究通过对被试求解换位棋过程的记录与分析,重点研究了问题表征在换位棋求解过程中的作用。实验结果表明:(1)正确表征问题规则是解题的必要前提.对问题规则信息的误解和遗漏,是影响解题正确率的重要因素。其中对非隐含问题规则的错误表征也占全部错误表征的很大比率。(2)“关键结构”的发现是解决换位棋的必要条件,对问题规则的错误表征影响“关键结构”的发现.(3)前置问题的解决经验对目标问题的正确表征无显著的影响作用。  相似文献   
本文指出了自我报告法中项目前后关系效应的普遍存在性及其危害性。讨论了用信息加工的观点对项目前后关系效应所作的认知上的理论解释,以及测量工具中促使产生这种项目前后关系效应的关键特征。同时也讨论了项目序列位置的作用。  相似文献   
吴艳红  朱滢 《心理科学》1999,22(4):298-301
以中国汉字为材料,考察不同系列项目呈现时间范式中的系列位置效应,并验证Neath提出的区辨理论公式对中文材料的适用性。结果表明,在非常短暂的系列项目呈现时间,并且项目之间的时间间隔按不同中数比率变化的实验条件中.均存在明显的系列位置效应;但是Neath提出的区辨理论的公式,不能预测本实验结果,从另一个方面说明汉字不同于拼音文字的特点。  相似文献   
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