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Abstract: This paper examines the world of psychotherapy by applying a systemic and psychodynamic understanding of the family business as a way of understanding the dilemmas and challenges of leadership succession. Oedipal factors are explored as an important theme within the succession process. This exploration is set within the context of what function psychotherapy has performed in society over the last thirty years. The hypothesis is that the first generation of leaders aimed to provide containment for the individual citizen at a time of failed dependency in society. The suggestion is that this gave way to the primary task for the second generation, which has been to focus on the therapist in training. The challenge for the third generation is to develop a meaningful role for psychotherapy today and to ensure survival at a time when other shorter therapies such as CBT are gaining ascendancy over longer term psychoanalytic psychotherapy.  相似文献   
Collaborative care map construction is proposed as an alternative reference to the clinical practice of treatment planning. This reframe is intended to highlight the importance of client–therapist collaboration in “mapping out” care. Six therapist postures or practices are presented and discussed that promote client involvement: (a) speaking tentatively, (b) revisiting role induction, (c) inviting client preferences, (d) determining direction, (e) wondering aloud, and (f) checking for clarity and soliciting feedback. Suggestions are provided for employing these postures within the time constraints and external controls of managed care entities.  相似文献   
Samejima (Psychometrika 65:319–335, 2000) proposed the logistic positive exponent family of models (LPEF) for dichotomous responses in the unidimensional latent space. The objective of the present paper is to propose and discuss a graded response model that is expanded from the LPEF, in the context of item response theory (IRT). This specific graded response model belongs to the general framework of graded response model (Samejima, Psychometrika Monograph, No. 17, 1969 and No. 18, 1972; Handbook of modern item response theory, Springer, New York, 1997; Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Academic Press, San Diego, 2004), and, in particular to the heterogeneous case (Samejima, Psychometrika Monograph, No. 18, 1972). Thus, the model can deal with any number of ordered polytomous responses, such as letter grades (e.g., A, B, C, D, F), etc. For brevity, hereafter, the model will be called the LPEF graded response model, or LPEFG. This model reflects the opposing two principles contained in the LPEF for dichotomous responses, with the logistic model (Birnbaum, Statistical theories of mental test scores, Addison Wesley, Reading, 1968) as their transition, which provide a reasonable rationale for partial credits in LPEFG, among others.  相似文献   
Psychosocial intervention has been found to be related to subsequent reductions in health care use. Studies generally measure this “offset effect” by combining medical use categories into one outcome variable, such as outpatient doctor visits. However, using a general outcome variable may obscure more specific patterns of reduction. In an effort to identify potential “targets” for mental health intervention, outpatient care for health screening, illness visits, laboratory/X-ray, and urgent care were considered. Health care use reductions were most prominent for high utilizers and were found across a number of different types of outpatient care. With high utilizers, those who participated in MFT showed significant reductions of 68% for health screening visits, 38% for illness visits, 56% for laboratory/X-ray visits, and 78% for urgent care visits.  相似文献   
家庭事务分配与女性性别意识研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用2000年第二期中国妇女地位调查数据,根据数据所展示的家务劳动时间的影响因素和家务分工满意度的对比,导入对一个问题的关注:为什么在家庭内部事务存在明显的性别差异的情况下,男女两性对家庭地位的满意度却相差无几,女性为何甘于处在这样一种地位?本文尝试对这一现象进行解释。  相似文献   
本文对西方有关家庭功能理论进行综述。西方关于家庭功能的理论取向可分为两类:一类是以环状理论以及系统理论为代表的结构取向;另一类是执行过程取向。影响家庭功能的因素可分为横向因素与纵向因素两类。此外,通过对我国已有家庭功能理论的研究回顾,指出了未来我国家庭功能理论的研究方向。  相似文献   
李琬予  寇彧 《心理科学进展》2011,19(7):1069-1075
个体的孝道信念是在与父母的互动过程中形成的。在养育子女阶段, 父母依据其家庭模式的要求塑造子女的自主意愿, 子女的自主意愿又进而影响了其孝道信念; 在父母年老阶段, 个体所在文化的代际互惠模式塑造了亲子的孝道期待和信念; 亲子关系的变化, 调整着亲子间孝道观的内容及影响方式。未来研究应关注家庭模式重构对亲子孝道观的影响, 进一步探索中国家庭模式及代际互惠模式下的亲子孝道观特点, 并建立有效的干预方案, 以提高子女的孝道信念。  相似文献   
采用亲属词判断任务和真假词判断任务, 考查了“上下意象图式”对羌族被试认知隐含辈分关系的羌族亲属词的影响, 并通过空间识别任务检验亲属词辈份概念加工能否自动地激活空间意象图式, 引导空间注意朝向与空间意象图式一致的位置。实验1表明, 在羌族被试对羌族亲属词的认知中, 存在着“隐喻一致性效应”:高辈分的亲属词呈现在计算机屏幕的上方加工得更快, 低辈分的亲属词呈现在计算机屏幕的下方加工得更快。实验2表明, 当目标刺激的空间位置与亲属词的辈分信息一致时, 羌族被试对目标刺激的辨认速度更快。整个研究表明, 羌族亲属词隐含的辈分关系可以用垂直空间关系来理解, 并引导被试的空间注意朝向与上下意象图式一致的位置, 证明对抽象概念的理解基于感觉运动的加工, 符合概念隐喻理论的预言。  相似文献   
赵简  孙健敏  张西超 《心理科学》2013,36(1):170-174
本研究选取253名已婚全职员工为研究对象,采用自陈式问卷调查的方法,考察了工作要求、工作资源、心理资本对工作家庭关系的影响。结果发现:(1)工作要求与工作家庭双向冲突均呈显著正相关;(2)工作资源与工作家庭双向冲突均呈显著负相关,与工作家庭双向促进均呈显著正相关;(3)心理资本在工作资源与工作家庭关系间起中介作用。  相似文献   
This study expands the understanding of business-related tensions within business-owning couples through an interdisciplinary literature review, through a longitudinal data analysis, and through application of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to a case study. Business-owning husbands and wives in this study reported that conflicts related to work/family life balance and unfair distribution of resources (money, time, energy) between family and business systems create the greatest tensions. Low family functionality, wives' role dissatisfaction, transfer of resources from family to business, and husbands' identification of wives as major decision makers were all predictors of wives' higher tension levels. Husbands reported increased tension when wives worked more hours in the business. Three elements of EFT are applied to a family business couple.  相似文献   
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