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The structure of businesses and the structure of families are very similar, considering the fact that so many businesses are owned or operated by families. Structural family therapists who are knowledgeable in systems theory and have an adequate understanding of the underlying concepts of structural family theory (including hierarchy, boundaries, and coalitions) can translate their knowledge to the structure of businesses and organizations. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the similarities between the structures of families and businesses. In doing so, an application of structural family theory to the business world (employee assistance programs, business consultation, and family businesses) will be demonstrated.  相似文献   
The Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) was used to assess 18 primary mental abilities in 53 white, male prison inmates for whom highly reliable ratings of psychopathy were available. None of the correlations between ratings of psychopathy and scores on the CAB tests was significant, and the overall pattern or structure of abilities was the same for inmates with low and high ratings of psychopathy. The possibility is raised that the personality characteristics of psychopaths make them appear to be brighter and more creative than they actually are. Compared with norms for male high school students, the inmates as a group generally performed well, falling near the 50th percentile on 11 of the tests. The inmates performed significantly better than the normative sample on tests of verbal ability, esthetic judgment, aiming, and representational drawing, and significantly worse on tests of ideational fluency, spontaneous flexibility, and word fluency.This research was supported by Grant MT-4511 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
In a factorial design with two or more factors, there is nonzero interaction when the differences among the levels of one factor vary with levels of other factors. The interaction is disordinal or qualitative with respect to a specific factor, sayA, if the difference between at least two levels ofA is positive for some and negative for some levels of the other factors. Using standard methods of analysis, there is a potentially large probability of drawing incorrect conclusions about the signs of differences in the presence of disordinal interaction. The maximum probability of such incorrect conclusions, or directional errors, is derived for two-factor designs in which the factor of interest has two levels and the number of levels of the other factor varies.  相似文献   
This paper presents a strategy for pairwise assessment which may be used to evaluate the nature of both prerequisite and transference relations existing among a set of traits. This strategy is appropriate for use both within a confirmatory context, in which an attempt is made to establish the validity of some specified set of relations among traits, as well as within an exploratory context, in which a search is made for unconjectured prerequisite and transference relations existing between pairs of traits. Both uses of this strategy are based on a variety of latent class models which are representative of various possible relational states existing between pairs of traits. Thus, the nature of trait relations may be investigated through the use of statistical assessments of both absolute and relative fit attained by these models. An application is presented to exemplify how this strategy may be used within the exploratory context.The author is obliged to Clifford Clogg, C. Mitchell, Dayton, and William Schafer for helpful comments made regarding a previous draft of this paper as well as to Mary Papageorgiou who provided access to the data which was considered in this study.  相似文献   
农村选民选举行为的结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以云南省两个县八个自然村的 2 62名选民为被试 ,采用心理测量原理与技术探讨了农村选民选举行为的结构特征。结果表明 ,政见取向由“政策效应”、“民生意识”、“村民权益”和“监督机制”4个因素构成 ,非政见取向由“候选人身份”、“候选人德能”、“选民社会关系”、“候选人背景”、“选民自我利益”、“选民自我权利”和“政党意见”7个因素构成。经检验 ,由此构成的农村选举行为问卷具有较高的内部一致性 ,问卷项目具有较高的区分度。文章讨论了农村选民选举行为的结构特征及其意义。  相似文献   
管理者影响策略的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究根据中国企事业组织内管理者对他人发挥影响力的特点 ,选取反映中国文化的影响计策编成题目 ,并与西方背景下构建的组织影响策略量表汇编成问卷。 2 1 8位中国管理者用汇编的问卷评定他们与直接上司和直接下属在工作中相处时使用这些计策的频率。结果发现 ,在因素水平有“应变控制”和“温情说服”两个正交因素。这两个因素跨影响方向一致。对各因素内的题目做聚类分析 ,发现大多数聚类的内容跨影响方向的一致性不高。与西方的组织策略量表对照 ,因新题目的加入 ,汇编的影响计策量表内的聚类更好地反映了中国管理者使用影响计策的特点。  相似文献   
采用调整后的公共财物范式,将合作分为内部准备阶段(合作意识)和外部表现阶段(合作行为),以中国人人格问卷(QZPS)为工具,研究人格特质结构对合作不同阶段的影响机制。结果表明,(1)在合作的不同阶段,产生影响作用的人格特质因素不同。中国人人格特质中的善良和情绪性直接影响合作意识,行事风格与人际关系因素直接影响合作行为,外向性通过调节合作意识与合作行为的关系影响合作行为。(2)在考虑合作意识与人格特质交互作用的模型能够更好的解释和预测合作行为。文中讨论了在研究合作过程时从个体内部因素、特质以及外部情境等多角  相似文献   
隐性知识大量存在于中医医者知识体系中。深入探讨中医医者隐性知识的结构维度,有利于中医的传承及个体隐性知识的转移。通过文献分析和专家访谈,发现中医隐性知识可以分为学习策略维度、临床技能维度、人际互动维度、情绪情感维度、价值取向维度和中医药文化维度。结合各维度之间的相互关系,构建了中医隐性知识的结构模型。为了提升该维度结构模型的科学性,对国家级名老中医、国医大师、中医院管理者进行了深度访谈和问卷调查,进行了验证性研究。  相似文献   
研究了1965年~2015年美国高等临床药学教育体系的层次结构、形式结构和分布结构等宏观结构的变迁情况。从临床药学实践、药师动态短缺、产业结构基础、办学经费来源、人口地理分布等方面,对半个世纪以来美国临床药学教育体系宏观结构变迁情况进行归因分析。在总结并肯定美国高等临床药学教育体系极高的市场敏感性和较强的结构优化灵活性的同时,探讨了美国高等临床药学教育体系宏观结构变迁过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
新医改方案明确强调公立医院回归公益性,并提出建立和完善医院法人治理结构。公立医院法人治理改革必须确保和强化其公益性特点,并在此基础上尝试构建我国公立医院理事会型治理模式的基本框架,以期得出有助于推进我国公立医院法人治理结构改革的结论及建议。分析了公立医院内部治理的核心,即建立权力、责任与利益相互制衡的机制;以及独立理事制度、有效的市场竞争机制、信息披露机制和社会监督体系等公益性的外部保障。构建公立医院理事会型治理模式必须完善医院内外部治理结构与机制,同时要有相应的政策法规配套。  相似文献   
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