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The purpose of the present study was twofold. In an analysis of data from an existing randomized control trial of brief cognitive behavioral treatment on specific phobias (One-Session Treatment, OST; Ollendick et al., 2009), we examined 1) the effect of comorbid specific phobias and other anxiety disorders on treatment outcomes, and 2) the effect of treatment of the specific phobia on these co-occurring disorders. These relations were explored in 100 youth presenting with animal, natural environment, situational, and “other” types of phobia. Youth were reliably diagnosed with the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV: Child and Parent versions (Silverman & Albano, 1996). Clinician severity ratings at post-treatment and 6-month follow-up were examined as were parent and child treatment outcome satisfaction measures. Results indicated that the presence of comorbid phobias or anxiety disorders did not affect treatment outcomes; moreover, treatment of the targeted specific phobias led to significant reductions in the clinical severity of other co-occurring specific phobias and related anxiety disorders. These findings speak to the generalization of the effects of this time-limited treatment approach. Implications for treatment of principal and comorbid disorders are discussed, and possible mechanisms for these effects are commented upon.  相似文献   
Internet-delivered psychological treatment of major depression has been investigated in several trials, but the role of personalized treatment is less investigated. Studies suggest that guidance is important and that automated computerized programmes without therapist support are less effective. Individualized e-mail therapy for depression has not been studied in a controlled trial. Eighty-eight individuals with major depression were randomized to two different forms of Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), or to a waiting-list control group. One form of Internet treatment consisted of guided self-help, with weekly modules and homework assignments. Standard CBT components were presented and brief support was provided during the treatment. The other group received e-mail therapy, which was tailored and did not use the self-help texts i.e., all e-mails were written for the unique patient. Both treatments lasted for 8 weeks. In the guided self-help 93% completed (27/29) and in the e-mail therapy 96% (29/30) completed the posttreatment assessment. Results showed significant symptom reductions in both treatment groups with moderate to large effect sizes. At posttreatment 34.5% of the guided self-help group and 30% of the e-mail therapy group reached the criteria of high-end-state functioning (Beck Depression Inventory score below 9). At six-month follow-up the corresponding figures were 47.4% and 43.3%. Overall, the difference between guided self-help and e-mail therapy was small, but in favour of the latter. These findings indicate that both guided self-help and individualized e-mail therapy can be effective.  相似文献   
One child with developmental disabilities was taught to mand for attention by saying "excuse me." Treatment effects were extended to multiple training contexts by teaching the participant to attend to naturally occurring discriminative stimuli through differential reinforcement of communication during periods of the experimenter's nonbusy activities (e.g., reading a magazine). Results are discussed in terms of future research on the generalization and maintenance of functional communication in the natural environment.  相似文献   
Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) is used frequently as a treatment for problem behavior. Previous studies on treatment integrity failures during DRA suggest that the intervention is robust, but research has not yet investigated the effects of different types of integrity failures. We examined the effects of two types of integrity failures on DRA, starting with a human operant procedure and extending the results to children with disabilities in a school setting. Human operant results (Experiment 1) showed that conditions involving reinforcement for problem behavior were more detrimental than failing to reinforce appropriate behavior alone, and that condition order affected the results. Experiments 2 and 3 replicated the effects of combined errors and sequence effects during actual treatment implementation.  相似文献   
含有生物碱类、皂苷类、萜类、毒蛋白类、重金属类成分的中药易致急性肝损伤.中药对肝脏损伤的原因及机制较为复杂,可能与药物对肝脏的直接毒性或特异性体质有关.此外,中药炮制方法、给药途径、剂型、剂量、疗程及配伍不当也会引起药物性肝损伤.中药所致的药物性肝损伤的诊断主要依据用药史、发病的时间、过程和临床表现并排除其他因素.治疗可选用还原型谷胱甘肽、S-腺苷蛋氨酸、多烯磷脂酰胆碱、熊去氧胆酸、水飞蓟素等药物,重症可选择人工肝脏支持治疗.  相似文献   
加强对布氏杆菌病流行病学资料、临床特点、诊断、治疗、预后及本病误诊误治的前因后果等方面的认识,回顾性分析潍坊医学院附属医院近两年收治的28例布氏杆菌病病例,并总结布氏杆菌病在诊断、治疗等方面的特点.经查阅国内外资料分析所得,近20余年,布氏杆菌病发病率呈上升趋势,传播途径复杂,临床表现无特异性,易误诊误治;利福平、四环素及喹诺酮药物疗效肯定,治愈率高.临床医师须加强对本病的全面认识,提高诊断率并提供规范治疗、减轻患者心理及精神负担.  相似文献   
鼻咽癌是我国高发恶性肿瘤之一,发病率为头颈部恶性肿瘤之首。鼻咽癌对放疗、化疗均敏感。单纯的放射治疗虽然能够使早期患者获得很好的局部控制率,但是对于局部晚期患者而言,其5年生存率难以令人满意,治疗失败主要是因为区域复发和远处转移。化学治疗对放疗起到了补充作用,临床应用目前主要有同期化疗、辅助化疗、诱导化疗三种。本文对过去20年间化疗在局部晚期鼻咽癌治疗中的应用归纳总结。  相似文献   
妊娠合并结核是一种对母婴健康危害极大的妊娠期疾病。在妊娠期结核病中,多数患者无明显症状,早期症状与妊娠期某些生理反应相似,加之妊娠与结核病的相互影响,x线、CT等重要的影像学检查受限,致使本病易被误诊或误治。某些抗结核药物对母婴的不良影响,使其治疗难以实施,由于结核病本身及治疗后可能对胎儿的影响,在临床上是否终止妊娠往往难以决策。本文就妊娠合并结核诊治过程中的相关问题进行综述,以期为临床诊治决策提供帮助。  相似文献   
近几年随着循证医学证据的不断增加,各国对心力衰竭指南进行了更新.主要是2012年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)与心衰学会公布的心力衰竭新指南、2011年澳大利亚和新西兰慢性心力衰竭诊治指南、2010年英国国立健康与临床优化研究所(NICE)慢性心力衰竭诊治指南、2009美国心脏病学会(ACC)/美国心脏协会(AHA)实践指南工作组成人心力衰竭诊疗指南及2010年我国的急性心力衰竭指南等.各国指南对心力衰竭的诊断和治疗都提出了具体的意见和建议,其中不乏亮点,如对慢性心力衰竭患者更加重视血运重建的治疗作用、推荐心力衰竭治疗的一种新型β受体阻滞剂奈必洛尔等等.我们对以上几个指南做了浅要分析,以取长补短更规范的诊治心力衰竭患者.  相似文献   
尽管30年前鲍林与卡梅伦曾经用静脉注射+口服大剂量维生素C(10克/天)治疗肿瘤患者,并验证抗坏血酸的抗癌功效,但梅约医疗中心的口服双盲试验否定了他们的结论.沉寂30年后,鲍林的继承者瑞欧丹通过不懈的努力用科学实验和医疗实践证明,通过静脉滴注大剂量抗坏血酸,令其在血浆达到一定浓度,可以杀死多种癌细胞,从而作为化疗药物可以有效治疗恶性肿瘤.30年来的临床实践现已总结为“瑞欧丹规程”.近年来,他们的成就受到美国主流医学和媒体的高度重视.与一般化疗药物相比,该法的好处是基本没有副作用,延长生存期,提高存活质量(QOF).这是一项重大科学发现和成就.该疗法的确立意义重大,将推动癌的治疗及预防,乃至其他疾病如冠心病、感染性疾病及炎症的治疗及预防,提高人类健康水平.  相似文献   
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