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This article argues for reconceptualizing islām as ‘wholeness making, peacemaking, well-being making, and safety making’ in the institutional setting of theological schools. A small number of Protestant seminaries have hired Muslim faculty and introduced Islamic studies programmes, thereby allowing for approaches to the study of Islam that focus on theology, professional practice and the lived experience of religion. Using the lens of translation studies, this article analyses the semantic and functional equivalence of this fourfold meaning in the Arabic source language and context, as well as the English target language and context, focusing on Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto as an example. The article demonstrates how this translation is linguistically more accurate than ‘submission’ and other conceptualizations and contextually better suited to meeting the theological and professional needs of students who venture into the workplace. Furthermore, the article shows how this fourfold translation serves as an overarching ethos in ethical reasoning, rendering the central theory of the objectives of the law (maqā?id al-sharī?a) functional and pragmatic. At the same time, it provides a foundation for dealing with diversity and difference in interreligious and intercultural settings.  相似文献   
Risky and aggressive driving is an important cause of traffic casualties and as such a major health and cost problem to society. Given the consequences for others, risky and aggressive driving has a clear moral component. Surprisingly, however, there has been little research on the relation between morality and risky and aggressive driving behavior. In this study we aim at addressing this gap. First, we present a conceptual analysis of the relationship between moral values and aggressive driving behavior. For this purpose, we extend Schwartz’s integrated model of ethical decision making and apply it to the context of aggressive driving. This conceptual analysis shows that moral decision-making processes consist of several stages, like moral awareness, moral judgment and moral intent, each of which are influenced by individual and situational factors and all of which need to materialize before someone’s generally endorsed moral value affects concrete behavior. This suggests that the moral value-aggressive driving relationship is rather indeterminate. This conceptual picture is confirmed by our empirical investigation, which tests to what extent respondents’ moral values, measured through the Moral Foundation Questionnaire, are predictive of respondents’ aggressive driving behavior, as measured through an aggressive driving behavior scale. Our results show few and rather weak empirical relationships between moral values and committed aggressive driving behaviors, as was expected in light of our conceptual analysis. We derive several policy implications from these results.  相似文献   
This is the first study to examine how types of ethical work climates (EWCs) are related to facets of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in military units. Research hypotheses were examined using sample data collected from 508 military officers in Taiwan. The results indicated that the overall EWC and some climate types are significantly positively or negatively associated with overall OCB, OCB-organization (OCBO), OCB-individual (OCBI), and in-role behavior (IRB). Implications of EWC and practical management are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   
Although complementary and alternative therapies (CATs) are utilised widely for treating psychological disorders, little research has examined psychologists' beliefs about integrating CAT into psychological practice. Six practicing psychologists and six psychology students were interviewed about their CAT integration beliefs, in particular integrating CAT into clinical practice via recommending CATs, offering referrals to CAT practitioners, or undertaking training to utilise CATs within psychological practice. Guided broadly from a theory of planned behaviour perspective, participants raised a number of costs and benefits, discussed referent groups who would influence their decisions, and suggested motivators and barriers for integration. A number of additional themes were raised, including risks, such as the possibility of litigation and the need for clear Society guidelines, as most participants were unclear about what constitutes appropriate practice. Identifying these themes serves as an important initial step to informing discussion and policy for this emerging practice issue within psychology.  相似文献   
经济主体的伦理分析是马克思经济伦理思想的主要内容之一。马克思从人类主体活动的社会形式角度,把人类社会分成三个形态。对应于三种形态,经济主体的表现形式为原始丰富的人、异化的人、全面发展的人,在马克思看来,一定社会形态下现实的不同的人表现出不同的伦理特性。  相似文献   
论曾国藩家训伦理思想及其现代意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国藩家训伦理思想是中国仕宦家训的发展颠峰。其主要内容是:孝悌乃家和之方,勤俭乃兴家之本,谦敬乃交接之要,知足乃立身之术。其基本方法是:以身立范法、严爱殷责法、因材施教法。这些内容和方法对于当今家庭伦理道德、社会公德、行政道德、劳动伦理及消费伦理的建设具有重要的启示和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
尊重人体尸体:人体解剖教学的伦理原则   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对医学院校解剖教学的调研和对利害关系人的访谈,发现不尊重人体尸体的观念和行为是阻碍遗体捐献的一个重要原因。因此提出“尊重人体尸体”这一解剖教学伦理原则,并加强对医学生解剖教学伦理教育。  相似文献   
目前没有确定的证据表明异种移植是安全的还是危险的。考察了关于跨物种感染的科学和哲学争论,总结出关于“跨物种感染是伦理上无关的”正反论证,提出自己的反论证。最后得出结论:跨物种感染不是伦理上无关的。并且,由于跨物种感染蕴藏的对公众的潜在的巨大风险,新的全球生命伦理学研究范式和涉及人体研究的新的伦理框架需要进一步研究。  相似文献   
This paper aims to evaluate thechallenges posed to traditional ethical theoryby the ethics of feminism, multiculturalism,and environmentalism. I argue that JamesSterba, in his Three Challenges to Ethics,provides a distorted assessment by trying toassimilate feminism, multiculturalism, andenvironmentalism into traditional utilitarian,virtue, and Kantian/Rawlsian ethics – which hethus seeks to rescue from their alleged``biases.' In the cases of feminism andmulticulturalism, I provide an alternativeaccount on which these new critical discourseschallenge the whole paradigm or conception ofethical inquiry embodied in the tradition.They embrace different questions, goals, toolsof analysis, and wider audiences, typicallyignored or marginalized by traditionalethicists.I illustrate my argument through briefinterpretations of writers such as Susan Okin,Catharine Mackinnon, Sandra Bartky, JohnStoltenberg, Richard Wasserstrom, AnthonyAppiah, Charles Mills, Will Kymlicka, CharlesTaylor, and Martha Nussbaum. In many of thesecases, I suggest that they provide us with newways of being ethicists.In the case of environmentalism, I defend amore conservative and negative assessment.Sterba embraces authors such as Peter Singer,Tom Regan, and Paul Taylor in order to advancean environmentalist ethic of ``speciesequality/impartiality' and ``biocentricpluralism.' Here I argue that the traditionalKantian/Rawlsian ethics – which Sterba hopesto accommodate – actually provides compellingmoral reasons for rejecting his principles of``species impartiality' and biocentricpluralism. Moreover, Rawlsian ethics canprovide a more coherent, consistent, andplausible account of environmental issues thanSterba's brand of environmental ethics. Iargue that in practice, his ethics concedeswhat it denies in theory – namely, the specialvalue which inheres in human beings.As such, environmental ethics, unlike feminismand multiculturalism, poses very little in theway of a credible challenge or alternative totraditional ethics.  相似文献   
文章概述了对由IBC负责起草的"生命伦理学普适规范宣言"的不同的宗教和道德观点.在联合国教科文组织国际生命伦理学委员会第十一次会议(法国巴黎,2004年8月23-24日)上,由分别来自佛教、儒家、印度教、伊斯兰教、犹太教和天主教的代表发表了这些观点.文章评述了这个生命伦理学宣言产生的过程,其对世界上截然不同、不同通约的宗教和道德观点必定是敏感的.文章主张,具有不同道德传统的生命伦理学家,而不是生物医学科学家,应该在制定国际适用的可行的生命伦理学规范中扮演重要的角色.  相似文献   
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