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The control exerted by a stimulus associated with an extinction component (S−) on observing responses was determined as a function of its temporal relation with the onset of the reinforcement component. Lever pressing by rats was reinforced on a mixed random-interval extinction schedule. Each press on a second lever produced stimuli associated with the component of the schedule in effect. In Experiment 1 a response-dependent clock procedure that incorporated different stimuli associated with an extinction component of a variable duration was used. When a single S− was presented throughout the extinction component, the rate of observing remained relatively constant across this component. In the response-dependent clock procedure, observing responses increased from the beginning to the end of the extinction component. This result was replicated in Experiment 2, using a similar clock procedure but keeping the number of stimuli per extinction component constant. We conclude that the S− can function as a conditioned reinforcer, a neutral stimulus or as an aversive stimulus, depending on its temporal location within the extinction component.  相似文献   
This study uses a curve-fitting approach to evaluate the effects of drugs on reinforced responding in rats. The subjects obtained reinforcement according to a series of five different variable-interval schedules (a five-component multiple schedule). For each rat, pimozide, a neuroleptic, decreased response rate, and the decrease was associated with (1) a decrease in the estimated asymptotic response rate and (2) an increase in the rate of reinforcement necessary for half-asymptotic responding. That is, pimozide decreased the proportion of responding maintained by a given rate of reinforcement. In contrast, intermediate doses of amphetamine increased response rate and increased the proportion of responding maintained by a given rate of reinforcement. It was proposed that the response rate asymptote indexes motor capacity, and the rate of reinforcement necessary for half-asymptotic responding indexes reinforcement efficacy; accordingly, pimozide decreased motor capacity and reinforcement strength and amphetamine increased reinforcement strength.  相似文献   
Mean squared error of prediction is used as the criterion for determining which of two multiple regression models (not necessarily nested) is more predictive. We show that an unrestricted (or true) model witht parameters should be chosen over a restricted (or misspecified) model withm parameters if (P t 2 ?P m 2 )>(1?P t 2 )(t?m)/n, whereP t 2 andP m 2 are the population coefficients of determination of the unrestricted and restricted models, respectively, andn is the sample size. The left-hand side of the above inequality represents the squared bias in prediction by using the restricted model, and the right-hand side gives the reduction in variance of prediction error by using the restricted model. Thus, model choice amounts to the classical statistical tradeoff of bias against variance. In practical applications, we recommend thatP 2 be estimated by adjustedR 2 . Our recommendation is equivalent to performing theF-test for model comparison, and using a critical value of 2?(m/n); that is, ifF>2?(m/n), the unrestricted model is recommended; otherwise, the restricted model is recommended.  相似文献   
Rates and patterns of key-press responding maintained under schedules in which responding resulted in intravenous injections of cocaine were studied in squirrel monkeys and rhesus monkeys. Each injection was followed by a 60- or 100-sec timeout period. Schedule-controlled behavior was obtained at appropriate cocaine doses in each species. Under FR 10 or FR 30 schedules, performance was characterized by high rates of responding (usually more than one response per second) in each ratio. Under FI 5-min schedules, performance was characterized by an initial pause, followed by acceleration of responding to a final rate that was maintained until the end of the interval. Under multiple fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules, rates and patterns of responding appropriate to each schedule component were maintained. Responding seldom occurred during timeout periods under any schedule studied. At doses of cocaine above or below those that maintained characteristic schedule-controlled behavior, rates of responding were relatively low and patterns of responding were irregular. Characteristic fixed-interval responding was maintained over a wider range of cocaine doses than characteristic fixed-ratio responding. Complex patterns of responding controlled by discriminative stimuli under fixed-ratio or fixed-interval schedules can be maintained by cocaine injections in squirrel monkeys and rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   
Squirrel monkeys pressed a lever under fixed-interval schedules of food or of electric-shock presentation. Both schedules induced repeated biting on a latex hose. Whether lever pressing was controlled by food or by electric shock, a pattern of decreasing hose biting and increasing lever pressing occurred within fixed-interval cycles. As the fixed-interval duration was increased from 6 to 600 sec, average rates of lever pressing decreased under both schedules. Average rates of hose biting first increased with increasing parameter value, reaching a maximum at values that varied from 60 to 337 sec in different monkeys, and then declined at higher values. d-Amphetamine at appropriate doses increased overall rates of lever pressing maintained by food or by shock, but either did not affect or decreased overall rates of hose biting. When no timeout period occurred between fixed-interval cycles, the monkeys bit most frequently immediately after food or electric shock was presented. When there was a timeout period, hose biting began shortly after the start of the fixed-interval cycles, with little or no hose biting immediately after food or electric shock was presented. Most hose biting appeared to be schedule-induced rather than food- or shock-induced.  相似文献   
Three experiments examined a discrimination training sequence that led to emergent simple discrimination in human subjects. The experiments differed primarily in their subject populations. Normally capable adults served in the first experiment, preschool children in the second, and mentally retarded adults in the third. In all experiments, subjects learned a simple simultaneous discrimination: When visual stimuli A1 and A2 were displayed together, reinforcers followed selections of A1, the S+, but not A2, the S-. The subjects also learned a conditional discrimination taught with an arbitrary visual-visual matching-to-sample procedure. Comparisons were two additional visual stimuli, B1 and B2, and samples were A1 and A2. Reinforcers followed selections of B1 in the presence of A1 and of B2 in the presence of A2. After the simple-discrimination and conditional-discrimination baselines had been acquired, B1 and B2 were displayed alone (without a sample) on probe trials. Subjects had never been taught explicitly how to respond to such displays. Nonetheless, they almost always selected B1, which was involved in a conditional relation with A1, the stimulus that served as S+ on the simple-discrimination trials. This outcome suggested the formation of stimulus classes during conditional-discrimination training. Through class formation, B1 and B2 had apparently acquired stimulus functions similar to those shown by A1 and A2 on simple-discrimination trials, thereby leading to emergent selections of B1 on the probes.  相似文献   
Three experiments examined the effects of opportunities for an alternative response (drinking) on positive behavioral contrast of rats' food-reinforced bar pressing. In both Experiments 1 and 2 the baseline multiple variable-interval schedules were rich (variable interval 10-s), and contrast was examined both with and without a water bottle present. In Experiment 1, the rats were not water deprived. When one component of the multiple schedule was changed to extinction, the rate of bar pressing increased in the constant component (positive behavioral contrast). The magnitude of contrast was larger when the bottle was absent than when it was present, as predicted by the matching law. Drinking did not shift from the constant variable-interval component to the extinction component, as might have been expected from competition theory. In Experiment 2, the rats were water deprived. Contrast was larger when the bottle was present than when it was absent, and drinking did shift to the extinction component, as predicted by competition theory. In Experiment 3, water-deprived rats responded on leaner multiple variable-interval schedules (60-s) in the presence of a water bottle. When one component was changed to extinction, contrast did not occur, and drinking did not shift to the extinction component. The present results suggest that there are at least two different sources of behavioral contrast: “competitive” contrast, observed when an alternative response occurs with high probability, and “noncompetitive” contrast, observed when an alternative response occurs with low probability. The results, in conjunction with earlier studies, also suggest that the form of the alternative response and the rate of food reinforcement provided by the multiple schedule combine to determine the amount of contrast.  相似文献   
During Phase I, three female human subjects pressed a button for monetary reinforcement in two-component concurrent variable-interval schedules. Five different reinforcement frequencies were used in component A, whereas the reinforcement frequency in component B was held constant. Absolute rates of responding conformed to equations proposed by Herrnstein to describe concurent performances, and the ratios of the response rates and the times spent in the two components conformed to the matching law. During Phase II, the availability of reinforcement in component A was signaled by the illumination of a lamp. This resulted in suppression of response rates in component A and elevation of response rates in component B, these changes being reflected in a distortion of the matching relationship which took the form of a bias in favor of component B.  相似文献   
One male and three female human subjects pressed a button for monetary reinforcement under a range of variable-interval schedules specifying different frequencies of reinforcement. On alternate days, responding was also punished (by subtraction of money) according to a variable-interval 170-second schedule. In the absence of punishment, the rate of responding was an increasing negatively accelerated function of reinforcement frequency, as predicted by Herrnstein's equation. The effect of the punishment schedule was to suppress responding under lower frequencies of reinforcement; responding under higher reinforcement frequencies was much less affected. This was reflected in an increase in the value of KH (the constant expressing the reinforcement frequency corresponding to the half-maximal response rate), whereas there was no significant change in the value of Rmax (the constant expressing the maximum response rate). Previous results had shown that variable-ratio punishment resulted in a change in the values of both constants (Bradshaw, Szabadi, and Bevan, 1977). The results of the present study were consistent with the concept that the suppressive effects of punishment on responding depend on the nature of the punishment schedule.  相似文献   
操纵资源价值与数量的比例关系,形成互不影响的数量平等与价值平等,考察5~10岁儿童在不同卷入情境中公平分配发展的特点。结果发现:(1)6岁以后儿童公平分配发展存在数量平等“消”和价值平等“长”的特点;(2)与第一方卷入情境相比,在第三方卷入情境中9~10岁儿童公平行为发展存在差异,而公平认知不受卷入情境影响;(3)儿童公平认知发展能正向指导公平行为表现,但会受卷入情境、年龄和性别影响。  相似文献   
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