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The aim of this research is to examine the generality of the part‐set cueing effect, a well‐known memory‐inhibition phenomenon in basic research, to professional problem diagnosis. Three experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 examines whether part‐set cueing affects the ability of auditors to recall diagnoses, and if so, whether memory inhibition is affected by the plausibility of the hypotheses. Experiment 2 examines whether the part‐set cueing effect is sensitive to changes in the symptoms that drive the diagnosis and whether differences in inhibition occur because of prompt plausibility or because of target plausibility. Experiment 3 extends the findings of the first two experiments to hypothesis generation and discriminates between competing accounts for the part‐set cueing effect. The results show that part‐set cueing effects occur during hypothesis generation and that they are robust to changes in the symptoms. However, the results from the experiments reveal an asymmetric inhibition effect. Inhibition is significant when prompts contain low plausibility hypotheses that are also high in severity. When prompts consist of high plausibility or low severity hypotheses, no inhibition is observed. These findings are considered to be consistent with an editing account of the part‐set cueing phenomenon. The implications of these findings to problem diagnosis and decision aids are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We applied computer‐based text analyses of regressive imagery to verbal protocols of individuals engaged in creative problem‐solving in two domains: visual art (23 experts, 23 novices) and computer programming (14 experts, 14 novices). Percentages of words involving primary process and secondary process thought, plus emotion‐related words, were tabulated. Visual art protocols were higher in primary process thought and emotion‐related words; those from programming were higher in secondary process thought. Almost no main effects of expertise or interactions were found. Correlations between the measures (particularly those involving emotion‐related words) also varied as a function of task. This pattern suggests cognitive processes vary considerably across different creative problem‐solving tasks or domains, and that a more domain‐specific approach to creative cognition may be advisable. Further implications for integrating and consolidating some extant lines of creativity research are discussed.  相似文献   
以三套分别含有按照解题方法可以分为二类、三类、四类的物理学科问题分类实验材料,对济南市6所中学3个年级766名中学生进行研究,结果表明:不同年级、不同学业水平学生分类表征层次的差异显著,呈现随年级升高而升高的趋势,学优生的水平明显高于学困生,学优生更多地倾向内在分类表征;随着分类任务的类别数量增多,更多学生倾向外在分类表征;不同性别学生的分类表征层次没有显著差异;不同物理学科问题分类表征层次学生的物理成绩之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   
Roderick Chisholm argues that in giving an account of knowledge, we must either begin with an account of what knowledge is, and proceed on that basis to identify the particular things that we know, or else start with instances of knowledge, and proceed on that basis to formulate a definition of knowledge. Either approach begs the question against the other. This is the epistemic wheel. This article responds to Chisholm's challenge. It begins with cases of knowledge attribution and builds its account from there, identifying those features that we take to be present in the cases where we have attributed knowledge and those features that seem important when we want to withhold an attribution of knowledge. The proposal does not beg the question against either particularists or methodists; it takes the best features of each view, without beginning with either, and thereby removes us from the wheel.  相似文献   
本研究选取142名8~11岁儿童进行了加法等值问题测试,采用口头报告的方法考察了儿童解决加法等值问题的策略发展特点。研究表明:(1)儿童在解决加法等值问题中,策略具有多样性;(2)儿童在策略使用的数量上没有显著的年级差异,但在不同学习成绩的被试之间存在明显的不同;(3)总体上看儿童对正确策略的使用基本上都是随着年级的增加在逐渐提高,而对错误策略的使用却相反。  相似文献   
余嘉元 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1512-1514
精益生产是一种先进的生产管理技术,该技术在企业中的实施向心理学提出了诸多的新课题,包括思维模式的转变、员工的激励和团队精神的培养、对于知识丰富领域问题解决的研究、专门知识的作用和获取、人性论的研究、以及工业心理学、社会心理学和心理测验的应用等。  相似文献   
寻求专业性心理帮助的预测因素研究的综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在日常生活中,一些人在产生了自己难以解决的心理问题时,不寻求专业性心理帮助,以致使心理问题变得更加严重,这一问题已经引起了国内外不少学者的关注。他们运用各种问卷和访谈的方式,从分析求助者个人心理特点入手,并通过跨文化研究,揭示了人格特质和社会文化对心理求助的预测作用以及与心理咨询工作者有关的因素。该文概述并讨论了国内外关于此课题的研究成果,以期为我国的心理健康教育提供有价值的资料。  相似文献   
目前顿悟问题解决的心理机制主要存在两个有争议性的理论:进程监控理论和表征变化理论。现以非限制性的停车场问题为实验材料,检验顿悟问题解决的这两个心理机制。结果发现:(1)进程监控理论可解释顿悟被试的成绩优劣;(2)表征变化理论可对顿悟问题能否解决做出解释。  相似文献   
复杂问题解决:探索人们如何控制复杂动态系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂问题解决研究的目的是探索人们如何处理复杂、动态任务。Dorner作为该领域的先驱,将计算机模拟情境作为研究工具,后来的研究者从不同的角度进行复杂问题解决研究。本文介绍了复杂问题解决研究的发展历史,总结了复杂问题解决情境的特征,包括动态性、复杂性、模糊性以及时间滞后性,进一步比较了复杂问题解决与自然决策和动态决策的差别。在此基础上,从控制系统的个体要求以及系统特征等方面总结了在Dorner的个体差异比较范式下复杂问题解决研究的进展。最后提出复杂问题解决研究的展望。  相似文献   
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