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工作中能量的研究经历了个体-交互-集体的发展历程。基于权变视角,本文对工作中能量的表现形态进行内涵解读与构念辨析,依托互动仪式理论,构建并解读能量表现形态的对流转化模型,为组织中工作能量的维持和补充提供思考。未来研究应重视关系能量与集体能量在组织中产生的双重效应,开展工作中能量构念的跨层面本土化实证研究。  相似文献   
We live in a head-spinning, gut-wrenching time of multiplying crises. At home we face outsourced jobs, crumbling cities, underpaid teachers, unaffordable healthcare, endless wars, political corruption, a co-opted corporate media, skyrocketing inequality, and public “austerity” measures whose main purpose is to make tax-breaks for the rich more affordable. Working-class stagnation is producing widespread anxiety, mounting debt, and “despair deaths” from opioid abuse. Fear is fueling populist outrage, along with extremism, authoritarianism, and the conditions for a fascist takeover. Meanwhile, climate change poses an existential threat to humanity itself. All of these calamities spring from the same root cause: an oligarchic capitalism that puts short-term profit for owners over people and planet. While this system seems immutable, upheavals from Occupy Wall Street to the rise of right-wing populism signal a backlash to a political–economic establishment that treats people and planet as resources to be pillaged and expenses to be minimized. Its failures have also been driving the development of new possibilities in the form of more systemic approaches. Still, while systems thinking has improved approaches in fields from agriculture to medicine, so far none of these reforms have been able to channel public frustration into true transformation because none addresses the root problem: oligarchy. The science of systemic vitality we need is also being born, but so far, its findings are diffuse. This article shows how the science of energy systems can galvanize today’s economic reformation by articulating the common sense rules and rigorous measures of systemic vitality, while anchoring them in an evidence-based vision of humanity as a collaborative learning species. The result is a practical path to building systemic socioeconomic vitality by revitalizing human networks, energizing collective learning, and clarifying why oligarchic capitalism is a distortion of our original democratic free-enterprise dream, which is now careening toward collapse.  相似文献   
Demand Response (DR) is a key attribute to enhance the operation of smart grid. Demand response improves the performance of the electric power systems and also deals with peak demand issues. Demand Response (DR) implementation for residential consumers is potentially accredited by Home Energy Management System (HEMS). This paper presents an algorithm for home energy management system to shift the schedulable loads in a residential home, that neglects consumer discomfort and minimizes electricity bill of energy consumption using Hourly-Time-Of-Use (HTOU) pricing scheme. Supervised learning algorithm is used in this paper to learn the usage patterns of consumers to allow schedulable appliances at a residential home to autonomously overcome consumer discomfort. Simulation results confirms that the proposed algorithm effectively decreases consumer electricity bill, decreases peak load demand and also avoids consumer discomfort.  相似文献   
在移动互联网和大数据时代, 通过定制化信息推动家庭能源消费行为变革是一个亟待解决的前沿科学课题。本研究通过对固定样本组被试进行长期的行为观察、深度访谈、焦点小组、个案研究和单被试设计, 基于扎根理论技术考察定制化信息的即期和远期作用, 探索定制化信息影响节能行为决策过程的路径和机制。整合横断设计和纵向设计两者特点, 本研究拟采用聚合交叉设计对6个实验组被试进行18个月的追踪实验, 运用方差分析检验同一实验组被试不同时期的节能心理和行为决策差异, 比较不同实验组被试在特定时点截面的横向(静态)差异; 运用多层线性模型检验不同实验组节能行为及其决策过程变动趋势之间的(动态)差异, 分析特定维度定制化信息框架的边际效应。在此基础上, 设计并论证定制化信息的优化路径、实施策略和组合应用构想。本研究拟构建定制化信息对节能行为决策过程作用机制的理论模型(信息呈现−心理机制−节能行为决策模型), 为探究定制化信息影响节能行为决策过程的作用机制黑箱提供理论支持和实验证据。  相似文献   
By advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in smart life such as smart city, smart home, smart healthcare and smart transportation, interconnections between smart things are growing that complicate evaluation of efficiency factors on the intelligent systems. Energy consumption as one of the most challenging issues is increasing with the growing IoT devices and existing interconnections between cloud data centers, mobile applications and human activities. Managing energy efficiency and power consumption is one of the important issues in green IoT-enabled technologies. This paper presents an overview on the energy management solutions in the IoT based on Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The main goal of this SLR-based overview is to recognize significant research trends in the field of energy management and power consumption techniques which need additional consideration to highlight more efficient and effective methods in IoT. Also, a taxonomy is proposed to categorize the existing research studies on energy management solutions. A statistical and technical analysis of reviewed existing papers are provided, and evaluation factors and attributes are discussed. We observed that variety of published research papers in smart home have highest percentage to evaluate energy management in the IoT. Also, deep learning and clustering methods are must popular techniques that were applied to evaluate the energy management in IoT case studies. Finally, new challenges and forthcoming issues of the energy management and efficient power consumption methods are presented.  相似文献   
Technological advancements in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have spurred a controversial boom in oil and gas production. In Colorado, these debates take place directly in the suburban metro corridor, where local governments are turning to memorandums of understanding (MOU), negotiated directly with industry operators, to shape industry activity. We show that in Erie, the town that first pioneered this policy tool, these MOUs ostensibly welcome public participation in the planning and deliberation process but can unintentionally reinforce scientism-based governance. Citizen science challenged the local government’s deficit model of the public, but it also shored up scientific authority and triggered a government imaginary of anti-fracking activists as an unruly public. Residents countered this imaginary by electing officials committed to public engagement and transparency, which opened up debates to encompass quality of life issues that had been sidelined by the original focus on competing scientific evidence about pollution. While fracking-related citizen science does not appear to be directly responsible for the government turnover and its attendant shift in governance, we suggest it did enhance civic engagement related to general issues of fiscal responsibility, ethics and transparency that did play a role in the election.  相似文献   

In 2014 the research group Alien Energy, based at the IT University of Copenhagen, performed an experiment into the potential of creative intervention as an ethnographic method, in researching the development of new energy forms, such as wave- and geothermal energy. To this end the Energy Walk was created: a carefully choreographed and digitally guided audio walk leading the participant around the harbour area of the Danish town Hanstholm, whilst telling stories of energy and infrastructures. In this paper I argue, that the walk manoeuvres a layered landscape of energetic and infrastructural visibility and invisibility, hereby sensitizing the participant to the manifold energy forms constantly present in our daily lives. Drawing on the aesthetic philosophy of John Dewey I argue, that in doing so, the walk effectively facilitates what he calls an aesthetic experience, and suggest that the walk might best be understood in terms of aesthetic experimentation as a relevant method in STS research.  相似文献   
当代中国在经济发展的压力之下,用牺牲自然资源来获取经济增长,这无疑是最简捷的途径,但资源的有限性则约束了利用资源的质量、数量以及时空范围。中国先秦时代,诸子百家的许多论断就闪现了对资源合理利用的认识,用这些理念反观当今科学发展观视角下的能源资源战略,仍具有鲜明的借鉴意义和历史价值。  相似文献   
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