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老年人特殊生活事件的应对意向与情境性应对   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张卫东 《心理学报》1998,31(4):401-408
该研究旨在对老年人合法权益受侵此类特殊生活事件的应对意向(CI)和情境性应对(SC)进行比较分析,多元因素分析结果鉴别出应对意向的五种方式及其三种基本类型,以及六种情境性应对方式和四种应对类型。研究也发现今老年人采用不同方式的CI和SC的旨弱程度存在的异同点。同时,多元回归分析结果表明,年龄、文化程度、经济状况和法规了解程度是影响CI和SC的显著因素,此外健康状况和性别也分别对CI和SC产生影响。  相似文献   
We evaluated a multicomponent intervention for agitated behavior in a man with probable Alzheimer's disease. Hypotheses about variables controlling his agitated behavior guided intervention design. Based on staff interviews, direct observations, and brief experimental probes, intervention components were chosen to increase rate of reinforcement and decrease aversive aspects of his job. Intervention reduced agitated behavior without disrupting his work rate.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of social networks on volunteering, which is known to be beneficial for people and society, among elderly Japanese of lower socioeconomic status. Western studies have demonstrated that social networks boost volunteering among wealthy people because of the norm that they should help the less fortunate. However, wealthy East Asians do not share this norm. Therefore, socioeconomic variables and volunteering tend not to be significantly related in Japan. We hypothesized that social networks would be more important to volunteering among the Japanese elderly, especially among people of a lower socioeconomic status. A total of 768 respondents (319 men, 432 women, 17 sex unspecified; Mage = 73.99 years, SD = 7.40 years) completed the survey. The results indicated that social networks were positively related to volunteering only among people with lower financial status. This result suggests that social networks can increase opportunities and help less advantaged elderly people to reap the benefits of volunteering.  相似文献   
本研究考察了老年人的元刻板印象及其对老年人社会互动的影响。预研究以35名老年人为被试,通过访谈和开放式问卷,获得老年人积极与消极元刻板印象形容词。正式研究以140名老年人为被试,通过问卷调查,首先确定老年人元刻板印象的内容与结构;然后分析发现,当老年人作为社会互动的接受方时:(1)积极元刻板印象正向预测其接受外群体帮助的意愿(包括自主定向帮助和依赖定向帮助),并且接受帮助可引发积极受助体验;(2)消极元刻板印象只正向预测老年人接受外群体自主定向帮助的意愿,且持消极元刻板印象的老年人受助体验消极。当老年人作为社会互动的发出方时;(3)积极元刻板印象正向预测老年人社会参与的频率和他们对外群体的施助意愿;(4)消极元刻板印象对施助意愿和社会参与的预测作用均不显著。综上,老年人的积极元刻板印象能促进他们的社会互动,并使他们获得良好的互动体验。  相似文献   
Psychological characteristics of elderly insomniacs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sixty insomniacs, aged 60 years or over, fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for primary insomnia, completed a set of questionnaires measuring psychological distress. These included the Sleep Impairment Index (SIM), the Symptom Check List 90-Revised (SCL-90-R), the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Elders Life Stress Inventory (ELSI). The insomniacs were compared on these measures with two contrast groups, one of elderly good sleepers and one an elderly community sample. As norms were developed for the SCL-90-R and PSWQ, insomniacs were also contrasted with the norm groups on these measures. In general, the results indicated a higher level of psychological distress among insomniacs than among the good sleepers, while there were negligible differences between insomniacs and the community sample on most measures. Overall, elderly insomniacs scored higher on measures of worry compared with the other groups, followed by measures of somatization, obsessive-compulsion and depression. It is concluded that excessive worrying was the most characteristic feature of elderly insomniacs.  相似文献   
老年癌症患者疼痛管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日益加剧的人口老龄化趋势,国际肿瘤界逐渐意识到老年肿瘤治疗问题的严重性。老年肿瘤患者在被确诊时多已处于晚期,基础疾病多,各脏器功能下降,姑息治疗对老年肿瘤患者显得非常重要,尤其是疼痛治疗。目前,因为对老年人疼痛的认识不足、评估不够、过分担心药物副作用,使得老年癌痛控制现状不容乐观。本文综述了老年癌痛的特点、评估方法及治疗原则,强调对于老年癌症患者治疗的目标不是重返工作或者延长生命,而是尽最大可能地提高生活质量,让老年癌症患者远离癌痛,真正享受到无痛人生。  相似文献   
Recent evidence regarding the relationship between social support and depression in elderly people shows the important role of ethnicity. This research describes the characteristics of social support in a sample of elderly people aged 60 and above living in northern Chile (n = 493), and analyzes the differences in the relationship between social support and depression between an indigenous group (Aymara population, n = 147) and a nonindigenous group (white, Caucasian, mestizo, n = 346). Various dimensions of social support were considered: structural elements, functional social support according to source, and community participation. The results show the existence of significant differences in the characteristics and dimensions of social support depending on sex, ethnicity, and marital status. Further, the central role of the family group is observed for both Aymara and nonindigenous elderly people. The hierarchical regression models obtained result in notable differences in the role of the structural, functional, and community elements of support in explaining depression for the ethnic groups considered.  相似文献   
随着我国老龄化程度加剧,如何为失能老年人群体提供体面的、有尊严的晚年生活逐渐成为一项急需制度化解决的社会问题。其中,建立可持续发展的长期照护服务筹资体系是解决该问题的关键因素之一。然而,目前国内外关于长期照护服务筹资体系的研究仍然有待完善。鉴于此,评述了目前国际上的主要长期照护服务筹资模式及其优劣势,总结了我国中央和地方层面长期照护筹资方式和举措。在此基础上,进一步讨论了国内外实践经验对我国发展完善长期照护服务筹资体系的启示。  相似文献   
Clinical features of older primary care patients with GAD (PC-GAD; n = 22) were examined relative to older patients with GAD recruited for two academic clinical trials (M. A. Stanley, J. G. Beck, et al., 2003; J. L. Wetherell, M. Gatz, & M. G, Craske, 2003) and to a sample of older primary care patients without psychiatric diagnoses (No Dx; n = 10). Comparisons revealed similar levels of worry, anxiety, depressive symptoms, quality of life, and functional status between the PC-GAD subsample and patients recruited for academic trials, although primary care patients were older, less well educated, and more ethnically diverse. The PC-GAD subgroup, however, reported greater symptom severity, reduced quality of life, and poorer perceived general health, mental health, and vitality than the No Dx subgroup (2 = .23–.43). Service utilization was not different between PC-GAD and No Dx subgroups, with the exception of psychotropic medication use. The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) and an abbreviated version of this measure may be useful for identifying late-life GAD in primary care. Cutoff scores of 50 and 22 on the full and abbreviated versions of the PSWQ, respectively, demonstrated excellent specificity, sensitivity, and positive predictive value. Negative predictive value was less impressive, probably as a result of high base rates for GAD in this sample.  相似文献   
Many older people perceive ageing negatively, describing it in terms of poor or declining health and functioning. These perceptions may be related to older adults’ health. The aim of this review was to synthesise existing research on the relationship between older adults’ perceptions of ageing and their health and functioning. A systematic search was conducted of five electronic databases (ASSIA, CINAHL, IBSS, MEDLINE and PsycINFO). Citations within identified reports were also searched. Observational studies were included if they included perceptions of ageing and health-related measures involving participants aged 60 years and older. Study selection, data extraction and quality appraisal were conducted using predefined criteria. Twenty-eight reports met the criteria for inclusion. Older adults’ perceptions of ageing were assessed with a variety of measures. Perceptions were related to health and functioning across seven health domains: memory and cognitive performance, physical and physiological performance, medical conditions and outcomes, disability, care-seeking, self-rated health, quality of life and death. How ageing is perceived by older adults is related to their health and functioning in multiple domains. However, higher quality and longitudinal studies are needed to further investigate this relationship.  相似文献   
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