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在积极心理学中,希望和乐观虽然存在很大程度的概念重叠,但二者本质上是不同的概念。希望的概念核心是以目标为中心的动力思维和路径思维,乐观的概念核心是指向未来的积极预期。作为两种指向未来的积极预期,希望和乐观属于人格特质的范畴,共同成分是对目标的信念;二者的差异性在于对未来预期的方式和对预期事件的个人控制。相关研究发现,相对于乐观,希望通常是主观幸福感和学业成就更好的预测指标。未来研究应明确希望和乐观的整合,验证是否存在控制点的调节作用,并开展跨文化研究。  相似文献   
Richard Heck and John Burgess have shown that Frege’s Basic Law V is consistent with predicative comprehension and that the resulting theory interprets Robinson Arithmetic. There are also many other ways to keep Frege from being contradictory. This paper shows that Basic Law V is also consistent with positive comprehension and that the resulting theory also interprets Robinson Arithmetic. In addition, the theory of positive Frege provides a new understanding of Dummett’s “indefinitely extensible concepts.”  相似文献   
替代恢复指通过想象他人资源恢复可恢复自身的资源。研究探讨了他人积极情绪的替代恢复及人际敏感性的调节作用。本研究以331名大学生为被试,实验1和2通过消词任务消耗自控资源后,用文字材料呈现他人积极、他人中性情绪和自我积极情绪,用定价任务考察自控资源的恢复,实验2通过眼神测验测量人际敏感性。结果发现,自控资源消耗后,他人积极情绪组对商品的平均定价比他人中性情绪组低,且只在眼测得分高的个体中存在,他人积极情绪组与自我积极情绪组没有差别。研究证实了他人积极情绪对自控资源的替代恢复及人际敏感性的调节作用。  相似文献   
近来, 教育心理学领域开始关注情绪因素对多媒体学习的影响, 其中诱发情绪逐渐成为研究者关注的指导设计形式。已有研究主要通过外部情绪诱发和内部情绪设计来考察诱发的积极情绪在学习过程中的作用, 并发现外部情绪诱发和内部情绪设计能够成功诱发积极情绪, 但由于情绪诱发方式的多样性和多媒体学习过程的复杂性, 诱发的积极情绪对学习效果的促进作用比较微弱。综述发现, 7项涉及外部情绪诱发的实验在学习结果上产生的效应量中值分别为d保持 = -0.25, d理解 = 0.04, d迁移 = 0.30; 14项涉及内部情绪设计的实验在学习结果上产生的效应量中值分别为d保持 = 0.27, d理解 = 0.36, d迁移 = 0.29。诱发的情绪对学习过程的主观体验影响很小。多媒体学习认知情感理论认为诱发的积极情绪会通过动机的中介作用进而促进学习; 相反, 认知负荷理论认为诱发的积极情绪会增加学习者的外在认知负荷从而阻碍学习。未来研究仍需关注情绪的操纵方法、效果评定以及潜在调节变量的作用等。  相似文献   
Seligman先生开创了习得无助和习得乐观的研究领域。20世纪末他树立起积极心理学的大旗,将心理学引向探索和促进人类性格力量发展和美德完善的轨道,反转了20世纪中后期心理学过分关注人性的消极面和弱点的研究取向,界定了积极心理学三个明确的研究领域:积极的情感、积极的特征和积极的社会制度。他提出幸福的三要素原则,并运用幸福理论治愈抑郁和提升人们的幸福感。近年来他致力于研究人类的美德和优势,并提出运用美德和优势治疗心理疾病的积极心理治疗理论(PPT)  相似文献   
本研究以Grandey的情绪调节模型为框架,通过问卷调查的方法,探讨正性情绪、负性情绪、情绪劳动以及职业倦怠之间的关系。828名中小学教师的有效数据的回归分析结果显示:基于不同情绪感受的情绪劳动对职业倦怠的影响存在差异;情绪劳动各维度既充当正负情绪均值差距(MN-P)影响职业倦怠各维度的部分中介变量,又充当正负情绪变异系数差距(CVN-P)影响去个性化或个人成就感的部分中介变量;表层行为、深层行为在正负情绪均值差距(MN-P)影响去个性化之间的部分中介效应受到性别的调节。  相似文献   
积极情绪对视觉注意的调节及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在积极心理学思潮的推动下, 已有研究不但发现积极情绪扩展了空间和时间注意范围、增加了注意灵活性, 而且发现在积极情绪下个体对积极刺激表现出了注意偏向。对这些现象, 先前研究主要以积极情绪的扩展与建构理论、情绪信息等价说等理论来加以解释。但这些理论主要从宏观上强调情绪信息对注意加工的启动或积极情绪对注意资源分布的调节, 并不能清楚地揭示积极情绪对注意调节的内在机制。神经生化机制研究发现, 这些现象可能与多巴胺系统对注意控制能力的调节以及积极情绪对初级视觉皮层编码的调节有关。将来研究者可以基于不同的种类的注意选择和注意模型来进一步拓展积极情绪对注意调节的研究, 同时注重对其机制的探讨和理论的整合与创新。  相似文献   
This special issue examines strengths of moral character and their relationship to happiness. Six papers are included that address this topic using a variety of samples and methods. The value of positive psychology in encouraging the juxtaposition of typically separate lines of research is underscored.  相似文献   
Materialistic strivings have been implicated as a cause of unhappiness. Gratitude, on the other hand – both in its manifestations as a chronic affective trait and as a more temporary emotional experience – may be a cause of happiness. In the present paper we review the empirical research on the relationships among materialism, gratitude, and well-being. We present new correlational data on the gratitude–materialism relationship and propose that gratitude may have the potential to reduce materialistic strivings and consequently diminish the negative effects of materialistic strivings on psychological well-being. We conclude with some recommendations for future research on the relationships among gratitude, materialism, and well-being.  相似文献   
Recently, psychologists have begun to shift their research attention to positive topics historically overlooked by the profession. The study of character strengths is a major research interest of positive psychologists. A classification of 24 character strengths, called the Values in Action (VIA) Classification, has recently been developed, and the current study evaluates these character strengths across cultures. Among 123 members of the Kenyan Maasai, 71 Inughuit in Northern Greenland, and 519 University of Illinois students, we found high rates of agreement about the existence, desirability, and development of these strengths of character. Despite these strong similarities, there were differences between and within cultures in terms of gender, the perceived importance of specific strengths (such as modesty), and the existence of cultural institutions that promote each strength.  相似文献   
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