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阈下情绪启动效应和Stroop效应之对比实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
杨丽珠  蒋重清  刘颖 《心理科学》2005,28(4):784-787
采用同一批正常成人被试,在相同的情绪刺激启动下,进行颜色判断和对模糊刺激表情判断,以考察在一定条件下情绪对认知效率和认知偏向的影响差异。结果未见显著的情绪Stroop效应,但发现消极情绪刺激启动使被试对模糊刺激的判断发生显著的情绪一致性偏向。讨论将该结果归因于被试面对颜色判断任务采取直接进入策略而对于模糊刺激则采取启发式策略所致。分析认为对情绪一认知关系进行发展性研究会富有成效,另外也指出在我们注重效率的今天可能忽视隐性环境扭曲我们认知的可能。  相似文献   
We examined the intergenerational transmission of parent–child relationship qualities in a population-based Finnish sample of 1418 participants (G2) and their mothers (G1). At baseline, G1 (Mage = 38) reported qualities of the parent–child relationship in terms of emotional warmth and acceptance towards G2 (age range 3–18). After 28 years, G2 (Mage = 39) rated the qualities of the parent–child relationship regarding their own children using the same questionnaire. Emotional warmth and acceptance were transmitted across generations even after controlling for demographic and family characteristics in both generations. The transmission was stronger for emotional warmth than acceptance. For emotional warmth, intergenerational transmission was stronger for men than women. The findings provide evidence for the long-term transmission of parenting quality across generations.  相似文献   
Our aim was to study the inter‐correlations and developmental pathways of mothers' and fathers' social and emotional loneliness during pregnancy (20th pregnancy week), infancy (child aged 8 months), and early childhood (child aged 18 months). Moreover, we aimed to study whether mothers and fathers who have different developmental profiles (identified by latent growth curve mixture models) differ in their experiences of marital dissatisfaction (RDAS), social phobia (SPIN) and depression (BDI) during pregnancy. Both mothers' social and emotional loneliness and fathers' social and emotional loneliness were highly stable, and within individuals these loneliness factors were strongly correlated. However, the correlations between mothers' loneliness experiences and fathers' loneliness experiences were weaker than expected. Separate latent growth curve groups were identified, which differed in feelings of marital dissatisfaction, social phobia, and depression. These groupings revealed that the higher the loneliness was, the more the parents experience these other psychosocial problems.  相似文献   
倪丹  刘琛琳  郑晓明 《心理学报》2021,53(2):199-214
文章基于资源保存理论, 采用体验抽样法收集了一家商业银行114名员工及其配偶的数据。结果表明, 在个体内层面, 员工正念通过员工情感联结策略的中介作用影响其配偶家庭满意度及第二天早上工作投入; 在个体间层面的配偶家庭负面情感表达调节了员工正念与员工情感联结策略的关系及员工情感联结策略的中介作用, 即配偶家庭负面情感表达水平越高, 员工正念对员工情感联结策略的影响及员工情感联结策略的中介作用相对更弱。  相似文献   
Most of the clinical experiences discussed in this article arose from monthly Zoom meetings at Rome’s Italian Centre of Analytical Psychology (CIPA). We set up a discussion group in April 2020, one month after lockdown began in Italy, and these monthly online meetings continue to this day. All senior analysts and analysts-in-training at Rome’s CIPA, whose backgrounds range from child and adolescent psychotherapy to adult psychotherapy and analysis, to sandplay therapy and medicine and psychiatry, have been participating in these meetings. The group discussions focus on the present time and its impact on us, as well as on our relationships with patients. By further developing these reflections during the lockdown in Italy (9 March - 3 May 2020), it is fair to ask whether a sense of unreality, depersonalization, or derealization has occurred, either in the therapist or patient, and if so, whether it is possible that therapists miss the human contact more than clients. We will mainly refer to clinical and personal experiences as our most precious guidelines.  相似文献   
以情绪性的类别图片为实验材料,使用改进后的简化联合再认范式,结合多项式加工树建模的统计手段,对28名老年人(67.95±4.70岁)和29名年轻人(22.60±2.74岁)情绪错误记忆的产生机制进行考察。结果发现,在行为层面,消极情绪增加年轻人和老年人的错误"记得",而积极情绪只增加老年人的错误"记得",老年人错误记忆的积极效应体现在更多地报告自己生动鲜明地"记得"未曾发生过的积极事件。在认知机制层面,虚假回想是导致老年人错误记忆出现积极效应的关键认知过程。相比年轻人,积极情绪会独特地增加老年人的虚假回想,进而增加错误"记得"的发生概率。  相似文献   
风险决策中, 末期效应指“个体在重复多轮决策任务的末尾冒险倾向升高”的现象, 但其内在机制尚不明确。三个研究的结果发现, 在实验室环境和自然环境下, 不同期望(负期望值和等期望值)条件下被试在最后一轮的投资均会显著增加, 末期效应稳定出现, 且不受到最后一轮决策前被试所拥有的代币数量的影响。即, 就算在风险选项收益更小的情况下, 被试也会倾向于在最后一轮选择高风险选项, 且这一效应是参照点独立的, 这说明末期效应的出现是源于对情绪满足感的追求。未来研究可从这一点切入, 进一步研究情绪影响风险决策过程的机制。  相似文献   
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