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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exposure to political violence on preschool children and their mothers. We explored whether these dyads are different from dyads with no known history of exposure to violence and from mother–child dyads with known exposure to domestic violence. Specifically, we explored differences in mothers' psychological status (depression and anxiety), dyadic emotional availability (EA), children's social information processing, and children's social behaviour, in a sample of 216 dyads divided into three groups (exposure to political violence, no exposure to violence, and exposure to domestic violence). We found evidence to support our hypotheses that children exposed to domestic violence exhibit the highest levels of social maladjustment with smaller but still significant differences between children exposed to political violence and children in the comparison group. As expected, the lowest EA scores were found in the exposure to domestic violence group, followed by dyads in the exposure to political violence group. Dyads belonging to the comparison group (no exposure) exhibited the highest levels of EA. These findings contribute to our understanding of the meaning of exposure to political violence, as well as sharpen the difference between exposure to political and domestic violence.  相似文献   
Adult attachment style has consequences for mental health, interpersonal functioning and emotion regulation. This occurs partly deliberately, also referred to as explicit, and partly on an automatic level outside of conscious awareness, also referred to as implicit. Whereas explicit adult attachment can be assessed with self-report instruments, measurement of implicit adult attachment requires indirect methods. This paper describes the psychometric properties of two Implicit Association Tests measuring general adult attachment in a population sample. The study evaluated the reliability and the validity of the Avoidant Attachment IAT (ANX-IAT) and the Anxious Attachment IAT (AVOID-IAT). Validity was evaluated against self-report measures of adult attachment style (RQ), psychopathology (SQ-48), and well-being (MHC-SF). The split-half reliabilities of both IATs were good; the test-retest reliability of the ANX-IAT was adequate; however the AVOID-IAT had low test-retest reliability. Both IATs did not explain variance in psychopathology additional to explicit measures. The AVOID-IAT showed added value over explicit measurement of avoidant attachment in explaining variance in well-being, particularly regarding emotional and psychological well-being. The ANX-IAT did not explain variance in any measure of well-being additional to the explicit measure of anxious attachment. Our findings provide a basis from which more valid IATs measuring general adult attachment can be developed. Furthermore, they suggest that implicit avoidant attachment might be related to well-being, particularly emotional and psychological well-being. However, further research is needed to investigate the role of implicit general adult attachment in mental health and to optimize the two IATs in terms of validity before clinical use is recommended.  相似文献   
宋琪  陈扬 《心理学报》2021,53(8):890-903
基于人-环境匹配理论和压力认知交互作用理论, 本文探讨了下属需求和接受的授权型领导匹配性对下属态度、行为和绩效的影响及情绪耗竭的中介作用。本文分别通过对150位领导与150位下属(研究1)、50位领导与243位下属(研究2)的配对样本开展两项多时点、多来源的问卷数据收集, 并采用跨层次多项式回归和响应面分析方法得出以下结论: (1)下属需求和接受的授权型领导失配会导致下属情绪耗竭; (2)相对于授权不足, 领导的过度授权更会导致下属情绪耗竭; (3)下属需求和接受的授权型领导匹配性通过作用于下属情绪耗竭进而影响下属对领导的满意度、组织公民行为和工作绩效。  相似文献   
基于生态系统理论和认知易感性模型,本研究拟探讨初中生亲子关系对抑郁的影响及作用机制,采用问卷法对813名初中生进行调查。结果表明:(1)亲子关系、自尊、情绪弹性与抑郁之间呈两两显著相关,且亲子关系能显著负向预测抑郁;(2)自尊和情绪弹性在亲子关系与抑郁之间起显著的中介作用,具体包括三条路径:一是自尊的单独中介作用;二是情绪弹性的单独中介作用;三是自尊和情绪弹性的序列中介作用。本研究揭示了初中生亲子关系通过内在心理因素对抑郁水平产生影响的作用机制,为进一步提升初中生的心理健康提供了指导性建议。  相似文献   
愉悦情绪体验是音乐活动中最普遍的心理现象。通过系统回顾相关的神经科学研究, 认为音乐愉悦体验与大脑奖赏系统的活动有关, 并涉及伏隔核与听觉皮层等其他脑区的交互。在这个过程中, 多巴胺的传递与音乐愉悦体验存在因果联系。基于预期视角, 奖赏预测误差理论和音乐信息理论模型可以解释音乐愉悦体验的产生机制。未来研究应进一步检验伏隔核及各皮层在音乐愉悦体验中的功能, 并整合不同的预期理论。  相似文献   
本文基于资源保存理论,探讨职场不文明行为对组织公民行为的影响机制及作用边界。通过问卷调查315份员工和领导的配对样本数据,结果表明:职场不文明行为负向预测组织公民行为,情绪耗竭、组织自尊中介了职场不文明行为与组织公民行为间的关系;心理韧性调节了情绪耗竭、组织自尊在二者间的中介作用。  相似文献   
摘 要 随着近年来人工智能深度学习技术的发展,情感计算与人格计算技术日渐成熟,在许多实际应用场景中取得了良好的表现,当前人工智能情感计算技术应用于犯罪风险评估领域,能够有效解决目前主流的风险评估工具难以解决的个体内差异性的预测因子评估问题以及被测评参与者因社会赞许性而导致结果失真的问题。本文在详细阐述目前主流评估工具的局限性基础上,详细阐述了以情感计算技术为支撑的动态风险评估工具的设计思路、目前已有的技术方案以及设计细节的理论依据,在此基础上最后提出以人工智能技术为支撑的新型评估工具的未来发展方向。  相似文献   
To thrive in today's economy and the workforce of the future, individuals need creativity and problem-solving skills. Emotion skills have been increasingly discussed as well, with companies listing emotional intelligence as one of the top skills needed for professional success. The present paper describes a course designed to teach professional adults two sets of creativity skills (problem finding and idea generation) and two sets of emotional intelligence skills (using emotions to facilitate thinking and understanding emotions) using visual art as a medium. The course consisted of eight, 60-min sessions in which professional adults participated in art observation and art engagement activities. Fifty-six professional adults completed measures of creative abilities and emotional intelligence skills in a pretest, posttest, and 2-month follow-up design. Participants who engaged in the course showed significant gains in the originality of their ideas on divergent thinking and problem construction tasks, as well as their self-reported creative behavior compared with controls. No significant changes in emotion understanding were detected. We discuss the course's distinct value to creativity and emotion skills training research.  相似文献   
The Amusement Park Theory of Creativity, which represents both domain-specific and domain-general perspectives of creativity, calls for more research on how individual difference constructs are related to creativity at all ends of the domain-specificity and general spectrum. Toward this goal, this study examined emotional intelligence (using the Emotional Intelligence Scale) in relationship with both a domain-general measure (the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults) and a domain-specific measure (Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale) in a sample of 281 Chinese undergraduates. Although emotional intelligence demonstrated no relationship with divergent thinking, it did positively predict all five domains of creativity on the self-report measure (ranging from .52 to .77). These findings add to the nuanced relationship between emotional intelligence and creativity and serve as a call for more work of this nature.  相似文献   
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