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Single response learning trials, defined in terms of the three-term contingency model, were compared with repeated response learning trials. The purpose of Study 1 was to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of single and repeated response learning trials on sight word remediation. In Study 1, one single response learning trial having one response opportunity per word was compared to one repeated response learning trial having five response opportunities. In Study 2, three single response trials were compared to three repeated response trials. In both studies, the training conditions were compared using an alternating treatments design. Measuring the cumulative number of sight words mastered showed the training conditions equally effective. However, measuring (a) the mean duration of training sessions, (b) the cumulative frequency of words mastered per session duration, (c) the mean number of training sessions per word required for mastery, and (d) the training time per mastered word showed that the single response condition was more efficient. Discussion focuses on the need to include training data when determining best practices for teaching.  相似文献   
采用经典的移动窗口技术,以Eyelink2000型眼动仪为工具,探讨了自然阅读和校对阅读两种不同的任务对中文阅读知觉广度的影响,结果表明:(1)与校对阅读条件相比,自然阅读条件下的阅读速度更快、眼跳幅度更大。(2)自然阅读条件下被试的知觉广度为注视点右侧2-3个字;校对阅读条件下被试的知觉广度仅为注视点1个字的空间。结果说明,读者在校对阅读和自然阅读条件下采用了不同的阅读策略,阅读知觉广度的大小受任务要求的影响。  相似文献   
选择、自我表达与选择扩散效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹文  陈红  高笑  Todd Jackson 《心理学报》2009,41(8):753-762
自我表达会影响西方人的态度, 产生选择扩散效应。国外相关的跨文化研究发现东方人不存在该效应。通过4个实验研究中国文化下自我表达对选择态度的影响, 发现选择方式(主动、被动)和自我表达形式(直接、间接)对选择态度产生影响。无论是自己的主动选择还是强加的被动选择, 直接的自我表达会增加对所获对象的喜爱程度, 表现为对获得性的肯定。研究者认为, 两种选择方式下不同的心理加工过程导致了这种获得性:直接表达使个人态度暴露在外, 进行主动选择时要对他人的给予做出肯定回应; 而进行被动选择时, 人们要减缓因利益受损可能导致的失调, 同时中国文化下的面子策略也使人们增加对所获对象的喜爱程度。不过, 间接的自我表达对选择态度的影响不明显。研究者认为, 多个影响因素的相互消长使选择态度得以维持。  相似文献   
已有关于材料相似性影响短时记忆的研究提示, 不相似材料组块相比于相似材料组块可能促进记忆。为验证该假设, 该研究采用学习-测查范式, 通过4个实验考察了学习材料组块方式对相似词长时记忆的影响及机制。结果发现:1)与相似词组块相比, 不相似词组块促进了相似词记忆; 2)不相似词组块的促进效应是通过增强相似词表共同词根的记忆而实现的; 3)不相似词组块的促进效应可能依赖于语音相似性。该结果说明不相似词组块可能是促进相似词汇记忆的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
Many studies have observed phonetic and phonological differences between function words and content words. However, as many of the most commonly cited function words are also very high in frequency, it is unclear whether these differences are the result of syntactic category or word frequency. This study attempts to determine whether syntactically defined function words are indeed phonologically and phonetically reduced or assimilated when word frequency is balanced. Three experiments were designed to distinguish the relative contributions of the factors of category and frequency on phonetic and phonological reduction and assimilation. Overall results suggest that syntactic category and word frequency interact with phonetic and phonological processes in a more complex way than previously believed. Experiment 1 measured final t/d dropping, a reduction process, using electropalatography (EPG). Experiment 2 examined vowel reduction using acoustic measures. In Experiment 3, palatalization, an assimilation process, was examined using EPG. Results showed that t/d dropping responds to the factor of syntactic category, whereas palatalization is affected by word frequency; vowel reduction responded to both factors, with a dominant syntactic category effect and a secondary within-category frequency effect. The implications of these findings for models of lexical representation and theories of language acquisition are discussed.  相似文献   
江新  房艳霞 《心理学报》2012,44(1):76-86
要求学习汉语的欧美和日本留学生对三种条件下(只有词没有语境、只有语境没有词、既有词也有语境)的语义半透明的双音复合词进行猜测, 考察语境和构词法线索在欧美和日本留学生汉语生词猜测中的作用。结果显示:在猜测词义中语境和构词法线索分别都能提供一定的信息, 但同时提供两种信息能得到更好的猜测; 语境和构词法线索在生词猜测过程中所起的作用不同, 语境能提供更多句法上的信息, 构词法能提供更多语义上的信息; 目标词的结构方式对生词猜测产生影响, 与动宾式生词相比, 偏正式生词的猜测较为容易且构词法线索在其中的作用较大; 母语文字背景可能影响词义猜测的效果, 日本留学生对于构词法、语境线索以及两者的整合都比欧美留学生好。  相似文献   
Many philosophers subscribe to the view that philosophy is a priori and in the business of discovering necessary truths from the armchair. This paper sets out to empirically test this picture. If this were the case, we would expect to see this reflected in philosophical practice. In particular, we would expect philosophers to advance mostly deductive, rather than inductive, arguments. The paper shows that the percentage of philosophy articles advancing deductive arguments is higher than those advancing inductive arguments, which is what we would expect from the vantage point of the armchair philosophy picture. The results also show, however, that the percentages of articles advancing deductive arguments and those advancing inductive arguments are converging over time and that the difference between inductive and deductive ratios is declining over time. This trend suggests that deductive arguments are gradually losing their status as the dominant form of argumentation in philosophy.  相似文献   
为了了解心理词典中语音与汉字的联结情况以及从音到形的加工机制,研究首先计算出了基于语料库统计的“音-形”激活概率(某个音节激活其对应汉字的概率),并通过一个听写实验来验证这种激活概率是否反映实际加工中的激活情况。结果证明基于语料统计得到的“音-形”激活概率基本可以预测实际的“音-形”激活情况,表现为:“音-形”激活概率越高的汉字被激活的概率和强度越高,并且有明显的优势字效应; 该统计概率具有可独立于其他影响因素的预测功能。  相似文献   
通过视觉与组词任务启动范式的两个实验考察了利他人物形象与利他词语对利他行为的内隐启动效应。结果发现,完成利他人物形象视觉启动(实验1)与完成利他组词任务启动(实验2)的实验组被试,在独裁者分配任务中分配给他人的钱数显著多于控制组被试。研究结果表明:利他人物形象视觉和利他语义组词都可以使个体的利他行为被显著直接无意识启动,即内隐启动。研究对设计能更好地启动人们的利他行为的一般情境有重要的启示。  相似文献   
以一般结果期待的双维结构观点为基础,按照一般结果期待的乐观期待和悲观期待的水平将184名大学生样本划分为明显乐观、明显悲观、双重倾向和倾向不明四个类型,进而探讨不同类型大学生在创业投资情境下一般结果期待对风险决策偏好的影响。结果表明,风险概率、描述框架与一般结果期待的交互作用显著,在低风险概率、积极框架下,双重倾向型一般结果期待大学生比其他三个类型的大学生表现出明显的风险寻求偏好。  相似文献   
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