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Greenwald提出的内隐联想测验介绍   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test,简称IAT)是Greenwald等于1998年提出的一种新的内隐社会认知的研究方法,其采用的是一种计算机化的辨别分类任务,以反应时为指标,通过对概念词和属性词之间的自动化联系的评估进而来对个体的内隐态度等进行间接测量。该文先对内隐联想测验的由来、原理进行了介绍,再从性能及应用两方面对已有的相关研究进行了归纳、整理和论述。最后,通过分析指出该方法符合现代心理测量学的最新发展方向,将有着强大的生命力。  相似文献   

There is limited evidence on the influence of affective stimuli on auditory working memory. The reported study investigated whether emotional auditory words interfere with ongoing auditory processing of words in auditory working memory. On each trial, words with negative, neutral, and positive affective valence were simultaneously presented on three different speakers. Participants recalled the word presented from the centre speaker first and then recalled the words presented from the side speakers. More negative and positive words compared to neutral words were recalled from the centre speaker. After recall of negative and positive words from the centre speaker, the subsequent first recall of words from the side speakers was reduced, regardless of anxiety level of the participant. The emotional interference effect suggests that emotional words interfere with ongoing central processing due to the attentional dwell on the information in auditory working memory.  相似文献   
冷英  何秀丽 《心理科学》2012,35(2):299-303
以汉语中的叠词为实验材料,对重复知盲产生机制的类型标记个体化理论和建构理论进行检验。采用RSVP研究范式,在两个实验中让178名被试口头报告列表中出现的所有汉字(全部报告)或列表中最后两个字(部分报告)。结果发现:(1)在呈现速率为128ms和198ms时,完全重复的汉字在全部报告和部分报告任务中均存在RB效应,但在部分报告任务下出现的RB相比全部报告任务的减少了,符合建构理论的假设。(2)在全部报告条件下,不仅重复刺激的正确报告率会降低,而且与重复刺激相关的非重复刺激的正确报告率也会降低。研究表明建构理论比类型标记个体化理论更能解释RB效应的产生机制。  相似文献   
夏全胜  彭刚石锋 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1333-1340
将ERP技术和半视野技术相结合,采用词汇判断任务,对汉语名词、动词和动名兼类词在左脑和右脑中的加工机制进行了考察。实验结果显示,名词和动词的N400仅在左视野/右脑存在差异,名词和动词的N400在左视野/右脑和右视野/左脑中都比偏(动)和偏(名)更负。不同词类的LPC在右视野/左脑中没有显著差异;偏(名)和偏(动)的LPC在左视野/右脑中比名词和动词更正。实验结果表明,在没有语境条件下,汉语名词和动词的差异主要在具体性上,动名兼类词体现出不同于名词、动词的加工机制。  相似文献   
在经典的空间—效价一致性范式的基础上,控制向上或向下看的动作趋向及幅度大小,探讨身体动作趋势对空间—效价一致性效应的影响。实验一分别在屏幕上方视野或下方视野进行词汇道德效价的判断。结果表明,在屏幕的上方视野和屏幕的下方视野不道德词汇都出现了空间—效价一致性效应,而道德词汇只在下方视野出现了一致性效应。实验二将注视点居于屏幕中央,改变词汇上下位置之间垂直距离的大小。发现在小间距条件下出现了显著的一致性效应,但是在大间距条件下一致性效应消失。综合两个实验表明,道德词的空间—效价一致性效应同时受到概念隐喻和极性相关的影响,当空间极性不明显时,概念隐喻的影响较大,而空间位置极性较明显时,空间位置极性会掩盖概念隐喻的作用。  相似文献   
刘雁伶  胡竹菁 《心理科学》2013,36(3):716-721
摘 要:使用纸笔测验探讨表格集中呈现信息条件下取样大小对单一因果关系强度推理的影响,并比较五种模型ΔP、效力PC、SS效力、Support和χ2的预测与实验数据的相关。结果显示:(1)取样大小对不同的问题有不同的影响:高取样在ΔP=0时导致了低估计值,在0<|ΔP|=PPC时没有效果,在|ΔP|相似文献   
言语行为可以反映认知态度,利用心理学的“自由联想法”对公众与医护人员进行针对医护人员形象的调查,以获得他们心目中描述医护人员形象的词语.按照他们头脑中出现的顺序进行加权统计;计算积极、中性和消极词语的比例.调查发现,公众对医护人员形象的认知态度存在矛盾;同时医护人员对自身职业评价较低;二者通过联想获得贬义词分值较高,原因是医护人员普遍被认为劳动强度大、职业安全感小等.运用社会认知心理学的平衡理论进行分析以期获得提升认知态度,改善医患关系的新途径.  相似文献   
Recent work has investigated the origin of infant colour categories, showing pre-linguistic infants categorise colour even in the absence of colour words. These infant categories are similar but not identical to adult categories, giving rise to an important question about how infant colour perception changes with the learning of colour words. Here we present two novel paradigms in which 12- and 19-month-old participants learning English as their first language were assessed on their perception of colour, while data on their colour word comprehension were also collected. Results indicate that participants' perception of colours close to the colour category boundaries dramatically change after colour word learning. The results highlight the shift made from infant colour categories to adult-like linguistically mediated colour categories that accompanies colour word learning.

Research Highlights

  • We aimed to test whether colour perception is linguistically mediated in infants.
  • We used novel eye-tracking and pupillometry paradigms to test infant colour perception either side of learning colour words.
  • Infants' discrimination of colour changes after learning colour words, suggesting a shift due to colour word learning.
  • A shift from pre-linguistic colour representation to linguistically mediated colour representation is discussed.

Although a large body of research demonstrates the role of language in emotion processing (e.g. emotional facial expressions), how emotion-laden words (e.g. poison, reward) and emotion-label words (e.g. fear, satisfaction) differently impact affective picture processing is not clear. Emotion-label words label affective states straightforwardly, whereas emotion-laden words engender emotion via reflection. The current study adopted the masked priming paradigm to examine how Chinese emotion-laden words and emotion-label words distinctively influence affective picture processing. Twenty Chinese speakers decided the valence of the pictures with their cortical responses recorded. Emotion-label words facilitated affective picture evaluation behaviourally. Moreover, pictures that were preceded by emotion-laden words generated larger electrophysiological activation than those preceded by emotion-label words. Combined behavioural and ERP evidence revealed that emotion word type modulated affective picture processing, suggesting different roles of emotion-laden and emotion-label words in how emotion is shaped by language.  相似文献   
In this study, the interdependencies among phonological awareness, verbal working memory components, and early numerical skills in children 1 year before school entry are addressed. Early numerical skills were conceptualized as quantity‐number competencies (QNC) at both basic (QNC Level 1) and advanced (QNC Level 2) levels. In a sample of 1,343 children aged 5 and 6, structural equation modelling provided support for the isolated number words hypothesis (Krajewski & Schneider, 2009, JExp. Child Psychol., 103, 516–531). This hypothesis claims that phonological awareness contributes to the acquisition of QNC Level 1, such as learning the number word sequence, but not of QNC Level 2, which requires the linkage of number words to quantities. In addition, phonological awareness relied on verbal working memory, especially with regard to the phonological loop, central executive, and episodic buffer. The results were congruent with the idea that phonological awareness mediates the impact of verbal working memory on QNCs. The relationships between verbal working memory, phonological awareness, and QNCs were comparable in monolingual and bilingual children.  相似文献   
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