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医患沟通的能力和技巧是院前急救人员必备的重要素养之一,与院前急救服务的效率和质量密切相关.在美国急救医疗服务体系中,普遍遵循医患沟通"十条金律",包括:(1)保持职业化状态;(2)始终保持与患者目光接触;(3)给予患者恰当的称呼;(4)使用患者听得懂的语言;(5)保持恰当的语速、语调和语气;(6)与他人谈论患者病情务必谨慎;(7)当心自身的肢体语言;(8)给患者留下回答问题或反应的时间;(9)告诉患者病情真相;(10)注重与特殊群体的沟通.本文简要解析了"十条金律"的内涵与意义,对我国院前急救人员或有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

通过急诊医学的实践,借助博弈论方法分析了急诊医学中实施医患共同决策(shared decision making,SDM)的现状,为急诊医学中实施SDM提供参考意见。分析发现,在急诊医疗决策中存在“公地悲剧”“蜈蚣博弈”“博傻理论”等博弈现象。急诊医学中的信息技术滞后、医患对SDM的认知不足、医患信任等因素是影响SDM在急诊医学中实施的重要博弈因素。通过推动急诊医学的信息化建设、SDM理念的普及和技能培训,借助博弈论的方法和相关法律制度的完善,提升互联网作为健康宣传和健康教育的工具作用,有利于SDM在急诊医学的应用推广,从而促进急诊医学和谐医患关系的构建。

Previously called Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), secondary exposure to trauma is now considered a valid DSM-5 Criterion A stressor for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Previous studies have found high rates of STS in clinicians who treat traumatically injured patients. However, little research has examined STS among Emergency Medicine (EM) physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs). The current study enrolled EM providers (N = 118) working in one of 10 hospitals to examine risk factors, protective factors, and the prevalence of STS in this understudied population. Most of the participants were physicians (72.9%), Caucasian (85.6%), and male (70.3%) with mean age of 39.7 (SD = 8.9). Overall, 12.7% of the sample screened positive for STS with clinical levels of intrusion, arousal, and avoidance symptom clusters, and 33.9% had at least one symptom cluster at clinical levels. Low resilience and a history of personal trauma were positively associated with positive STS screens and STS severity scores. Borderline significance suggested that female gender and spending ≥10% of one’s time with trauma patients could be additional risk factors. Findings suggest that resilience-building interventions may be beneficial.  相似文献   
我国传染病防治面临的形势与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来由于种种原因对新发传染病和再发传染病防控方面存在许多问题,比如认识上不足、缺乏投入、设施陈旧、专业人员短缺、农村是薄弱环节等,在SARS暴发过程中表现更为严重,迫切地要求建立一完整套的、科学的、符合中国国情的应对各种新发或再发传染病的公共卫生应急系统.  相似文献   
通过突发公共卫生事件来审视目前我国医院感染管理工作中存在的一系列问题并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   
Panic disorder (PD) is associated with the rapid onset of fear-related symptomatology, often somatic in nature. As a result, individuals with the disorder often fear that they are experiencing a life-threatening emergency and present in hospital emergency departments (EDs). As the operating heuristics of EDs are geared toward identifying organic causes and allow only brief physician–patient contact, the diagnosis of PD is more often than not overlooked. Those with the disorder go on to incur enormous costs as they seek out an explanation for their symptoms. Efforts to alleviate this problem, including increased physician education and the development of screening instruments, have been largely unsuccessful. The continued misidentification and mismanagement of this disorder argues for greater incorporation of mental health professionals into the ED, allowing collaborative efforts that recognize the relationship between physiological and psychological aspects of panic.  相似文献   
Rh阴性稀有血型危重患者的临床救治相当棘手。本文通过回顾对一名Rh阴性血型危重孕妇的临床救治经过,探讨了应急情况下Rh阴性血型危重患者的临床救治策略和采供血应急措施,建议我国尽快建立稀有血型血库和制定相关法律法规,为应急情况下抢救Rh阴性血型患者提供依据和保障。  相似文献   
高血压脑出血急诊救治现状与进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高血压脑出血是指在高血压的情况下发生的脑实质内出血。目前急诊综合救治中内科药物和外科手术治疗为主要的两种方法。内科治疗只适用于轻度脑出血和有手术禁忌证及配合急诊外科手术的综合救治,外科手术多用在中、重度脑出血病人治疗中。近年来开展的一种在CT下三维定位脑内血肿清除术,以其定位准确,脑损伤小,在急诊救治方面取得了一定效果,有待于进一步发展。  相似文献   
对应急体系中开展志愿服务的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民间组织和志愿者在突然事件的前期救援和事后重建中,往往都起着不可或缺的作用。分析了应急体系中开展志愿服务的必要性和可行性,讨论了开展志愿服务存在的问题,探讨了解决这些问题的途径。  相似文献   
The “health emergency” forced analysts to seek new ways of continuing with analysis. The article focuses, in particular, on the changes brought about in the setting by the presence of the sanitary mask, following a line that begins with the theme of the “mask” in the collective uses of human cultures, and develops through the Jungian concept of persona, as opposed to the “face” that may convey an authentic image of oneself. A clinical vignette illustrates the issues that the mask raises in the setting by obstructing the communication of emotions. When there is no transformative processing of concrete data, “unmasking” can also lead to an uncanny encounter and to moments of darkness and confusion in analysis, when the analyst experiences the kind of “unconscious identity” between therapist and patient that Jung defined as nigredo. The article is intended as a contribution to the analytic community's current reflections on the new and unforeseen challenges encountered in analysis at the time of the Coronavirus. It is possible to learn from these experiences with a view to integrating new elements and thus modify one's own internal setting, the compass with which each analyst orientates himself.  相似文献   
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