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具身-生成心智倡导生命与认知的深刻连续性,它重新定义了自然选择,强调身体和生命活动对认知的关键意义,并指出每一个人都是经过文化适应的主体。它在心智进化的本质、认知的核心工作假设、人类本性与文化,以及基因、身体、生命活动与认知的关系等问题上都有着完全不同于进化心理学的理解,并对后者提出了质疑和挑战。  相似文献   
Site visits provide an irreplaceable learning experience to students in both religious studies and the emerging field of interfaith studies. The conceptual core of this thesis is the claim, drawn from feminist epistemology, that an embodied pedagogy – a pedagogy which engages students not only intellectually, but as embodied beings who inhabit a space, engage in physical activities, and undergo various sensory experiences – is ultimately more enriching than a pedagogy centered exclusively in the classroom. Factors that make a site visit a successful instance of embodied pedagogy include the provision of sufficient context to students in advance for them to understand and appreciate the experience, an opportunity afterward to reflect on this experience in an intentional way, ensuring the site and the community whose space it is are treated with proper respect, and ensuring that the religious sensibilities of one's students are also similarly respected.  相似文献   
This article suggests re-reading documents that remain from Li-La-Lo theatrical events, which include playbills, programmes, photos, archive files, and television shows. Through this historiographic way of working, that is, the re-reading of what remains from past performances but differently, this article will demonstrate what Tel Aviv offered to the artists, what the theatre as a cultural institution offered to the residents of the city and, in the broader circle, how Li-La-Lo was an intersection of performance traditions. Historical circumstances brought the Li-La-Lo artists to Tel Aviv, and the leaders and residents of the city, who cultivated normalcy, enabled them to continue to do what they knew best: perform. Thus, performance artists strengthened Tel Aviv’s status as a cultural centre, a symbol, and embodiment of cultural heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study was to assess whether the sex of a human stimulus affects mental rotation performance. The results are pretty straight-forward: Men show a better performance than women and also male stimuli result in a faster processing by both women and men compared to female stimuli. Furthermore, the advantage of egocentric transformations over object-based transformations disappeared for females in difficult tasks using female stimuli. This experiment gives a hint that women are affected to a greater extent from the sex of the presented stimuli compared to men. The underlying mechanisms need to be investigated in future research.  相似文献   
叶浩生 《心理学报》2016,48(4):444-456
镜像神经元是一种感觉–运动神经元。它的典型特征是在动作观察和动作执行两个阶段皆被激活。多年来, 由于研究伦理的限制, 研究恒河猴时使用的单细胞电极植入方式无法应用于人类, 因而不能确定人类大脑皮层是否也存在着具有同样功能的神经细胞。但是通过脑成像技术, 神经科学家确定人类大脑皮层存在着具有相同或类似功能的脑区, 称为“镜像神经系统”。文章对镜像神经元及其人类镜像神经系统的意义进行了深入分析, 指出:(1)由于镜像机制把动作知觉和动作执行进行匹配, 观察者仅仅通过他人行为的知觉, 就激活了执行这一动作的神经环路, 产生了一种他人动作的具身模拟, 因而可以直接把握他人的行为意图; (2)镜像神经元所表现出来的那种动作知觉与动作执行的双重激活功能支持了身心一体说, 从方法论上证明了身心二元论的缺陷, 为身心的整体观提供了神经生物学的证据; (3)镜像神经机制把他人的动作与自己的运动系统相匹配, 以自身动作的神经环路对他人的动作做出回应, 促进了人际理解和沟通, 成为社会沟通的“神经桥梁”。  相似文献   
采用反应-效应相容性范式,探讨不同数字表征方式和身体经验对个体数字认知加工的影响。实验1首先采用木棒数字表征从知觉层面证明反应-效应相容性效应的存在;实验2采用累计手指数字表征考察手指数字表征在反应-效应相容性匹配中的优势;实验3则进一步排除了近似数量表征系统的影响,从语义层面探讨中国文化背景下语义概念手指数字表征的反应-效应相容性对数字认知加工的影响。结果发现,不同的数字表征系统中均存在反应-效应相容性效应,支持了观念运动理论;相比客体材料,手指数字表征在相容条件下具有明显的匹配优势,支持了具身数量的观点。  相似文献   
具身社会认知:认知心理学的生态学转向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
薛灿灿  叶浩生 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1230-1235
具身社会认知是具身认知同社会认知对话的产物,这种对话从三个维度展开,即具身自我认知、具身人际认知、具身群体认知。本研究不仅论证了具身认知的视角提高了传统社会认知心理学的生态效度,而且从进化心理学、镜像神经元视角对具身社会认知的现象进行了探析。具身社会认知作为一种研究思潮,面临着许多挑战:(1)具身社会认知是对行为主义研究范式的回归;(2)具(体)身(体)是社会认知过程的一种附带现象。  相似文献   
厌恶是人类的基本情绪之一,也是情绪心理学的研究重点。以进化论为指导的进化心理学对厌恶研究提供了一个崭新的理论视角,认为人类厌恶情绪源于抵御寄生物和保持种群规模的需要。现代人类的多种复杂的道德厌恶感与生理厌恶感有着同样的进化根源,人类的道德心理系统有部分是建立在更为古老的进化适应基础之上。  相似文献   
Body‐mind dualism and the consequent neglect of the body of the analyst can have important negative effects on the analytical process leading all too often to misinterpretations of the analysand's verbal and non‐verbal communications and to disturbances of analytical temporality. This is intensified when we are dealing with individuals where disembodiment and states of psychic deadness are central features. The paper explores the philosophical roots of the idea of a disembodied mind and the way in which this impacts our relationship with the world. While André Green's concept of the dead mother and disturbances in the sense of self‐agency have been held to play an important role in states of psychic deadness, I suggest that it is rather disturbances in the sense of body ownership and of the body image which are more central. The paper then discusses the particular kinds of countertransference that can be evoked in the analyst when we find ourselves dealing with this type of patient and suggests how we can use our embodied countertransference to become aware of and elaborate our own feelings of deadness in order to overcome the loss of temporality that is characteristic of such states. This is illustrated with reference to my work with a young man with a masochistic perversion and a severe disturbance of the body image with an accompanying profound sense of psychic deadness.  相似文献   
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