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周爱保  崔丹  马小凤 《心理科学》2014,37(3):661-667
摘 要:在学习中,提取失败能否产生对知识的有效学习是一个很有意义的研究课题。以事实和概念类知识为实验材料,三个实验采用经典范式探讨了复杂意义条件下的提取失败后的学习效果。结果显示仅在尝试提取事实类题目失败后,促进了知识的保持和迁移;在迁移成绩上延时反馈优于即时反馈的效果。表明尝试提取复杂材料的信息失败后,知识的类型和反馈的时机决定了学习效果。  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of circadian arousal on prospective memory performance as a function of age. We tested a younger (18–34 years) and an older group (56–95 years) of participants on- and off-peak with regard to their circadian arousal patterns in a computer-based laboratory experiment. For the prospective memory task, participants had to press a particular key whenever specific target words appeared in an ongoing concreteness-judgment task. The results showed that prospective memory performance was better on- than off-peak in younger but not older participants. Younger participants consistently outperformed older participants in all conditions. We conclude that prospective remembering underlies time-of-day effects which most likely reflect controlled processes.  相似文献   
提取练习效应指相比同等时间的重复学习,对所学材料进行提取练习(即使无反馈)可使被试在之后的回忆测验中表现更好。早期研究从编码或提取单维度地对提取练习效应进行了描述性解释,新近以来,研究者整合了编码和提取在提取练习效应中的作用,从记忆加工全过程的角度考察了提取练习效应的产生机制,并得到诸多研究证据的支持。论文梳理了提取练习效应产生机制的各类假说,并重点分析比较了精细提取假说和情景背景假说,指出后者在解释提取练习效应上的优势。未来研究可结合认知神经科学的研究技术为情景背景假说提供更直接的证据,有关提取练习对于短期和长期记忆促进效果的争议也有待进一步解释厘清,同时如何在揭示其原理的基础上将其更高效地加以应用亦有待实践探索。  相似文献   
We investigated whether expectations for different kinds of memory tests induce qualitatively different encoding strategies. In Experiment 1, participants studied four lists of words and after each list completed a cued-recall test that contained either all semantic or all orthographic cues so as to build up an expectancy for receiving the same type of test for the fifth critical study list. To rule out that the test-expectancy effects in Experiment 1 were due to differences in retrieval practice, in Experiment 2, participants received three practice tests each for both cue-types. Participants’ test expectancy for all lists was induced by telling them before each list the type of cue they would receive for the upcoming study list. In both experiments, the critical test contained both expected and unexpected cues. In Experiment 1, participants who expected semantic cues had better recall to the semantic cues than to the orthographic cues and vice versa for those who expected orthographic cues. However, in Experiment 2, there was no effect of test expectancy. These findings suggest that the test-expectancy effects in Experiment 1 were due to more retrieval practice on the expected than unexpected tests rather than to qualitatively different test-expectancy-induced encoding strategies.  相似文献   
廖全明  张莉 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1291-1295
采用加工分离程序,以不同性价图片为实验材料,考察了特质焦虑、启动焦虑和非焦虑三种焦虑类型对图片信息意识提取和无意识提取的影响,结果表明:(1)不同焦虑类型对图像信息的意识提取和无意识提取均有影响,其中特质焦虑对图像的无意识提取更敏感,非焦虑状态对意识提取更敏感;(2)特质焦虑明显促进了负性图片的意识和无意识提取且干扰了正性图片的提取,启动焦虑促进了对负性图片的意识提取。  相似文献   
孟迎芳 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1926-1933
编码与提取是记忆的两个重要加工阶段, 虽然多数研究认为记忆的编码与提取过程是重叠的, 但也有一些研究结果证实了二者之间存在着差异性。这些研究主要从行为和神经成像两方面探讨编码与提取的非对称性关系, 并通过双加工模型及记忆两阶段神经生理学模型加以解释。综合以往研究, 编码与提取加工之间可能存在着多重复杂的关系。  相似文献   
本研究通过两个实验采用单因素被试内设计研究了触动觉对无意义词汇学习和回忆的作用。自变量设置了3 个水平,视觉学习—视觉回忆(水平1),视觉触动觉结合学习—视觉回忆(水平2),视觉触动觉结合学习—视觉触动觉结合回忆(水平3)。结果表明,在即时回忆条件下,触动觉对3字符词汇的学习和回忆都没有明显的促进作用。但是对5 字符词汇而言,在学习过程中,加入触动觉会明显提高学习成绩;在回忆过程中加不加触动觉对成绩影响不大。  相似文献   
Sequence Memory in Music Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— How do people remember and produce complex sequences like music or speech? Music provides an example of excellent sequence memory under fast performance conditions; novices as well as skilled musicians can perform memorized music rapidly, without making mistakes. In addition, musical pitches repeat often within a melodic sequence in different orders, yet people do not confuse the sequential ordering; temporal properties of musical pitches aid sequence memory. I describe a contextual model of sequence memory that is sensitive to the rate at which musical sequences are produced and to individual differences among performers. Age and musical experience differentiate adults' and children's memory for musical sequences during performance. Performers' memory for the sequential structure of one melody transfers or generalizes to other melodies in terms of the sequence of pitch events, their temporal properties, and their movements. Motion-analysis techniques provide further views of the time course of the cognitive processes that make sequence memory for music so accurate.  相似文献   
王大伟  刘永芳  毕玉芳 《心理科学》2006,29(2):373-375,372
定向遗忘是关于记忆研究的一种实验范式,也是记忆心理学家非常关注的热点问题。本文主要阐释了基于代价———收益原则的定向遗忘研究范式,探讨了定向遗忘的研究方法,揭示了定向遗忘可能存在的机制,并结合实证研究论述了定向遗忘研究的进展。  相似文献   
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