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胡哲  张钦  梁九清  郭春彦 《心理学报》2013,45(7):725-739
使用事件相关电位(ERP)技术和测试来源记忆的多键范式,探讨不同情绪效价背景下来源提取的认知神经机制。学习阶段,同时呈现汉字和3种效价情绪图片(重叠);测验阶段,只呈现汉字,要求被试进行四键判断:旧字且背景为中性,旧字且背景为正性,旧字且背景为负性,新字。结果发现:在提取阶段,刺激呈现后300~500 ms,3种情绪背景下来源判断正确项目和来源判断错误项目都比新项目诱发了更正的ERPs(即都存在新旧效应),这一结果反映出刺激呈现后300~500 ms 是一个早期的项目提取阶段,它独立于来源提取。并且,在中性背景下,两种新旧效应没有差别;而在正性和负性背景下,来源判断正确项目的新旧效应显著大于来源判断错误项目。说明相比于中性背景,情绪背景下被试可能更早对来源信息产生熟悉感。在500~650 ms,3种情绪背景下都存在来源判断正确项目的新旧效应,在来源判断错误项目和新项目之间没有显著差异,来源正确与来源错误有显著的新旧效应差异,但二者在头皮分布上是类似的,这反映了晚期的来源提取过程。同时来源正确的新旧效应在这两个时段有显著不同的头皮分布,表明这两个时段有不同加工过程。另外,在500~650 ms,存在显著的情绪效应,正性背景下正确判断来源诱发的ERPs比中性和负性背景下的更正,而且来源判断错误条件下没有情绪效应。综上所述,来源正确和来源错误可能仅仅反映了大脑激活在量上的不同,并不能推断两者存在质的差异;大脑神经活动的早期不仅反映了对记忆项目的熟悉性,而且也受情绪效应的影响,500 ms之后大脑神经活动反映的是对记忆项目回想的过程,这一回想过程也与情绪效应有关,受到情绪效应的调节。  相似文献   
Echidnas have evolved separately from other mammalian groups for around 200 million years and incorporate a mixture of reptilian and mammalian features. Because of these attributes, they have historically been considered “primitive” animals. However, they have successfully adapted to a wide variety of ecological niches and their neurophysiology demonstrates a number of unusual and apparently sophisticated characteristics, including a relatively large brain and cerebral cortex and a comparatively massive frontal cortex. Studies of learning in the echidna have thus far been limited to only a handful of experiments which demonstrated relatively basic abilities such as forming a position habit in a T‐maze, successive habit‐reversal learning, and simple visual and instrumental discrimination. This study aimed to expand on these results and test the “primitive” echidna on what are generally considered more advanced cognitive tasks—same/different and conditional same/different concept learning. The results demonstrated that echidnas are able to discriminate on the basis of a relational same/different concept, using simultaneously presented multi‐element stimuli, and transfer that discrimination to novel stimuli. After further training, they were then able to repeat the performance when the correct choice was conditional on the background color of the stimulus panels.  相似文献   
This paper considers the experience of translating the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann as part of the Philemon series. The translator explores the similarities between analytical work and the task of translation by means of the concepts of the dialectical third and the interactional field. The history and politics of the translation of analytic writing and their consequences for the lingua franca of analysis are discussed. Key themes within the correspondence are outlined, including Jung and Neumann's pre‐war exploration of Judaism and the unconscious, the post‐war difficulties around the publication of Neumann's Depth Psychology and a New Ethic set against the early years of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, and the development of the correspondents’ relationship over time.  相似文献   
The complete correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann was published in 2015. This article attempts to provide insight into the practical task, as well as the theoretical background, of the editing process. The advantages and possibilities of an unabridged edition with an extensive historical contextualization are demonstrated, and compared to the approach of the editors of the Jung Letters and their selection therein of Jung's letters to Neumann. The practical points under consideration include the establishment of the letter corpus, the ascertainment of dates and the chronological arrangement of the letter exchange, as well as the deciphering of handwritten letters. Theoretical aspects under discussion involve the question of the merits of a critical contextualisation and the position of the editor vis‐à‐vis the research object. The example of the selecting and editing of Jung's letters to Neumann by Aniela Jaffé and Gerhard Adler reveals how drastically the close ties of those editors with Jung, Neumann, and members of the Zurich analytical circles compromised their editorial work at times. The advantage for an editor being able to work from an historical distance is appreciated.  相似文献   
Based in contemporary neuroscience, Jean Knox's 2004 JAP paper ‘From archetypes to reflective function’ honed her position on image schemas, thereby introducing a model for archetypes which sees them as ‘reliably repeated early developmental achievements’ and not as genetically inherited, innate psychic structures. The image schema model is used to illustrate how the analyst worked with a patient who began life as an unwanted pregnancy, was adopted at birth and as an adult experienced profound synchronicities, paranormal/telepathic phenomena and visions. The classical approach to such phenomena would see the intense affectivity arising out of a ruptured symbiotic mother‐infant relationship constellating certain archetypes which set up the patient's visions. This view is contrasted with Knox's model which sees the archetype an sich as a developmentally produced image schema underpinning the emergence of later imagery. The patient's visions can then be understood to arise from his psychoid body memory related to his traumatic conception and birth. The contemporary neuroscience which supports this view is outlined and a subsequent image schema explanation is presented. Clinically, the case material suggests that a pre‐birth perspective needs to be explored in all analytic work. Other implications of Knox's image schema model are summarized.  相似文献   
Bibliometric analyses are applied to 35,975 citations from 721 articles published in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, spanning the journal’s first 35 years of existence (1980–2015). For each of three time periods (1980s, 1990s, and 2000s), the sales literature’s most influential article publications are objectively identified. Multidimensional scaling is then used to identify key intellectual themes across time. Based on the citation data, historical developments in the literature regarding (1) relationship marketing, (2) sales force technology, (3) sales force control systems, and (4) salesperson role stress are traced and briefly explored in some article-level depth. Co-citation trends and recently influential papers are used to identify opportunities for future research. Altogether, this paper presents a first-of-its-kind view of sales literature’s intellectual cornerstones, knowledge structure, and thematic developments over 35 years.  相似文献   
This content analysis provides an overview of disability articles published in 10 major American Counseling Association journals between 2003 and 2013. In addition to the number of disability articles published during this time period, other content areas such as authorship and institutional contributors; methodology, location, and application settings; target populations and sample characteristics; type of disabilities; and topics of interest are identified. Recommendations for counseling scholars to increase the scope of research on disability are provided. Este análisis de contenido proporciona una visión general de los artículos sobre discapacidad publicados en 10 revistas principales de la Asociación Americana de Consejería (American Counseling Association) entre 2003 y 2013. Además del número de artículos sobre discapacidad publicados durante este periodo, se identifican otras áreas de contenidos, como la autoría y contribuidores institucionales, la metodología, ubicación y lugares de aplicación, las poblaciones observadas y características de los grupos de muestra, los tipos de discapacidad, y los temas de interés. Se proporcionan recomendaciones para que los expertos académicos en consejería puedan ampliar el alcance de las investigaciones sobre discapacidad.  相似文献   
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