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This is an autoethnographic study that inquiries into my own journey as an aspiring educational researcher throughout the second course of my Master’s Program at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. My experiences take place in the context of a group of real educational researchers and their on-going research project at the faculty of education called ‘Beyond Plant Blindness: Seeing the importance of plants for a sustainable world’ (BPB). All of the experiences included in this study are expressed in the form of chronologically ordered narrative vignettes. In order to bring theoretical meaning to these experiences, the vignettes were critically reflected upon and interpreted through the concept Communities of Practice (CoP), which is central to situated learning theory. Through this conceptual lens, my experiences revealed that an aspiring educational researcher may feel emotional and intellectual growth as a newcomer who is granted legitimate peripheral participation in the ‘real’ researcher CoP. Consequently, this study sheds light on ways that real researchers may play a part in shaping the identities of aspiring educational researchers through learning experiences. However, more generally, this study may facilitate fresh conversations about the complexities of learning, identity, and inclusion in the field of educational research.  相似文献   

In this paper I address the distributive, inclusive, and relational dimensions of educational justice individually in relation to transnational migration. First, I thematize distributive issues with regard to immigrant students, the central question being whether these students are entitled to more or less educational resources as non-immigrant students. Second, I discuss to which extent and in which sense enabling immigrant students to participate fully in the social and political life of their receiving country is a demand of educational justice. Third, I elaborate on which kinds of educational interactions – in the first place, which types of teaching – could perpetuate unjust treatment of those students in the form of disrespect. I claim that educational justice with regard to immigrated students consists in their enabling to full social and political participation by a mode of teaching that positively addresses students’ biographical experiences with migration, and by constructing school curricula which encourage inter-lingual, inter-cultural, and inter-contextual translations in the classroom. That is to say, that educational justice in context of migration is to be ultimately understood as relational justice, or more specific – as a matter of just pedagogical relations.  相似文献   
It would be possible to be affirmed that the most of the educational goals that modernity assumes, they settled down from the Renaissance. The postmodern age, in its critic to the modern period, demands the recovery of some losses. At the time of fast changes as it happens in the Renaissance, the Humanism originates a fruitful debate. According to the authors protagonists, the controversy became a dialogue plenty of common questions to which we find in the contemporary discussion. The reflection on the thought of one of the most representative and well-known authors, Comenio, it serves to think on the encounter of traditions in Philosophy of Education. He is a thinker who supplies the basis for his educational practice on a Philosophy of education and projects a reform to confront some problems that in the essential are repeated today.   相似文献   
通过随机取样的方法选取大连市三所幼儿园553名3~6岁幼儿为测查对象,采用问卷方式探讨了家长教育价值观、父母教养方式、儿童气质以及儿童人格之间的关系。本研究构建了一个有调节的中介模型,即父母教养方式在教育价值观和儿童人格间起中介作用,这一中介作用受到儿童自身气质特点的调节。结果表明:(1)教育价值观关系性维度正向预测了儿童人格的智能特征;教育价值观好行为维度正向预测了儿童人格的情绪稳定性;(2)教养方式不一致性维度在关系性与智能特征的关系中起中介作用;教养方式溺爱性维度在好行为与情绪稳定性的关系中起中介作用;(3)气质的情绪性维度和反应性维度分别调节了教养方式不一致性和溺爱性的中介作用。  相似文献   
学制——我国医学教育的困惑与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国医学教育层次繁多,学制较为混乱,已成为阻碍医学教育改革的重要因素。在《本科医学教育全球标准》及我国住院医师规划化培训均已启动和实施的背景下,医学教育国际化和住院医师规范化培训均对我国医学教育提出了更高要求。逐步统一医学教育学制,是继续深化医学教育变革的出路之一。  相似文献   
Growth mindset interventions directed at students aim to change students' beliefs about the malleability of ability. These interventions have had mixed results, with some showing impressive findings (e.g., improving grades and persistence in science and closing performance gaps), while other implementations have shown null findings. This heterogeneity suggests that growth mindset interventions should not be viewed as a sole solution for improving educational outcomes for students and that further research is needed to identify the contextual factors that influence their effectiveness. We propose new theoretical directions in mindset research that adopts an anti-deficit model and moves away from focusing exclusively on students and their belief systems. Instead, we encourage a new wave of mindset research that considers the institutional, cultural, and contextual environment that either corroborates or negates students' mindset beliefs. We propose a new approach to mindset research that emphasizes innovative approaches to better understand the conditions under which mindset interventions are effective.  相似文献   
西南少数民族教育价值观的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献综述、开放式问卷和个别访谈的基础上,提出了西南少数民族教育价值观的理论构想,自编了西南少数民族教育价值观量表。约1,500名西南地区少数民族被试接受了测试。研究表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,西南少数民族的教育价值观包括教育效用、家族荣誉、个人发展、民族传承等四个维度,西南少数民族群众的教育价值观在性别和年龄不存在显著性差异,在民族和文化程度上存在着显著性差异。  相似文献   
We present selected initial results from a study investigating the effects of school restructuring and reform activities on outcomes for students who are identified as having serious emotional and behavioral disabilities. A review of the literature revealed six key areas of reform for investigation: accountability, governance, parent involvement, includedness, curriculum and instruction, and pro-social discipline. Ten schools (five elementary, two K-8, one middle, and two high schools) actively engaged in school restructuring and reform efforts were selected to participate in the study, and their status related to these six areas is presented. Characteristics of the students identified as having emotional and behavioral disabilities and served in these schools in special education settings (N = 116) are described. Results from the administration of standardized assessments revealed that these students have significant levels of emotional and behavioral disabilities that impair their functioning at school and at home. Further, school staff are providing the majority of counseling services to these students during the school day, with non-school professionals providing services to 25% of the students.  相似文献   
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