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揭开“看牙难、看牙贵”的面纱   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
患者对现有分科看牙模式的失望和对牙科医疗机构的商业化模式的疑问,产生了“看牙难、看牙贵”的感叹。通过14年的全科牙医诊疗体系的实践,从结构影响结果的哲学角度提出全科牙医教育培训体系的建立和牙科产业链调整的设想。通过对历史上全科牙医的回顾,推测全科牙医和专科牙医的互补形式,将成为中国牙科医疗体系的“新式样”。通过对牙科医疗机构运行机制的分析提出了改善的建议。  相似文献   
本文根据实验事实,对PASS智力模型进行扩展,并提出一个简称AMPLE的智力模型。这个模型基于脑的四个功能系统学说,包括注意(attention)、操纵(manipulation)、计划(planning)、学习(learning)和评估(evaluation)等过程。它是一个囊括觉、知、情、意诸成分在内的全面的智力模型。  相似文献   
团队互动过程研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团队的特性在于成员间有相互作用,团队效能很大程度上取决于团队成员间的互动过程。文章从团队互动的视角概览了新近有关研究。概括出:(1)团队互动过程的行为要素,包括沟通、协调、相互支持、冲突、领导行为、目标行为等;(2)伴随互动过程涌现的情感状态及互动风格;(3)团队互动的测评;(4)团队互动培训。提出进一步研究有待加强直接以团队互动过程为对象,建构高效团队互动的核心模型等。  相似文献   
Background. As familial cancer genetic services moves into community practice increased numbers of trained health professionals are needed to counsel individuals seeking cancer risk information. Nurses have been targeted to provide cancer risk assessment and counseling. To help prepare nurses for this role, a 5-day training in familial cancer risk assessment and counseling followed by a long-distance mentorship to support continued skill development in the work environment was conducted by Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Methods. Four cohorts (N = 41) have completed the training and were randomized to either an immediate or delayed mentorship. A formative evaluation assessed the nurse’s ability to consult with other genetic health professionals and build self-efficacy in counseling skills via responses to questionnaire. A post-mentorship interview evaluated the usefulness, timing and length of the mentorship. Results. For both groups, there was a statistically significant improvement in self-efficacy for all skills from baseline to 6 months and an increased number of nurses consulting with genetic health professionals. All the nurses reported the value of the mentorship and those with less cancer risk counseling experience prior to the training needed support and resources for further skill and program development. Lessons learned from this formative evaluation are provided.  相似文献   
We illustrate the use of formative and summative assessment in evaluating a therapeutic classroom program for children with serious emotional disturbances. Information was analyzed based on data gathered for clinical decision-making during treatment (formative assessment) and measurement of outcomes at discharge (summative assessment) from a school-based Intensive Mental Health Program. Results indicated that overall ratings of daily indicators of behavior across all environments (therapeutic classroom, neighborhood school, and home) were predictive of functioning at discharge. An ecological approach during the formative assessment period of evaluation is important as compared to only examining individual environments. Formative assessment techniques can predict scores on a summative assessment measure. Thus, we found supportive evidence for the formative and summative procedures used in the Intensive Mental Health Program for therapeutic interventions, clinical decision-making, and outcomes assessment.  相似文献   
The Intensive Mental Health Program meets the needs for services in school systems for children with serious emotional disturbances and for training graduate students in clinical applications with a difficult-to-serve population. We address the range of challenges and rewards experienced in the development of the comprehensive intervention program, the continued maintenance of program elements, and the program evaluation.  相似文献   
对构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据艾滋病防治督导与评估框架具有的功能及构建框架的原则,提出了构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的思路。该预期框架包括总框架和组织管理与协调、指标体系和数据管理三个分框架。通过对构建预期框架的探讨,为制定我国艾滋病防治督导与评估方案提供参考。  相似文献   
Human syntax acquisition involves a system that can learn constraints on possible word sequences in typologically-different human languages. Evaluation of computational syntax acquisition systems typically involves theory-specific or language-specific assumptions that make it difficult to compare results in multiple languages. To address this problem, a bag-of-words incremental generation (BIG) task with an automatic sentence prediction accuracy (SPA) evaluation measure was developed. The BIG–SPA task was used to test several learners that incorporated n-gram statistics which are commonly found in statistical approaches to syntax acquisition. In addition, a novel Adjacency–Prominence learner, that was based on psycholinguistic work in sentence production and syntax acquisition, was also tested and it was found that this learner yielded the best results in this task on these languages. In general, the BIG–SPA task is argued to be a useful platform for comparing explicit theories of syntax acquisition in multiple languages.  相似文献   
Social science research specific to the identification and prevalence of unsuitable students within counselling, psychology, and social work training programmes is briefly reviewed in this article. This area of enquiry relates to the gatekeeping responsibilities of professional educational programmes, to ensure that their graduates are competent to provide ethical and effective practice to the public. Key issues which impede the usefulness of this gatekeeping literature to counselling educators are raised. These include: methodological inconsistencies which limit the comparison of findings and hence the drawing of sound conclusions; the lack of definitional clarity relating to the construct of gatekeeping; and the confusing array of nomenclature used to represent students’ failure to meet acceptable professional standards. It is apparent from this overview that there are common factors irrespective of nomenclature that are associated with students at risk of not becoming competent entry‐level practitioners. This suggests that a structured approach to terminology is appropriate. There is also evidence to suggest that encountering such students is a regular occurrence for faculty, with students indicating higher numbers of impaired students than educators. A working definition of gatekeeping is provided and nomenclature suggested.  相似文献   
趋利避害是生物的本能。《管子·禁藏》云:夫凡人之情, 见利莫能勿就, 见害莫能勿避。“两利相权取其重, 两害相权取其轻”是规范性决策理论的一基本原则。本研究以金钱作为奖赏或惩罚刺激, 检验人们能否理性地遵循“价值最大化”原则。在实验中, 主试以检查硬币生产年代的数目为由, 让被试逐枚地感受两个金钱序列:10元硬币序列(由20枚五角硬币组成)和10.3元硬币序列(由20枚五角硬币和3枚一角硬币组成),随后评定获得(或损失)各金钱序列的高兴(或不高兴)程度, 并从中选择一金钱序列(与硬币等值的金钱)作为其奖赏(或惩罚)。实验为2 (3枚一角硬币在序列首vs. 3枚一角硬币在序列尾)´2(先检查10元硬币序列vs. 先检查10.3元硬币序列)´2(损失vs. 获得)三因素设计, 每种条件随机分配15名商学院学生被试。结果表明, 被试倾向选择获益少(10元)和损失多(-10.3元)的金钱序列; 且获益大(10.3元)时高兴程度小, 损失小(-10元)时不高兴程度大。这一结果意味着:“聊”并不胜于“无”,反而是“无”胜于“聊”。其中, 伴随着违背价值最大化原则所产生的情感亦有悖逻辑。负性情感的引发一般有其“逻辑正确”的原因(如, 无惠而不乐); 而引发本研究负性情感的原因实属“逻辑错误”(如, 惠多而不乐)。这种不曾被定义而类似于“冤”的情感不仅见于个人,也见于民族、国家间的持续交往, 值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
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