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This research note contributes to an evaluation of the validity of secularization theory by studying the relationship between economic modernization and patterns of religious change. Both the disenchantment narrative of Berger and Weber and the existential security perspective of Inglehart hypothesize that economic development should be accompanied by a weakening of religious values. Using macro‐level panel regressions, my analysis reveals that while economic growth is directly associated with diminishing church attendance rates, it is not directly associated with a decline in belief. The relation between economic growth and religious decline is therefore not primarily mediated by a “secularization of consciousness.” Findings instead indicate that economic prosperity leads to a change in consumption patterns on the part of individuals due to increased income and availability of alternative, secular opportunities to meet needs previously fulfilled by traditional religion. A decline in religious belief may occur as a secondary consequence of this behavioral change, since diminishing worship attendance rates reduce the influence of religion on value socialization.  相似文献   
相关研究表明,由于青少年在网络社交中能够获得他人的认可与支持,网络社交对网络成瘾具有显著的影响。自我价值定向理论认为自我价值是人们行为的终极理由,其中他人的认可与接纳、家庭社会经济地位都是自我价值的重要支撑。当青少年生活在高社会经济地位环境中,其自我价值可能越高,网络社交使用频率对网络成瘾的影响可能会减弱。我们从全国7个省收集了1216份青少年自评的网络社交使用频率、网络成瘾倾向以及父母自评的社会经济地位等指标的数据。结果表明:家庭社会经济地位调节着网络社交使用频率与网络成瘾倾向的关系;进一步的分析表明,在高社会经济地位的家庭中,青少年的网络社交使用频率对网络成瘾倾向的影响不显著,而在低社会经济地位的家庭中,青少年的网络社交使用频率对网络成瘾倾向的影响极其显著。结果支持了自我价值定向理论。  相似文献   
Since its advent in the early 1920s,Western Marxism has undergone a torturous process from anti-liberalism to virtually liberalism.The main theoretical deficiency behind this process is the over-estimation of Marx's cultural critique of capitalism.As his economic research gradually deepened,Marx's dual critique of capitalism from economic and cultural perspectives matured.When the leading proponents of Soviet Marxism gave prominence to Marx's economic critique,as circumstances required,they and some key figures in the Second International misread his theory with emphasis on economic determinism.In contrast,Georg Lukács and most Western Marxists proceeded to develop a Marxian cultural critique with the consequence that his economic research being marginalized.Without the counterbalance of a continuous and consistent economic theory to challenge a confident international capitalism,cultural critique is consequently reorganized in confluence with liberalism,which is centered on an individual ontology.Re-excavating Marxian dual critical theory may help Westem Marxism escape the dilemma.  相似文献   
The problem of climate change is analyzed as a manifestation of economic growth, and the steady-state economy of ecological economics is proposed as a system-wide solution. Four classes of more specific solutions are described. In the absence of analysis, cultural inertia will bias solutions in favor of green consumption as a generalized solution strategy. By itself, green consumption is a flawed solution to climate change because it perpetuates or even accelerates economic growth that is incompatible with a sustainable culture. Addressing climate change requires an integration of regulatory, energy efficiency, skill-based, and dissemination solutions. Behavioral scientists are encouraged to work with others in ecological economics and other social sciences who recognize cultural reinvention as a means of achieving sustainability.  相似文献   
经济现象广泛存在于社会生活,对经济现象的认知是儿童社会认知的重要组成部分。儿童对经济现象的认知包括对基本经济概念、经济原则、经济规律和经济行为的认知等。研究表明,儿童对基本经济概念的理解随着年龄的增长而不断发展,但是受环境和经验因素的影响,存在跨文化的差异。儿童对不同经济概念理解的发展是不同步的。儿童可能很早就出现对基本经济概念内隐性的理解。儿童对经济原则和经济规律的理解也是随着年龄的增长而不断发展的,并且和他们对基本经济概念的理解息息相关。储蓄行为是一种重要的经济行为。12岁的儿童能够理解储蓄的多重目的,并仍处于发展之中。  相似文献   
As global market conditions erode traditional forms of solidarity, there is evidence of psychological disturbance among a number of social groups as a direct result. This paper investigates this issue among a disadvantaged working‐class group in South Yorkshire (England) and argues that understanding emerging forms of social suffering requires both a social and a person‐centred approach that transcends normal clinical/psycho‐analytic accounts. The attempt here is to create well‐founded terms of reference that will support investigators who seek to embed agents' case histories in a social‐psychological framework as they set about illuminating social pathologies. The paper attempts to trace the contours of pathology holistically by following its traces as they are manifest in everyday experience and articulated in conversation; thus putting agents' everyday perceptions of the data at the heart of this account. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that high income was associated with low risk of death by suicide; however, the extent to which household income reduces suicidal ideation remains unclear. We performed a survey to examine the relationship between annual household income and suicidal ideation and determine the level of annual household income at which suicidal ideation no longer decreased as income increased. In total, 94,131 members of Internet survey panels were recruited as participants by a major Japanese Internet survey company in 2016. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire consisting of items pertaining to demographics, annual household income, and suicidal ideation. We performed logistic regression analysis with suicidal ideation as the dependent variable and income level as the independent variable. The results showed that odds ratios for suicidal ideation decreased as annual household incomes increased, with sex, age, educational level, marital status, and parenthood adjusted for; however, once annual household incomes exceeded 8 million JPY (approximately 77,700 USD), the risk of suicidal ideation no longer decreased. We conclude that suicidal ideation was negatively associated with annual household income and 8 million JPY (approximately 77,700 USD) is a threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer reduce individuals’ suicidal ideation.  相似文献   
邢采  张希  牛建林 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1679-1689
男女比例协调本是自然进化的规律。可在我国, 人口性别比例失调的现象日趋严重, 深入理解这一现象对社会产生何种影响已经成为一件刻不容缓的工作。进化心理学和社会人口学这两个领域近年来分别开展了一系列与此问题相关的研究, 从性选择、择偶、婚姻、亲本投资、暴力行为和经济行为六个方面全面研究人口性别比例对人类行为的影响。  相似文献   
中国传统家庭消费伦理观良莠并存;现代社会消费伦理观优劣同在。面对经济全球化下中国传统家庭消费伦理观的嬗变,我们应该坚持马克思主义批判继承的原则,通过扬善弃恶,去伪存真,融汇整合,构建出既有历史传统又有时代气息,既有民族性特点,又面向世界当代中国家庭消费伦理观,从而实现传统家庭消费伦理观的现代转型。  相似文献   
集团主义、忠诚、竞争合作、报恩等是支撑日本市场经济的主要伦理原则。对这些原则的研究,是建设社会主义经济伦理的重要参考。  相似文献   
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