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This study examined the effects of in utero exposure to maternal depression and Superstorm Sandy, a hurricane that hit metropolitan New York in 2012, on infant temperament at 6 months. Temperament was assessed using the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised. Maternal depression was measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. The main effects and the interaction of maternal depression and Sandy exposure on infant temperament were examined using a multivariable generalized linear model. Results show that prenatal maternal depression was associated with lower emotion regulation and greater distress. Stratification and interaction analyses suggested that the adverse effects of prenatal maternal depression on problematic temperament were amplified by in utero Sandy exposure. This study underscores the importance of providing prenatal screening and treatment for maternal depression during pregnancy while also identifying high-risk families who may have suffered from disaster-related traumas to provide necessary services. As the frequency of natural disasters may increase due to climate change, it is important to understand the consequences of in utero stress on child development and to formulate plans for early identification.  相似文献   
In the current study, we examined associations among early childcare workers’ emotional competence, observed responsiveness, comfort with socioemotional teaching practices, and the quality of their relationships with children in their care. The participants were 100 early childcare workers (72 center-based Early Head Start teachers and 28 family childcare providers). Results showed that caregivers’ emotion regulation ability was positively associated with caregiver–child relational closeness. Understanding and regulation of emotion were both positively associated with childcare workers’ comfort with socioemotional teaching practices. Their observed responsiveness was positively related to relational closeness and negatively related to relational conflict. Findings are consistent with aspects of the prosocial classroom model, which asserts that educators high in emotional and social competence tend to adopt childcare practices that result in supportive relationships with children. Results provide insight into whether childcare workers’ responsiveness to young children and their perceived socioemotional teaching practices provide a pathway between emotional competence and the quality of caregiver–child relationships.  相似文献   
Thanks to the publication of the two decrees of 12 April 2018, and six years after the promulgation of the Jardé law, the scope of the law of 5 March 2012 as well as the different categories of research involving the human person finally appear clearly. Beside interventional research that includes intervention on the person that is not justified by usual care, the contours of two categories of research have been precised: interventional research with minimal risk and minimal burden and “non-interventional” research, whose name is questionable. If the latest decrees have managed to reach a more coherent set of rules, the French legal and regulatory provisions remain complex and incomplete. Complex, in view of the multiplicity of statutory texts adopted since the promulgation of the Jardé law. Incomplete, because the needs for ethical evaluation provided for by the international ethical principles of research are not systematically covered by French law.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to explore whether emotional dominance can also account for choice deferral. This research manipulated emotional dominance through the difference in attractiveness among current alternatives in Experiment 1 and the readability of fonts for describing current options in Experiment 2, to investigate the role of dominance in choice deferral. The results revealed that increasingly submissive decision environments were related to more choice of deferral options. Mediation analyses indicated that dominance could mediate the effects of experimental manipulations on choice deferral, and that the actual choice of a deferral option was associated with more increase in dominance of retrospective emotion. The results indicate that dominance plays an important role in choice deferral and that choosing to defer can minimize the explicit confrontation of being out of control.  相似文献   
To probe the inconsistent link between education and attitude change toward minority social groups, we conducted a field study that focused on audience characteristics and education about lesbian, gay, and transgender (LGT) targets. Participants enrolled in a sexuality course were compared to those in a neurology course, both taught by the same professor. Multiple regression analyses predicted attitude change toward LGT targets from social dominance orientation (SDO), right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), ratings of professor’s characteristics, SDO by course interaction, and RWA by course interaction. Only the SDO by course interaction significantly predicted attitude change. Simple slopes analyses indicated that high-SDO participants in the sexuality course showed the most positive attitude change. These findings suggest that education may reduce prejudice for certain audience characteristics.  相似文献   
We examined how diverse and cumulated traumatic experiences predicted maternal prenatal mental health and infant stress regulation in war conditions and whether maternal mental health mediated the association between trauma and infant stress regulation. Participants were 511 Palestinian mothers from the Gaza Strip who reported exposure to current war trauma (WT), past childhood emotional (CEA) and physical abuse, socioeconomic status (SES), prenatal mental health problems (posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms), and perceived stress during their secondtrimester of pregnancy as well as infant stress regulation at 4 months. While all trauma types were associated with high levels of prenatal symptoms, CEA had the most wide‐ranging effects and was uniquely associated with depression symptoms. Concerning infant stress regulation, mothers’ CEA predicted negative affectivity, but only among mothers with low WT. Against hypothesis, the effects of maternal trauma on infant stress regulation were not mediated by mental health symptoms. Mothers’ higher SES was associated with better infant stress regulation whereas infant prematurity and male sex predisposed for difficulties. Our findings suggest that maternal childhood abuse, especially CEA, should be a central treatment target among war‐exposed families. Cumulated psychosocial stressors might increase the risk for transgenerational problems.  相似文献   
Abstract: To ensure the effectiveness of the mate‐choice behavior of female house mice (Mus domesticus), we observed them in two different situations that involved restriction of the area of movement of the male mice. In Experiment 1, we observed 12 trios consisting of two male mice and an estrous female placed in a chamber in which none of the animals was restricted during the 6‐h test. It was found that the female was more receptive to the male that had ejaculated with it first. Additionally, when the female initiated the mating event by approaching the male, the lordosis quotient was higher than that when the male initiated the mating event. In Experiment 2, a female was able to visit two males that were prevented from getting out of small boxes. As a result of the 3‐h observation of 10 cases, it was found that the females were more receptive to the dominant male. The intromission ratio of the dominant male was also higher than that of the subordinate male. The behavioral roles of female mice in mating interactions and their adaptive validity are discussed.  相似文献   
儿童青少年的创造性人格发展特点的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
聂衍刚  郑雪 《心理科学》2005,28(2):356-361
本研究以《威廉姆斯创造性个性倾向测验》为测验工具、以3729名(9~19岁)学生为研究对象,考察了儿童青少年的创造性人格发展的特点及影响因素。研究发现:儿童青少年创造性人格的发展存在阶段性;单亲家庭与双亲家庭的学生在创造性人格水平上没有差异;女生在创造性人格的总水平以及冒险性、想象力维度的得分显著高于男生;不同类型学校学生的创造性人格水平在各个学段都存在差异,并存在不同的发展趋势,其中重点学校学生创造性人格的变化方向是向下的,其显著的下降发生在初高中之间。  相似文献   
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