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《周易参同契》所推阐的金丹原理,将丹道与易道结合,运用汉代象数易学的成果,巧妙地阐明了修炼金丹的道理和方法。它的“月体纳甲说”用周易八卦模拟月体在太空运行过程中,一月之内所出现的晦朔弦望之盈虚变化,并以其出没方位作为纳甲的依据。它的“乾体六爻模拟月相说”,以乾六爻之象模拟月体的晦朔弦望,以明阴阳的消长变化。它的“十二消息卦变说”,以十二辟卦论说周天火候,以明进阳火和退阴符之分。  相似文献   
"艰"有"难治"与"治难"两个基本意义范畴。"治难"意义范畴,后造"垦"字分担,造"垦"之前,"艰"字兼之。"垦"字分担了"艰"字"治难"之义后,"艰"字便只有"难治"之义,沿用至今。《周易》本经的六个"艰"字皆可训"垦",耕垦,开辟,拓荒之义,意即不畏艰难,知难而进,多用其力,掘进不辍。"艰"与"垦",字为古今,语同一源。训"艰"为"垦",乃"艰"字本有之义,无须假借为说。《噬嗑》、《大畜》、《明夷》卦爻辞的"利艰贞"体现了圣人"开拓进取,因时而变"的人生智慧;《泰》九三之"艰贞,无咎"、《大有》初九之"艰则无咎"、《大壮》上六之"艰则吉"诠释了圣人"自强不息,知难而进"的人生追求。  相似文献   
Decision by sampling (DbS) is a theory about how our environment shapes the decisions that we make. Here, I review the application of DbS to risky decision making. According to classical theories of risky decision making, people make stable transformations between outcomes and probabilities and their subjective counterparts using fixed psychoeconomic functions. DbS offers a quite different account. In DbS, the subjective value of an outcome or probability is derived from a series of binary, ordinal comparisons with a sample of other outcomes or probabilities from the decision environment. In this way, the distribution of attribute values in the environment determines the subjective valuations of outcomes and probabilities. I show how DbS interacts with the real-world distributions of gains, losses, and probabilities to produce the classical psychoeconomic functions. I extend DbS to account for preferences in benchmark data sets. Finally, in a challenge to the classical notion of stable subjective valuations, I review evidence that manipulating the distribution of attribute values in the environment changes our subjective valuations just as DbS predicts.  相似文献   
We previously reported that in the Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) task, which requires tracking several identical targets moving unpredictably among identical nontargets, the nontargets appear to be inhibited, as measured by a probe-dot detection method. The inhibition appears to be local to nontargets and does not extend to the space between objects—dropping off very rapidly away from targets and nontargets. In the present three experiments we show that (1) nontargets that are identical to targets but remain in a fixed location are not inhibited and (2) moving objects that have a different shape from targets are inhibited as much as same-shape nontargets, and (3) nontargets that are on a different depth plane and so are easily filtered out are not inhibited. This is consistent with a task-dependent view of item inhibition wherein nontargets are inhibited if (and only if) they are likely to be mistaken for targets.  相似文献   
孔子叹道不行 ,欲乘桴出海 ,到君子居之的九夷去推行其道。这是历史铁案。但“九夷”是泛指“东夷”———原以山东地区为发源地和大本营的原始土著 ,后来繁衍迁徙 ,分布遍及中国整个东部沿海远及海外朝鲜、日本诸岛 ,且支系繁多 ,具体去处 ,孔子没有言明。孔子之时 ,山东及中国东部沿海已无独立完整的东夷国家可寻 ,倒是被称为东夷国家的箕氏朝鲜尚盛 ,仁义教化 ,有君子之风。箕氏朝鲜始祖箕子与孔子先祖微子同出殷朝王族 ,被孔子称为殷之“三仁”者。虑及地理、交通、族缘关系 ,孔子欲居之九夷 ,实暗指箕氏朝鲜。  相似文献   
Jung develops synchronicity as an a causal principle of connection by recounting various examples of meaningful coincidence from experience and by analysing various systems of divination, notably the I Ching. Philosophical theory of causality has given no significant attention to synchronicity; the events of synchronicity are regarded as chance. The Neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) developed a doctrine of historical experience and of self-knowledge that grounds the phenomenon of synchronicity in a metaphysics. James Joyce employed Vico's conception of language and historical cycles as the basis of Joyce's final literary work, Finnegans Wake. Vico's metaphysical sense of synchronicity and Joyce's literary formulation offer a grounding of this principle in non-divinatory sources in modern Western thought, something which Jung's discussion does not provide. These philosophical and literary perspectives complement Jung's to offer an expanded context in which to recognize synchronicity and to make sense of it.  相似文献   
"做中学"科学教育对幼儿情绪能力发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赖小林  宋欣欣  丁振源 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1483-1486
本文旨在探讨"做中学"科学教育方法对儿童情绪能力发展的影响.研究采用访谈法和问卷法,对象是幼儿家长和老师.问卷调查使用自编儿童情绪能力发展他评问卷,包括教师、对幼儿情绪不同维度的指标进行评分.实验采用2×3设计.实验组60名.问卷用spss10.0统计处理,结果表明实验组儿童情绪能力发展优于对照组参加"做中学"实验活动时间越长,情绪能力发展越好.  相似文献   
In this essay I characterize arguments by analogy, which have an important role both in philosophical and everyday reasoning. Arguments by analogy are different from ordinary inductive or deductive arguments and have their own distinct features. I try to characterize the structure and function of these arguments. It is further discussed that some arguments, which are not explicit arguments by analogy, nevertheless should be interpreted as such and not as inductive or deductive arguments. The result is that a presumed outcome of a philosophical dispute will have to be reconsidered.  相似文献   
We show that the first-order theory of a large class of plane geometries and the first-order theory of their groups of motions, understood both as groups with a unary predicate singling out line-reflections, and as groups acting on sets, are mutually inter-pretable. Presented by Robert Goldblatt  相似文献   
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