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Abstract. In contrast to Christian theology that has ignored science, this essay suggests that a credible doctrine of God as creator must take into account scientific understandings of the world. The introduction of the principle of inertia into seventeenth-century science and philosophy helped change the traditional idea of God as creator (which included divine conservation and governance) into a deist concept of God. To recapture the idea that God continually creates, it is important to affirm the contingency of the world as a whole and of all events in the world. Reflecting on the interrelationship of contingency and natural law provides a framework for relating scientific theories of a universal field, the concept of emergent evolution, and the theological concept of eternal divine spirit active in all creation.  相似文献   
The current study explored associations between previous physical activity and both implicit and explicit attitudes, as well as visual attention and activity motivation (intention). Analyses were performed on participants initially unaware of the physical activity focus of the study (N = 98). Higher levels of physical activity were associated with positive implicit attitudes and an attentional bias towards exercise cues. There was a quadratic (‘U’ shaped) relationship between implicit attitude and attention: the more extreme individuals’ implicit attitudes towards exercise (positive or negative) the greater their attentional bias to exercise cues. Furthermore, explicit attitude moderated the relationship between attentional bias and physical activity: attentional bias to exercise cues was associated with higher levels of physical activity only for those who had a strong positive explicit attitude. Findings suggested that implicit cognitions are linked with previous physical activity. Future research should consider strategies for strengthening positive implicit and explicit attitudes and directing attention to cues signalling healthy behaviour.  相似文献   
The cognitive biases associated with perfectionism include a selective attention to failure and the discounting of success. The present study experimentally focused on the relation between self‐oriented perfectionism (SOP) and selective attention using the social cognitive paradigm. Forty undergraduate students who were identified as either high or low in SOP were asked to perform modified versions of the Stroop task. The results suggest that participants with high SOP did not take longer to respond to failure words than to neutral words, but their reaction time to failure words was longer than that of participants with low SOP. These findings provided the basis for cognitive behavioral biases for perfectionism.  相似文献   
本文采用连续报告任务,从非线索指示项目的角度入手,探讨无效后线索的存在是否会影响后线索效应的产生,以此进一步了解"后线索效益"的产生机制。结果表明,无论采用空间后注意线索,还是非空间的颜色后注意线索,都产生了"后线索效益",即后线索确实提高了被试视觉工作记忆的表现。无效后线索的存在不会影响"后线索效益"的产生,该效益的理论解释符合优先提取说,即被试会利用后注意线索优先提取线索指示项目,产生更快和更准确的反应。  相似文献   
食物在社会生活中发挥着重要作用, 具有性别文化意义。两个研究分别探索了外显与内隐食物性别刻板印象的存在及其对人物评价的影响。研究1采用提名法、自我报告法和语义启动范式检验外显和内隐食物性别刻板印象的存在, 结果表明被试均持“男性偏好男性化食物, 女性偏好女性化食物”的外显食物性别刻板印象, 女性被试持有内隐食物性别刻板印象。研究2采用情境实验法和内隐关系评估程序进一步测量被试对食物性别刻板不一致目标人物在热情和能力维度上的评价, 结果发现人们对食物性别刻板不一致男性在热情维度的内隐评价更加积极。  相似文献   
视觉空间注意是人的一种基本认知功能,对老年人的生活有重要影响。N2pc作为一种与注意选择相关的ERP成分,可以反映注意资源在空间上的分配,是研究视觉空间注意的一个良好指标。本文对此前基于N2pc成分的注意功能老化研究进行了综述。前人研究主要采用视觉搜索范式与空间线索范式。采用视觉搜索范式的研究发现,当目标周围有干扰子时,目标诱发的N2pc在老年人中振幅减小,潜伏期延迟,同时在行为上老年人与年轻人相比,正确率更低,反应时更长; 当目标周围无干扰子时,目标诱发的N2pc振幅老年人与年轻人相当或比年轻人更大,老年人的正确率与年轻人无显著差异。采用空间线索范式的研究发现,与目标无相同特征的线索奇异子(singleton cue)不会诱发N2pc,与目标有相同特征的线索奇异子诱发的N2pc未表现出年龄差异,差异体现在一种反映抑制的ERP成分—Pd上(年轻人有Pd而老年人没有),此时老年人在行为上表现出比年轻人更强的空间线索效应。这些研究共同说明,视觉空间注意功能的老化是一个复杂的过程,涉及到搜索目标时注意分配速度的减慢,对干扰子抑制能力的下降以及基于特征的注意捕获能力的良好保持。  相似文献   
What makes cerebral activity conscious - is it the location of the activity or the type of processing taking place? A recent study of binocular fusion adds to the increasing evidence in favour of processing, not location, as the crucial factor. It also provides evidence for the co-localization of perceptual and non-perceptual activity within individual cortical areas.  相似文献   
At the core of the sense of agency for self-produced action is the sense that I, and not some other agent, am producing and directing those actions. While there is an ever-expanding body of empirical research investigating the sense of agency for bodily action, there has, to date, been little empirical investigation of the sense of agency for thought. The present study uses the novel Mind-to-Mind paradigm, in which the agentive source of a target thought is ambiguous, to measure misattributions of agency. Seventy-two percent of participants made at least one misattribution of agency during a 5-min trial. Misattributions were significantly more frequent when the target thought was an arousing negative thought as compared to a neutral control. The findings establish a novel protocol for measuring the sense of agency for thought, and suggest that both contextual factors and emotional experience play a role in its generation.  相似文献   
Since the publication of Schmidt’s (1975) schema theory of motor learning, numerous studies have assessed the variability of practice hypothesis. Of these, only research using children as subjects has provided consistent results. Findings from adult studies have been equivocal. Two experiments were conducted to assess the possibility that the schedule of variable practice during acquisition may be a clue to this equivocality, since only experiments (using adults as subjects) that have provided random variability of practice conditions have consistently supported the tenets of schema theory. Using a two movement rapid timing task, subjects learned to control their actions under one (constant) or four (variable) parameters, with variable practice conducted under either a blocked or a randomized schedule. Results for variable error and absolute constant error showed that random-variable practice provided strong support for the schema theory prediction, whereas blocked-variable practice provided only relatively weak support. Two contrasting implications of these results are discussed with respect to support versus non-support for Schmidt’s schema theory.  相似文献   
The observed ease or effort of performance has traditionally been considered an integral part of any definition of skill (e.g., Guthrie, 1935). Empirical investigations of skill learning and performance have, however, largely ignored the effort or efficiency with which the movement is performed. This situation has arisen despite the fact that in many skills, particularly athletic endurance events or industrial work tasks, efficiency of performance may be essential to the goal of the task. This paper focuses on the energy demand of various skills and its relationship to issues of learning, performance, and individual differences in preferred rhythm. It is shown that across a variety of tasks the individual’s freely chosen work-rate is the most efficient. The significance of preferred rhythm to theoretical perspectives on rhythmic activity is discussed.  相似文献   
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