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On the basis of the Berlin wisdom paradigm, we define wisdom in the military context as expert knowledge and judgment concerning in extremis military operations. We measured wisdom in the military context by asking participants to give advice to an inexperienced officer facing an in extremis operation; subsequently, we coded their responses. Data were provided by 74 senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in the U.S. defense forces. In support of convergent validity, wisdom in the military context was positively related to general objective wisdom and general self-assessed wisdom. Relationships of wisdom in the military context and general objective wisdom with Big Five personality characteristics were nonsignificant, whereas general self-assessed wisdom was positively related to extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to experience, and it was negatively related to neuroticism. The findings provide initial support for the validity of the new wisdom in the military context measure. We discuss several implications for future research and practice regarding wisdom in the military context.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate Iranian psychotherapists’ behaviors and beliefs toward sexual orientation and gender identity. The sample consisted of 358 Iranian psychotherapists, of whom 29.3% (n = 105) were male and 67% (n = 24) were female. Results from the chi-square analyses showed that more male participants reported accepting homosexual clients and treating them as having a pathological disorder than their female counterparts; and licensed respondents reported engaging more in accepting only male or female clients, accepting more homosexual and transgender clients for treatment, and treating them as having a pathological disorder when compared with their unlicensed counterparts. Furthermore supervised respondents reported accepting more homosexual clients than their unsupervised counterparts. However results from the multivariate analysis of variance has indicated that the female participants reported “accepting homosexuals or transgender clients for treatment” more often than the male participants; unsupervised participants reported “accepting homosexual or transgender clients for treatment” and “treating homosexuality per se as a pathological disorder” more often than their supervised counterparts.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to validate the 20‐item Mini‐K scale, which is the short form of the Arizona Life History Battery, as translated into Japanese. Two samples of Japanese adults (N = 2000; 50.0% men; Mage = 40.9 for the first survey; N = 400; 50.0% men; Mage = 42.2 for the second survey) completed a web‐based questionnaire, including the Japanese translation of the Mini‐K. The results showed that the psychometric properties of the Japanese Mini‐K scale were comparable to those of the original English version. The scale had good reliability based on Cronbach's α and McDonald's ω. Convergent validity was demonstrated by the correlation between the Mini‐K scores and life history indicators. In addition, the Mini‐K score was related to both personality and psychosomatic health. The translated scale provides a valid and reliable instrument in Japanese that measures human life‐history strategy.  相似文献   
诺贝尔生理学或医学奖已有百余年历史,其间遗传学获奖项目运用了很多实验材料。它们有的已淡出人们的视线;有的还在使用,并频繁获奖;呈现出此起彼伏、交相更迭的"诺贝尔医学奖实验材料更替现象"。本文旨在探讨与诺贝尔生理学或医学奖相关的遗传学实验材料更替现象,总结其更替规律,并在此基础上预测其选用趋势。  相似文献   
通过分析2004年诺贝尔医学奖的发现过程,揭示假说对科学研究的指导意义。只有勤观察,多思考,大胆假设,小心求证,才能揭示自然规律。  相似文献   
孔子对鬼神持怀疑态度,不承认作为实体存在的鬼神。坚决反对鬼神致病说,对后世中医学的发展产生了积极影响。孔子达观的人生态度,使其举止行为无不合于养生之道,中庸是其养生之道的根本原则。  相似文献   

《WHO胸部肿瘤分类(第5版)》中的肺肿瘤分类目录把肺原位腺癌从腺癌目录中移出, 归类到腺体前驱病变。肺磨玻璃结节临床考虑原位腺癌时,如何进行临床决策更易造成偏差, 到底是随访还是手术值得思考, 过度诊疗和误诊误治同时存在。应充分理解肺原位腺癌的特性, 以较好的心态去应对, 从生物学及社会心理学两方面考虑, 不能治愈了一个肺癌, 但多了一个肺癌患者。建议在医患共同决策的前提下进行个体化方案制定, 使患者尽早回归社会, 最大可能使患者获益。

尽管“限制解除”作为一种顿悟问题解决的关键途径早在上世纪90年代就被德国心理学者Knoblich及其同事提出, 但学界对于“限制解除”所包含的信息加工程序、阶段以及相应的脑认知过程却并未有进一步的探讨和细化。本文从“限制解除”的理论角度出发, 以答案提示催化的“诱发式”字谜解决顿悟为例, 首次提出了一个关于“诱发式”限制解除过程的信息加工阶段初步构想。该构想认为:顿悟问题解决中的“诱发式”限制解除过程包含3个不同的信息加工阶段。第一阶段是以早期注意参与为特征的冲突信息的预警或预处理过程; 第二阶段是以新旧思路交替为特征的关键限制解除过程, 鉴于这个过程以基本问题表征空间的拓展为特征, 因此我们推测右脑的活动很有可能在这个过程中占据主导地位; 第三阶段是以自上而下的控制加工为特征的重新整合过程。脑电研究数据部分地支持了本研究的假设, 发现了上述第一阶段在脑电变化上体现为顿悟性限制解除所伴随的N100/P200复合体; 第二阶段体现为P300在300~400 ms的时间窗内的地形图分布及差异波; 而第三阶段则体现为N400在400~800 ms内的变化。脑电结果还证实:在第二阶段也就是限制解除的关键阶段, 右脑的活动明显强于左脑, 提示基本问题空间的拓展可能更多地依赖于右脑, 而在第三阶段也就是信息的重新整合阶段则表现出相反的半球偏侧化倾向。上述发现有可能为进一步认识和理解顿悟中“限制解除”的脑认知机理提供了新的见解。  相似文献   
西方学者已普遍接受宽恕的本质即为亲社会性动机转变过程。从这一取向出发, 介绍Worthington提出的宽恕压力应对模型、Koutsos等人提出的人际间相关变量模型以及Hall和Fincham提出的自我宽恕模型这三个模型。三个模型从三个不同角度对宽恕的动机转变观点提供支持, 通过论述三个模型之间的关系, 对宽恕的动机转变观点进行更加深入的阐述。同时在宽恕模型论述中总结分析近年来宽恕的认知加工、人际相关变量的作用以及自我宽恕方面的研究进展等。最后对宽恕在西方以及我国的研究进行回顾, 指出中西方宽恕研究发展中存在的研究不全面、缺乏理论支持等问题。  相似文献   
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