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Objective: Cigarette graphic warning labels elicit negative emotion, which increases risk perceptions through multiple processes. We examined whether this emotion simultaneously affects motivated cognitions like smoking myth endorsement (e.g. ‘exercise can undo the negative effects of smoking’) and perceptions of cigarette danger versus other products.

Design: 736 adult and 469 teen smokers/vulnerable smokers viewed one of three warning label types (text-only, low emotion graphic or high emotion graphic) four times over two weeks.

Main outcome measures: Emotional reactions to the warnings were reported during the first and fourth exposures. Participants reported how often they considered the warnings, smoking myth endorsement, risk perceptions and perceptions of cigarette danger relative to smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes.

Results: In structural equation models, emotional reactions influenced risk perceptions and smoking myth endorsement through two processes. Emotion acted as information about risk, directly increasing smoking risk perceptions and decreasing smoking myth endorsement. Emotion also acted as a spotlight, motivating consideration of the warning information. Warning consideration increased risk perceptions, but also increased smoking myth endorsement. Emotional reactions to warnings decreased perceptions of cigarette danger relative to other products.

Conclusions: Emotional reactions to cigarette warnings increase smoking risk perceptions, but also smoking myth endorsement and misperceptions that cigarettes are less dangerous than potentially harm-reducing tobacco products.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the amount of media exposure is associated with post‐event mental health problems. Whether bereaved individuals have negative experiences with media reports and whether they are associated with post‐event mental health is unclear. This study evaluated these experiences and associations following the MH 17‐disaster. How media reports were experienced (nine topics, modified MAS ), depression symptoms (QIDS ‐SR ), functional problems (WSAS ) and event‐related coping‐self‐efficacy (CSE ) were assessed about one year post‐disaster (May‐August 2015) among Dutch bereaved (N  = 152). A substantial minority reported negative experiences such as reports made me angry (30%) and made me sad (48%). Latent profile analysis with symptoms, problems and coping self‐efficacy as indicators, identified four classes of post‐disaster mental health: a Well‐functioning(class 1), 35.1%; a Mild‐problems(class 2), 30.4%; a Sub‐clinical(class 3), 27.0%; and a Clinical(class 4), 7.4%. Differences in symptoms, problems and coping self‐efficacy levels between classes were large according to Cohen's d s. Multivariate logistic regression (MLR ) showed that the Clinical(class 4) compared to the Well‐functioning(class 1), more often that felt that reports strongly “embarrassed me,” “made me feel sad,” “filled me with fear” and “served as a magnifying glass.” Future research should assess opportunities and effects of limiting media consumption.  相似文献   
Although the mobilization of pre‐existing networks is crucial in psychosocial resilience in disasters, shared identities can also emerge in the absence of such previous bonds, due to survivors sharing a sense of common fate. Common fate seems to operate in sudden‐impact disasters (e.g., bombings), but to our knowledge, no research has explored social identity processes in “rising‐tide” incidents. We interviewed an opportunity sample of 17 residents of York, United Kingdom, who were involved in the 2015–2016 floods. Using thematic and discourse analysis, we investigated residents' experiences of the floods and the strategic function that invocations of community identities perform. We show how shared community identities emerged (e.g., because of shared problems, shared goals, perceptions of vulnerability, and collapse of previous group boundaries) and show how they acted as a basis of social support (both given and expected). The findings serve to further develop the social identity model of collective psychosocial resilience in rising‐tide disasters. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines the relations between media information and collective resilience—collective solidarity behaviours that emerge from a crowd—in a disaster. It uses the crisis of stranded commuters in Tokyo during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake as a case study with data collected from an original survey. Using a cluster analysis and a multinomial logistic regression, it is found that media information is positively related to the characteristics of collective resilience, such as shared identity and mutual help. Specifically, among those who felt threatened by the disaster, people who had received more information from media, particularly from social media and mobile telephones, were more likely to display higher levels of these characteristics. It is contended that this is because media information can help people to feel more empowered and, thus, more willing to interact with and help others.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine how ambivalent sexism toward women and men are both associated with rape myth acceptance. The Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance scale, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, and Ambivalence toward Men Inventory were completed by 409 participants. Hostile sexism toward women positively correlated with rape myth acceptance. For benevolent sexism toward women, complementary gender differentiation was positively associated with rape myth acceptance whereas protective paternalism was negatively associated. Benevolent sexism toward men, but not hostile sexism, positively correlated with rape myth acceptance. Further, for female participants higher maternalism toward men corresponded with higher rape myth acceptance. These findings suggest that sexist beliefs toward both women and men are important for understanding the support of rape myths.  相似文献   
《周易》三才之道的神话意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三才”一词始见于《易传》,但“三才”观念在远古神话就已诞生,从原始墓葬可见之.三才之道中数字“三”具有“圣数”(Sacret Number)或“神秘数字”(Mystic Number)之属性,“三才”之“才”则代表着原始、初始之意.“才”又有“存在”之意,天地是一个存在的“场”,人是“在场”之物,人生天地间,必有内忧外患,故《周易》一书饱(?)浓重的忧患意识.古时王者多具有巫师的职能,巫是沟通天人之中介,故从贯通三才之道的“王”入手,揭示王/巫合一的神话属性,从而阐发天、地、人生生不息的“三才”观之神话意蕴.  相似文献   
本研究采用心理和谐的框架,分析5·12汶川地震受灾地区居民的社会心理状况与居民对中央及地方两级政府救灾措施的满意度之间关系。一般受灾地区、重灾区和极重灾区的9个县市1385名居民参加问卷调查。层次回归分析的结果发表明,地震灾区居民对地方政府的满意程度对其心理和谐的影响力更大;地方政府满意度在中央政府满意度和心理和谐之间起部分中介作用。最后指出该研究对各级政府开展抗震救灾和灾后重建工作的启示意义  相似文献   
The field of couple and family therapy has grown in the direction of expanding its horizons by looking toward innovative ideas and whatever works to facilitate change. Despite its demonstrated track record with a broad range of behavioral and emotional disorders, the cognitive-behavior therapies (CBT) may have been underutilized by couples and family therapists unlike some of the more traditional and postmodern approaches. This article explores some of the basic tenets of the cognitive-behavioral approach with families and proposes it as both a useful intervention tool as well as a theoretically compatible model to systemic approaches. In addition, a number of contemporary myths and misconceptions are discussed that may be precluding CBT's utilization by therapists in the field.  相似文献   
On 27 February 2010, Chile experienced one of the strongest earthquakes in recorded history. The study aimed to evaluate post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and post-traumatic growth (PTG) in children and adolescents 12 months (T1) and 24 months (T2) after the earthquake and tsunamis in Chile in 2010. Three hundred twenty-five children and adolescents (47.4% girls; 52.6% boys) between the ages of 10 and 16 years participated in the study. The instruments included the Revised Post-traumatic Growth Inventory for Children by Kilmer et al., the Childhood PTSD Scale by Foa et al. and the Rumination Scale for Children by Cryder et al., as well as a scale to assess the severity of the event and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The PTSS and PTG scores decreased at T2. In addition, the main predictors of PTSS and PTG were disruptive experiences, losses after the event and intrusive and deliberate rumination during the previous year. These results enhance understanding of factors related to PTG, improve the ability to predict PTSS and PTG in children and adolescents following natural disasters, and inform the design of intervention strategies to promote better mental health in those affected.  相似文献   


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