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Same/Different abstract‐concept learning by Clark's nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) was tested with novel stimuli following learning of training set expansion (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 picture items). The resulting set‐size function was compared to those from rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), and pigeons (Columba livia). Nutcrackers showed partial concept learning following initial eight‐item set learning, unlike the other species (Magnotti, Katz, Wright, & Kelly, 2015). The mean function for the nutcrackers' novel‐stimulus transfer increased linearly as a function of the logarithm of training set size, which intersected its baseline function at the 128‐item set size. Thus, nutcrackers on average achieved full concept learning (i.e., transfer statistically equivalent to baseline performance) somewhere between set sizes of 64 to 128 items, similar to full concept learning by monkeys. Pigeons required a somewhat larger training set (256 items) for full concept learning, but results from other experiments (initial training and transfer with 32‐ and 64‐item set sizes) suggested carryover effects with smaller set sizes may have artificially prolonged the pigeon's full concept learning. We find it remarkable that these diverse species with very different neural architectures can fully learn this same/different abstract concept, and (at least under some conditions) do so with roughly similar sets sizes (64‐128 items) and numbers of training exemplars, despite initial concept learning advantages (nutcrackers), learning disadvantages (pigeons), or increasing baselines (monkeys).  相似文献   
选取杭州市122名学前儿童(3~6岁)为被试,以点数比较任务及点数异同任务测量幼儿的近似数量系统敏锐度,以数数测验、基数测验、符号数字知识测验及简单计算来测量幼儿的符号数学能力,以此考察学前儿童近似数量系统敏锐度的发展及与符号数学能力的关系。结果发现:(1)随年龄增长,学前儿童的近似数量加工的敏锐度逐渐提高;(2)点数比较任务与点数异同任务均适合测量学前儿童近似数量系统敏锐度,但儿童完成点数比较任务的正确率要高于点数异同任务的正确率;(3)在抑制控制、短时记忆、工作记忆和言语测验成绩被控制后,根据点数比较任务计算的韦伯系数能显著预测学前儿童的基数和符号数字知识测验分数,总正确率能显著预测学前儿童的数数、基数、符号数字知识测验分数;(4)点数异同任务中只有点数不同试次下的正确率能显著预测学前儿童的符号数字知识测验分数。  相似文献   
闪光滞后效应(flash—lag effect,FLE)是指在与某运动物体相同的位置上呈现的闪光(flash)知觉上滞后于该运动物体的视错觉。本文简要介绍了有关闪光滞后效应机制的理论模型。笔者认为,目前各种理论的争议可归结为时间错觉假说与空间错觉假说之争,并在此基础上就今后进一步研究的方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
本研究以18299名六年级学生为研究对象,通过潜在剖面分析和方差分析,探讨了六年级学生阅读多策略使用类型的潜在异质性及其对阅读成绩的影响,结果显示:(1)六年级学生的阅读多策略使用存在3个类别:熟练使用型(占36.35%),基本掌握型(占49.29%),有待提升型(占14.36%);(2)3类学生在2类文本(文学类和信息类)和4种阅读能力(分析与整合、获取与解释、连接与推论、感悟与评价)上的阅读成绩均为:属于熟练使用型的六年级学生最好,属于基本掌握型的六年级学生次之,属于有待提升型的六年级学生最差。研究结果表明对学生开展阅读多策略使用的指导非常重要。  相似文献   
《儒行》同见于《礼记》和《孔子家语》,应出于孔门弟子所记,并经整理而成,其成书年代当在春秋战国之际。不过,《孔子家语.儒行解》与《礼记.儒行》相较,则更为原始。《儒行》对于理解孔子思想和原始儒学,是最为系统而完整的论述,理应得到学者的重视。  相似文献   
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