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为了解决临终关怀发展的尴尬处境, 诸如临终关怀机构困境、“供给-需求”冲突、意义世界的冲突等问题, 以及传统生死观和孝道观影响下的老年临终关怀问题和生死孝道教育问题, 必须深入反思传统生死观和孝道观。因此, 试图通过生命教育、伦理环境改善、养老模式变革等方式, 树立新的生死观和孝道观, 以推进老年临终关怀发展, 从而提高老年患者生活质量、生命质量和生命尊严;并结合比较方法、价值分析方法对传统生死观、孝道观与老年临终关怀进行研究。  相似文献   
义利关系是中国传统思想中与政治、经济、文化最为密切的一种价值观。以孔子“义利观”为代表的中国传统企业经营的指导思想,对医院构建遵守道德规范、讲求诚信、以人为本、完善激励机制、“以质量为核心”等经营之道具有重大的理论价值和现实意义,它将引导医院实现其所追求的道德观念和法律价值,达到道义与功利综合的发展。  相似文献   

Lao Tsu and Virginia Satir seemed to have spoken a common language when it came to speaking about the art of knowing, being and doing. It is as if they sang from the same sheet of music. This article combines their melodies, intensifying the power of each's message. In a back and forth, fugue-like dialogue between Lao Tsu and Satir, the author explicates her understanding of the sacred work of change and actualization in a six part invention; the Six A'S.  相似文献   

According to the Kantian-Brandomian view of concepts, we can understand concepts in terms of norms or rules that bind those who apply them, and the application of a concept requires that the concept-user be sensitive to the norms governing its application. But this view faces some serious objections. In particular, according to Rosen, Glüer and Wikforss, this view leads to a vicious regress of norms. The purpose of this paper is to defend a version of the Kantian-Brandomian view of concepts against this objection. I argue that we can deal with this problem along the lines of a coherentist account of justification.  相似文献   
在扩充样本的基础上进一步探讨集体主义概念内涵,挖掘“集体”的具体指向,明确“集体”构成.研究一通过40个被试的内隐观访谈和质性分析,得到集体主义概念五个方面内容(集体认同、集体优先、联结信念、责任与义务、发生的条件),指出“集体”的具体指向为泛集体和关系集体,集体主义程度与冲突情境有关.研究二通过102份问卷调查和聚类分析,得到三类集体,即关系比较亲密集体(由母亲、亲兄弟/姐妹、配偶、好友构成)、关系一般集体(由认识的人、亲戚、同事、邻居构成)和关系疏远集体(由本地陌生人、国外陌生人构成),并进一步明确了“集体”的具体构成.结论认为:集体主义概念内涵包括集体认同、集体优先、联结信念、责任与义务、发生的条件五个部分;集体主义中的“集体”由泛集体和关系集体构成,其中关系集体又分为关系比较亲密集体和关系一般集体.  相似文献   
In this paper, I will investigate the compatibility of different metaphysics of time with the powers view. At first sight, it seems natural to combine some sort of powers ontology with a dynamical view of time, since the dynamic character of powers appears to account for the progression of time. Accordingly, it has been argued that a powers ontology, which is supposed to be inherently dynamic and productive, is incompatible with eternalism, which does not allow for any sort of real productivity. After having reviewed these arguments, I will argue that the powers view is not only incompatible with eternalism but also with the moving spotlight view and growing block theory. I will go on to argue that the specific notion of activity that the powers ontology provides is not straightforwardly compatible with presentism either.  相似文献   
In this paper, I explore the metascientific basis for pluralism in psychology. In the first half, I outline the two levels of the metaparadigm: the epistemological and the methodological. The epistemological level includes the dichotomy between an internal, first-person point of view and an external, third-person one. The methodological level includes the dichotomy between explanation and understanding. The continuing debate regarding methodology, explanation versus understanding, has distinguished the human sciences from the natural sciences. Similarly, the continuing debate regarding the epistemological point of view has distinguished psychology from other sciences. I illustrate these points by placing various trends in psychology into the two-dimensional space formed by the two coordinate axes depicting the methodological and the epistemological dimensions. Each quadrant represents one definition of the object of psychology: quadrant 1 (internal, first-person - explanation) represents “consciousness;” quadrant 2 (internal, first-person - understanding) represents “experiences;” quadrant 3 (external, third-person - understanding) represents “meaningful acts and expressions;” and quadrant 4 (external, third-person - explanation) represents “behaviors and higher processes of the brain.” All of the trends within the history of psychology can be placed within this two-dimensional space. In the second half of the paper, I introduce the third level of the metaparadigm: the metapsychological level. This level includes the three different, and incompatible conceptions of humans: the first-person, the second-person, and the third-person conceptions. A third-person conception of humans is most compatible with trends placed in quadrant 4. A second-person conceptualization is most congruent with quadrant 3, and so on. Thus, the unification of psychologies emerges as not only difficult but actually unreasonable, because the plurality of psychological paradigms originates from the epistemological, methodological, and metapsychological levels of the metaparadigm.  相似文献   
Of the many problems which evolutionary theodicy tries to address, the ones of animal suffering and extinction seem especially intractable. In this essay, I show how C. D. Broad's growing block conception of time does much to ameliorate the problems. Additionally, I suggest it leads to another way of understanding the soul. Instead of it being understood as a substance, it is seen as a history—a history which is resurrected in the end times. Correspondingly, redemption, I argue, should not be seen as an event which redeems some future portion of time. God's triumph is over all of history, not just some future temporal portion.  相似文献   
面对人口老龄化程度越来越高的社会,尊重临终患者的自主权既是对患者知情同意的尊重,也是对生命价值的尊重。临终患者自主权的实现途径中存在诸多两难问题。研究临终患者自主权的两难困境问题,有助于权衡不同价值观念之间的冲突,并且从中找到与之相应的解决方案。破解临终患者自主权两难困境的出路在于充分尊重临终患者的自主权,构建互信的医患关系和共同决策机制。并探索预设医疗指示制度和伦理审查制度在我国医疗环境下实施的可行性。  相似文献   
Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 3 of New Maps for Old: Explorations in Science and Religion (Gerhart and Russell 2001) explore the ramifications of metaphoric process for changes in thinking, especially those changes that lead to a new understanding of our world. Examples are provided from science, from religion, and from science and religion together. In excerpts from Chapter 8, a double analogy—theology is to science as science is to mathematics—is proposed for better understanding the contemporary relationship between science and religion. A conservation of epistemological sufficiency is disclosed as one moves from mathematics to empirical science to theology—a move from one discipline to another that involves a sacrifice of one aspect of thought to gain another.  相似文献   
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