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Low levels of proactivity are characteristic of individuals with depression. Two studies were conducted to compare the relative effects of abstract versus concrete processing on proactivity in high dysphoric individuals. In Study 1, participants read information about an upcoming research study and were then randomly allocated to a writing task that induced them to think about participating in that study in either an abstract (e.g., Why you would participate in the study?; n = 25) or concrete (e.g., How you will participate in the study?; n = 25) way. Participants were then asked to indicate whether they would sign up to the study. As expected, more participants indicated that they would take part in the study in the concrete condition (76%) than in the abstract condition (36%). In Study 2, high dysphoric participants were asked to identify their ideal part-time job and were then randomly allocated to a writing task that induced them to think about applying for the job in an abstract (n = 26) or concrete (n = 25) way. There was no difference between conditions in self-reported intentions of proactivity. However, significantly more participants in the concrete condition opted to look at an employment assistance website and returned to the lab to collect a job application package. Overall, these findings suggest that abstract processing could contribute to low levels of proactivity in depression, and that facilitating the use of concrete processing could help to alleviate this problem. Our results also point to the need for greater conceptual clarification of the distinction between concrete processing about proactive behavior and implementation intentions (identifying specific steps for completing an action/goal).  相似文献   
Notwithstanding its empirical status and strong recommendation in clinical practice guidelines, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) continues to be delivered infrequently and with low fidelity on the clinical front lines. Recently, organized efforts and policies within the public sector to disseminate and implement CBT and other evidence-based psychotherapies have yielded encouraging results and provided optimism for bridging the research-to-practice-gap. Following from these efforts, the current article examines the initial impact and experience of the implementation of an individualized approach to CBT training and treatment within the Kaiser Permanente health care system. Initial training outcomes, including changes in general and specific competencies, were assessed using divergent assessment methods within the initial cohort of therapists undergoing training. Initial patient outcomes, including changes in depression and anxiety, were assessed among patients receiving treatment from therapists in training. Results revealed training in and implementation of CBT-D was associated with overall large improvements in therapist competencies and in clinically significant improvements in both depression and anxiety among patients. Findings from the initial phase of dissemination and implementation within a large private system provide support for, and extend recent findings related to, the feasibility and effectiveness of training in and implementation of CBT-D in a real-world context.  相似文献   
Although several studies have documented an inverse association between stressful events and sleep quality, much less is known about the factors that might moderate or buffer against the adverse effects of psychosocial stress on sleep. Building on previous research, we employ national cross‐sectional survey data from the 2017 Baylor Religion Survey (n= 1,410) to test whether the association between recent stressful events and sleep quality varies according to several dimensions of religious involvement. We also formally assess whether any attenuation of the association between stressful events and sleep quality is at least partially mediated or explained by lower levels of depressive symptoms (mediated moderation). Our moderation analyses indicate that the inverse association between stressful events and sleep quality is in fact attenuated by religious cognitions (secure attachment to God and assurance of salvation), but not religious attendance or private religiousness. We also observe direct evidence of mediated moderation through depressive symptoms for both religious cognitions. Taken together, our results demonstrate that religious cognitions may buffer against stress‐related sleep disturbance by helping people avoid symptoms of depression.  相似文献   
The current study was designed to examine the role of basic emotions and dysfunctional attitudes in depression. Moreover, six models related to the organization of emotions were examined through confirmatory factor analysis. Two hundred individuals with major depressive disorder were recruited from three clinical psychology centers. Participants completed a battery of questionnaires measuring basic emotions, dysfunctional attitudes, and depressive. Results demonstrated that the dysfunctional attitude of “need for approval” and the basic emotions of disgust and sadness could predict depressive scores positively and significantly. It was also shown that the dysfunctional attitudes could positively and significantly predict the two negative emotions of disgust and sadness. Thus, the findings supported an analysis in which the two basic emotions of sadness and disgust were elevated in individuals with depressive disorders. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the proposed basic emotions model and did not support alternative models, such as the positive affect and negative affect model.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between patient characteristics and the working alliance in a multisite trial for chronic depression. Patients treated with the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), alone (n = 169) or combined with nefazodone (n = 198), completed the Working Alliance Inventory during the 2nd week of treatment. Within the CBASP alone group, a history of drug abuse/dependence, lower peak social adjustment over the past five years, and lower current social adjustment predicted a significantly poorer alliance. Within the combination group, male gender and a distancing coping style predicted a significantly poorer alliance. Results should be interpreted with caution since they did not replicate across treatment groups, and the number of significant findings were not much greater than chance expectations.  相似文献   
脑内腺苷介导白介素-1β引起的大鼠的行为性抑郁   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:研究腺苷在白细胞介素-1诱导的大鼠行为性抑郁中的作用。方法:应用Porsolt游泳试验观察大鼠脑室注射白介素-1β引起的行为性抑郁,通过注射非特异性腺苷受体拮抗剂咖啡因和特异性A1和A2腺苷受体拮抗剂,确定脑内腺苷在白细胞介素-1β引起的大鼠行为性抑郁中的作用以及介导这种作用的受体。结果:脑内注射白细胞介素-1β(8-32ng/kg,icv)可导致大鼠在Porsolt游泳试验中漂浮时间明显地延长,非特异性腺苷受体拮抗剂咖啡因(7mg/kg,ip)和特异性A2a腺苷受体拮抗剂(1mg/kg,ip)预处理能够缩短漂浮时间的延长。结论:脑内注射白细胞介素-1β可引起大鼠的行为性抑郁,脑内腺苷通过A2a受体介导白细胞介素-1β的这种作用。  相似文献   
Research has documented elevated levels of depression and suicide in the spinal cord injured (SCI) population, with the majority of suicide attempts occurring within 12 months of injury onset. Social support has been linked with depression and suicidal intent, and this study aimed to determine the impact of the quality and quantity of social support on levels of depression and hopelessness, an indirect indicator of suicide risk in the SCI population. Fifty-three individuals with traumatic SCI at Week 6 of their rehabilitation, and 42 at Week 18, with an approximate male to female ratio of 4:1, completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and Social Support Questionnaire. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that high quality of social support was associated with low hopelessness and depression scores, being more pronounced at Week 18 postinjury. The impact of social support on psychological well-being demonstrates the importance of fostering and integrating social support in rehabilitation following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   
The present study examined the influence of psychological comorbidity (i.e., anxiety and depression) on asthma-specific quality of life (QOL). Sixty-four older adolescents and young adults with childhood onset asthma completed measures of anxiety, depression, and asthma-specific QOL. Objective assessments of illness severity were obtained via a semistructured interview and pulmonary function test. Results revealed that the combination of anxiety and depression severity contributed significant variance to asthma QOL after statistically controlling demographic and disease covariates. Moreover, anxiety demonstrated a significant main effect on asthma QOL. Findings suggest that assessment of anxiety may help identify individuals who are at risk for poorer asthma-specific quality of life. Such early interventions can be effectively incorporated into comprehensive biopsychosocial treatment and behavioral self-management programs for individuals with asthma.  相似文献   
The Beck Anxiety (BAI-FS) and Depression (BDI-FS) Inventory-Fast Screens for Medical Settings were administered to 63 HIV-infected outpatients seeking treatment at a chronic pain clinic to evaluate how effectively these 7-item instruments would, respectively, differentiate those who were and were not diagnosed with DSM-IV anxiety, mood, or both disorders. The Anxiety and Mood Modules from the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) were employed to establish the diagnoses. The coefficient 's for the BAI- and BDI-FS were, respectively, .80 and .84. A BAI-FS cut-off score of 4 and above yielded 82% sensitivity and 59% specificity rates for identifying patients with and without anxiety disorders, whereas a BDI-FS cut-off score of 4 and above had 90% sensitivity and 74% specificity rates for detecting patients with and without mood disorders. It was concluded that the BDI-FS was a useful instrument for screening HIV-infected patients with chronic pain for mood disorders.  相似文献   
The relationship between parental alcohol dependence (with and without comorbid psychopathology) and adolescent psychopathology was examined in a sample of 665 13-17 year-old adolescents and their parents. Results indicated that adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence only did not significantly differ from adolescents who had parents with no psychopathology in regard to any of the measures of psychological symptomatology (substance use, conduct disorder, and depression) or clinical diagnoses (alcohol dependence, marijuana dependence, conduct disorder, or depression) assessed. In contrast, adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence and either comorbid drug dependence or depression were more likely to exhibit higher levels of psychological symptomatology. In addition, adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence, depression, and drug dependence were most likely to exhibit psychological problems. These findings underscore the importance of considering parental comorbid psychopathology when examining the relationship between parental alcoholism and offspring adjustment.  相似文献   
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