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Unlike previous scholarship that asserted that in places where Jewish and gentile identities conflicted, Jewish traditions and practices had to give way to gentile ones, Campbell’s work sets forth the proposition that Paul envisioned side-by-side, diverse identities expressing themselves in unity. Thus, in Campbell’s reading Paul made room for missional activity to both Jews and gentiles, affirming Peter’s work as well as his own. Furthermore, Campbell shifted the conversation from an opposition between Jews and gentiles in the early church to the challenges of forming early Christ-followers’ identity in the face of the pervasive influence of the Roman empire. Although Campbell’s emphasis on Paul’s Jewish identity seems to place him among the New Perspective on Paul scholars, he recognises that Paul’s own identity was not his primary focus in his letters – the in-Christ gentile identities of the new communities was. This emphasis of Campbell’s work moves him beyond the less nuanced approaches of scholars such as Sanders and Dunn. A significant part of Campbell’s work has been to discuss the relationship between Israel and the emerging Christ movement. He concludes that neither Jewish nor gentile identities are obliterated, nor is gentile Christianity absorbed into or a replacement for Israel. Instead, gentile Christ followers are accepted into God’s people as gentiles, alongside Jews and Jewish Christ followers. William Campbell has been instrumental both within the Paul within Judaism movement, but also in pushing for nuanced and innovative developments stemming from that body of work. His past work commands respect and his future work is highly anticipated.  相似文献   
In Memory: A Philosophical Study, Bernecker argues for an account of contiguity. This Contiguity View is meant to solve relearning and prompting, wayward causation problems plaguing the causal theory of memory. I argue that Bernecker’s Contiguity View fails in this task. Contiguity is too weak to prevent relearning and too strong to allow prompting. These failures illustrate a problem inherent in accounts of memory causation. Relearning and prompting are both causal relations, wayward only with respect to our interest in specifying remembering’s requirements. Solving them requires saying more about remembering, not causation. I conclude by sketching such an account.  相似文献   
临床医学七年制学生科研能力培养新模式的探索   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
培养医学七年制学生科研和创新能力,对他们适应21世纪的挑战至关重要,这也是当前医学教育工作者共同关心与探讨的问题.实践中,对培养模式进行了尝试和探索,提出了从实际情况出发,通过合理地安排科研训练的进度,按培养硕士研究生(以下简称研究生)科研能力的要求进行培养的新模式.  相似文献   
By  Richard Schenk  OP 《Dialog》2005,44(2):152-163
Abstract :  This essay provides an analysis of The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification . It argues that the future of ecumenism demands greater attention to doctrinal differences than was evident after 1980 in much of the Roman‐Lutheran dialogue on justification, especially as it unfolded in Germany.  相似文献   
帛书及楚竹书、阜阳汉简<周易>的面世,极大地拓展了我们对<周易>经文的研究视野.东汉熹平间,灵帝诏诸儒正定五经,以熹平石经作为今文标准本,熹平石经遂成为后人研究、界定汉代经今、古文的重要依据.然今以帛<易>考之,汉初人们以隶字抄书,并无严格的今、古文区分,故熹平石经作为分辨汉人今、古文的权威,只是为平息当时的今、古文之争.汉唐人以自己所见之有限的古文本而定其"古文某作×",今以竹书校之,方知其所见之古文本及其古文字,与战国竹书古文本多有不同.而由今本与竹书本多有相同相通者考之,知今本确为古文本无疑.随着帛<易>的出土,有本师传授的今文<易>在亡佚千余年后又重现于世,对弄清<周易>六十四卦中的一些疑难卦爻辞原旨,厘清汉人今、古文经学的发展与演变,无疑有重大的借鉴与帮助.  相似文献   
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《周易》研究综述   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书<周易>具有多重文化学术意义.它的发表,立刻掀起了一股研究热潮.一年来,对它的研究主要集中在文字考释、文本解读、楚竹书<周易>特殊符号以及卦序问题上.其中又以文字考释和特殊符号问题的讨论最多.  相似文献   
经济全球化的若干伦理思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济全球化已经成为当代社会的客观事实和发展趋势。经济全球化的实质是人类利益实现形式的转换与更新。经济全球化中,不同利益主体需要遵循一定的道德要求,即全球伦理,以实现稳定的经济秩序和自身的利益。但全球伦理的实现是一个漫长而艰苦的过程,需要克服一系列价值观和价值取向的障碍,乃至冲破政治上霸权主义的干扰。  相似文献   
颅脑手术戒毒的哲学与伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颅脑手术戒毒这项新的医疗技术在社会上引起很大反响,最近被卫生部紧急叫停.从颅脑手术戒毒的历史、存在的问题、哲学及伦理方面进行反思是有必要的.把一项临床科研项目直接变换成一项临床服务项目,既未经严格科学论证也不符合伦理与法规要求.  相似文献   
许东 《管子学刊》2010,(2):124-127
自魏晋以来,儒释道三家思想并存发展成为了中国文化的显著特征之一。清末太谷学派作为流传于民间的一个学术派别,其三教观一直存在诸多争议。学派北宗传人张积中在山东肥城黄崖山聚徒讲学近十年,门人弟子遍及山左,现存遗著十九种,为太谷二传弟子中著述最多者。从张积中的三教观来看,他并非倡导三教合一,其三教观的核心是以弘扬儒家文化为基本理念,同时汲取佛道思想来完善其理论体系的太谷圣功之学,当属宋明"新儒家"思想在民间进行儒学传播的新尝试。  相似文献   
The study of prospective memory (ProM), the remembering of the delayed execution of intentions, has been growing in recent years, and we know quite a bit about the cognitive variables that affect it. But the performance of a task depends on personality variables as well as on cognitive ones, and the role of personality variables in ProM has only been partially studied, the results being less conclusive. We sought to address two main objectives: (1) to quantify the joint influence of cognitive and personality variables on three ProM tasks in the laboratory (two based on events and the other on time), and (2) to identify the personality profiles of those who perform well in these three ProM tasks as opposed to those who do not. The cognitive and personality variables were evaluated with two sessions of 157 participants. The 16 PF-5 was applied (Cattell, Cattell & Cattell, 1993) and other cognitive variables were measured. With the data obtained, we ran several regression analyses to determine how some cognitive variables (sustained attention, verbal fluency, interference, retrospective memory, selective attention) and personality factors (tested using the 16 PF-5) can help to explain the variance in the performance of prospective memory tasks. Our results show that the contribution of personality predictor variables is moderate and smaller than that of the cognitive variables for predicting the execution of ProM tasks in the laboratory. Furthermore the intervention of the personality variables differs depending on the ProM tasks used. Global self-control and rule-consciousness were the personality variables that contributed the most in the prediction of the scores in the ProM tasks that were used.  相似文献   
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