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仅存于敦煌写卷中的《无量寿观经义记》和《无量寿经义记》,虽然在半个多世纪以前曾引起日本学者的注意,但至今尚无人对此二义记作深入的探讨。本文对它们的时代和撰者作了考证,修正了日本学者望月信亨先生认为它们皆为隋释灵裕所撰的观点;净土往生者的阶位判属问题是二义记的主要的思想内容,阐明其特点对于全面而正确地认识弥陀净土教理的演进史是非常有价值的,故本文对它们的思想特点也作了论述。  相似文献   
Arland J. Hultgren 《Dialog》2007,46(2):166-169
In this article, Luther Seminary New Testament scholar Arland Hultgren outlines the unresolved issues of the “New Perspective on Paul”: (1) the question of legalism in pre‐Pauline Judaism; (2) justification by faith; and (3) the use of the objective or subjective genitive in the “pistis Christou Debate.” On the question as to whether Luther got Paul right, Hultgren points out a difficulty, namely, those addressing this question frequently fail to designate precisely what they mean by “Lutheran.”  相似文献   
As an important dimension of romantic relationships, sexual activity has received little attention in research on on‐again/off‐again (on–off) relationships. Study 1 assessed the prevalence and perceptions of sexual experiences in on–off relationships as compared to non‐cyclical relationships (those without a history of breakups and renewals); furthermore, current and post‐dissolution (PD) relationships were assessed. Findings showed that on–off partners were four times more likely to engage in sex after breakups than non‐cyclical partners (55 vs. 13%). Results also suggested that on–off partners' perceptions of PD sexual experiences were more satisfying, more compatible, and less stressful than were non‐cyclical partners'. Using longitudinal data, Study 2 showed that PD sex was linked with reconciling the relationship. Conclusions from these findings and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
Forbidding Science: Some Beginning Reflections   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Growing powers to manipulate human bodies and minds, not merely to heal disease but to satisfy desires, control deviant behavior, and to change human nature, make urgent questions of whether and how to regulate their use, not merely to assure safety and efficacy but also to safeguard our humanity. Oversight in democratic societies rightly belongs to the polity, not merely to self-appointed experts, scientific or ethical. Yet the task of governing the uses of dangerous knowledge is daunting, and there is little evidence that we have the will or the wisdom to do it well.
Leon R. KassEmail:
This paper offers an assessment of the prospects for Christianengagement with public bioethical debates in a contemporaryBritish context. One recent example, the debate provoked byproposed legislation for research involving human admixed embryos,is examined briefly. It is argued that this debate has someproblematic features that are characteristic of public ethicaldebates in this context. Next, a proposal is offered as to howsuch bioethical questions may be approached from within a Christiantheological tradition (specifically, a Reformed Protestant tradition).This proposed approach makes use of four "diagnostic questions"to assess whether technological proposals and practices suchas the creation of human admixed embryos can be consistent withthe distinctive Christian narrative of creation, sin, salvationthrough Christ, and promised future hope. The final sectionoffers some reflections on how Christians and churches mightengage, on the basis of this theological approach, with publicethical debates such as the one about admixed embryos.  相似文献   
This article assesses the similarity and difference betweenthe Western European style of doing bioethics and the Scandinavianone. First, it reviews the introductory article by the editor,C. Delkeskamp-Hayes in the first issue of Christian Bioethics(2008), devoted to the possibility of a specifically Christianbioethics in Europe. Second, it analyses bioethics debates inScandinavian today. In light of Delkeskamp-Hayes' article, themain similarity is that both regions are facing secularizationas a threat to basic Christian values, for example, to the Christianview of the sanctity and dignity of the human life. But theScandinavian tends to reduce Christian bioethics to Luther'sconcept of the worldly kingdom, supposed to foster a dialoguebetween Christians and non-Christians on controversial ethicalissues. Despite the positive value of the dialogue, this strategyrenders Christian ethics powerless. Third, from an evangelicaltheological standpoint, it proposes some strategies for enhancingthe influence of Christian commitments on bioethical laws andpolicies.  相似文献   
We address the question of whether it is possible to operate a time machine by manipulating matter and energy so as to manufacture closed timelike curves. This question has received a great deal of attention in the physics literature, with attempts to prove no-go theorems based on classical general relativity and various hybrid theories serving as steps along the way towards quantum gravity. Despite the effort put into these no-go theorems, there is no widely accepted definition of a time machine. We explain the conundrum that must be faced in providing a satisfactory definition and propose a resolution. Roughly, we require that all extensions of the time machine region contain closed timelike curves; the actions of the time machine operator are then sufficiently “potent” to guarantee that closed timelike curves appear. We then review no-go theorems based on classical general relativity, semi-classical quantum gravity, quantum field theory on curved spacetime, and Euclidean quantum gravity. Our verdict on the question of our title is that no result of sufficient generality to underwrite a confident “yes” has been proven. Our review of the no-go results does, however, highlight several foundational problems at the intersection of general relativity and quantum physics that lend substance to the search for an answer.  相似文献   
《周易》中包含着丰富的知荣明耻患想。《周易》的荣辱观建立在天人合一的思想基础、等级宗法的社会基础、救世治乱的现实需求上。《周易》中的君子、小人分别是荣与辱的主体。《易经》的吉、凶、悔、吝、咎、亨、利、贞等断语体现了荣与辱的价值取向。《周易》荣辱思想主要表现为:以尚中时行为荣,以不节失恒为耻;以爱民德政为荣,以严苛刑狱为耻;以诚信友爱为荣,以失比争讼为耻;以治家严正为荣,以长幼失序为耻;以真情相爱为荣,以无爱婚姻为耻;以谨言慎行为荣,以躁言危行为耻等。  相似文献   
我国少数民族心理研究的文献计量分析2000~2005   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对2000~2005年发表在国内期刊关于民族心理研究的182篇论文进行文献计量分析。少数民族心理研究论文总体数量较少,以心理学9种期刊为例,不到6年发文总量的1%;研究领域广泛,研究对象几乎包括了所有少数民族;关注群体主要集中于中学生和大学生,研究方法以测量为多,研究思路以少数民族与汉族比较为主,民族、年级和性别成为考察差异的三个纬度。存在的主要问题是:研究方法单一,模仿国外研究和运用国外量表的研究较多,具有创新性的研究较少,对理论问题关注不足;研究人员主要分布在西北和西南地区,6年中发文量在3篇以上的作者不足10人,没有形成稳定的研究群体  相似文献   
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