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孝的本义是“善事父母”。因为人为父母所生养而成长 ,应该给以回报 ,所以孔孟主张对父母尽孝。先秦儒家还提出父慈子孝的对等关系 ,在道德人格上是平等的。秦汉大一统以后 ,移孝作忠 ,伦理向政治伸延 ,君父对臣子形成统治与被统治的关系。汉朝称以孝治天下 ,建立察孝廉、奖孝悌的制度。对孝道的提倡 ,用以造就一批父慈子孝、兄友弟恭的孝悌家庭 ,对以家族为本位、家国同构的中国古代 ,儿女尽孝能和睦家庭 ,进而安定社会 ,增强中华民族凝聚力 ,有一定的正面作用。同时把孝亲与忠君联系起来 ,所谓忠臣出于孝子之门 ,对于维护汉皇朝的统治亦有安定的作用。但是历朝的孝治政策亦有负面效应。由于朝廷奖励孝子 ,有的人就弄虚作假 ,败坏社会风气 ,把孝道作为沽名钓誉的工具。有的虽然真心尽孝 ,但措施不当 ,形成愚昧行为。正面与负面就形成中国古代孝文化的两重性。  相似文献   
自闭症幼儿的视觉性自我认知实验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
周念丽  方俊明 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1414-1417
通过对平均心理年龄为23个月的6名自闭症幼儿的实验研究.甄别他们是否能从视觉上进行自我与他人的分化认知并进一步探索自闭症幼儿对镜像自我认知与录像自我认知上的差异;以秒为单位.对实验结果和过程进行了编码分析。结果表明:这6名幼儿在看自己的录像时,比看同伴的表现出更多的关注和喜悦;对录像的自我进行认知寸表现出更大的关注和积极情绪。由此推断他们已具有初步的自我认知。  相似文献   
Varadaraja V. Raman 《Zygon》2004,39(4):941-956
Abstract One of the contexts in which religion and science come into conflict is with regard to faith and doubt. Generally speaking, we associate faith with religion, which is opposed to doubt, and doubt with science, which is opposed to faith. Some critics of science have argued that science is also based on faith; others have shown that there is doubt in the religious context also. In this essay I clarify these positions by defining different types of faith and different types of doubt.  相似文献   
This study examined staff ratings and live observations of externalizing behavior in 149 girls with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who participated in all-female naturalistic research camps. Girls' popularity with adult camp staff was hypothesized to explain discrepancies between ratings and observations. Compared to behavior observations, staff ratings overestimated the externalizing behavior of girls who were disliked by staff. In contrast, ratings and observations were consistent for girls who were liked by staff. Among girls who were disliked by staff, unpopularity with peers predicted a larger discrepancy between staff ratings and observations, but peer status made little difference in rating–observation discrepancies of girls liked by staff. All results held after controlling for the participants' ADHD versus comparison status. Results suggest that staff ratings may be biased by personal feelings about children and that direct observations may be more immune to such bias.  相似文献   
张丽锦  陈亮  方富熹 《心理学报》2011,43(9):1075-1086
本研究旨在将“儿童认知发展水平诊断工具” (Inventory of Piaget’s Developmental Task, IPDT)中的守恒与关系领域分测验改编成动态测验, 并应用于不同程度学业成绩儿童当中以探查其认知发展的潜在水平。在实验研究基础上结合以往动态测验的编制技术, 把动态施测过程分为“前测—干预—迁移—后测”4个阶段, 分别确定各阶段的测题并构建了6等级提示系统。在中等学业成绩儿童(n = 33)和低学业成绩儿童(n = 35)中的应用发现, 动态测验测得的能力获得变量对儿童的学业成绩具有重要的预测作用, 证实了所改编测验的有效性; 动态测验情境下中、低学业成绩儿童的潜在认知水平基本相同, 所改编的动态测验有助于发掘儿童的潜在认知发展水平。  相似文献   
Workers with disabilities are understudied, and workers with childhood onset of disability have been excluded from many of the studies on disability and work that do exist. This research compares the effects of childhood and adult onset of disability in a nationally representative sample of workers with disabilities. Educational disruptions due to disability status in childhood are negatively associated with life satisfaction and positively associated with perceived discrimination. Although age is associated with increased life satisfaction and decreased perceptions of discrimination for workers with adult disability onset, age is unrelated to these outcomes for workers with childhood disability onset. Receiving workplace accommodations is positively associated with satisfaction and negatively associated with discrimination for both groups, however, these relationships are stronger in magnitude for the childhood disability onset group. Organizational environments, both in education and in the workplace, play a critical role in the vocational well-being of workers with childhood disability onset.  相似文献   
儿童孤独症也称自闭症(autism)是一种广泛性发育障碍,其临床表现为社交功能损伤、沟通能力损伤以及存在刻板的行为、兴趣和动作。根据相关文献就孤独症分类作一综述,并提出了早期家庭干预的具体措施。  相似文献   
Three adult male sex offenders with developmental disabilities participated in an evaluation of presession factors that may influence levels of sexual arousal measured with a penile plethysmograph. We evaluated the effects of presession masturbation (1 participant) and arousal-suppression strategies (2 participants). Results showed that presession masturbation lowered arousal levels and both participants suppressed arousal to varying degrees. These outcomes suggest the potential for consideration and manipulation of presession factors as treatment components for sex offenders with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   
自我决定能力被认为是残障学生课程和学习指导的核心组成要素之一,培养自我决定能力的发展是促进残障学生在毕业后获得更好发展的一种教学策略。相关研究美国已成体系而国内始露头角。本研究阅读美国残障人士自我决定相关文献并进行以下五个方面的分析:自我决定概念起源与发展、相关政策法规、理论模型、教学模型、教育教学实践。根据文献分析美国自我决定研究的发展趋势,并思考在我国促进残障人士自我决定能力发展的可能性与必要性,且提出四点建议。  相似文献   
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