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Many empirical data support the hypothesis that the sensitivity function grows as a power function of the stimulus intensity. This is usually referred to as the near-miss-to-Weber's law. The aim of the paper is to examine the near-miss-to-Weber's law in the context of psychometric models of discrimination. We study two types of psychometric functions, characterized by the representations Pa(x)=F(ρ(a)xγ(a)) (type A), and Pa(x)=F(γ(a)+ρ(a)x) (type B). A central result shows that both types of psychometric functions are compatible with the near-miss-to-Weber's law. If a representation of type B exists, then the exponent in the near-miss is necessarily a constant function, that is, does not depend on the criterion value used to define “just noticeably different”. If, on the other hand, a representation of type A exists, then the exponent in the near-miss-to-Weber's law can vary with the criterion value. In that case, the parameters in the near-miss co-vary systematically.  相似文献   
亚健康研究进展述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从亚健康的概念范畴、病因学、症状学、检测和评估、流行病学等角度系统分析了亚健康的研究现状,检讨了在其研究过程中的不足,探索了相应的对策,指出亚健康作为一门新兴学科和一个重要领域,在其学科化建设中的缺憾,以及今后的建构重点。  相似文献   
借鉴韩非法治观构建和谐医患关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来医院暴力愈演愈烈,医疗索赔越来越高,防御性医疗越来越明显,如何建立和谐的医患关系已成为一个亟待解决的社会问题。阐述韩非以法为治,定分止争,重刑止奸,法不阿贵和布之于百姓在医事立法与构建和谐医患关系中的借鉴作用,探讨如何通过建立法律化、规范化医患关系来缓解医患冲突,改善医患关系。  相似文献   
虽然现代意义上的中国冲突法是舶来品,但通过与古希腊、古罗马冲突法思想起源的比较,可以发现中国的冲突法思想和中华文明一样源远流长,最早能够追溯到夏、商、周三代时期,并且经过历代的积淀逐渐成熟和完善。  相似文献   
The biggest problem facing schools having social justice curricula, beyond implementation of a programme, I claim, is the problem of justification: what grounds what in social justice and how do we make this manifest to ourselves and to the curricula? If we cannot address this, then social justice curricula are doomed to begging the question. I claim that a ranking of human rights is not only necessary to adjudicate competing claims for social justice and at the same time, thwart interference with already agreed-upon human rights: it is necessary for any curriculum of social justice for schools. That is to say, curricular programs of social justice cannot justify social practices that interfere with human rights, nor can they teach otherwise than this. Due attention to the violation of human rights is necessary, I shall argue, and must be central in the discussion of education for social justice.  相似文献   
To examine extended control over local choice, the present study investigated preference in transition as food‐rate ratio provided by two levers changed across seven components within daily sessions, and food‐amount ratio changed across phases. Phase 1 arranged a food‐amount ratio of 4:1 (i.e., the left lever delivered four pellets and the right lever one pellet); Phase 2 reversed the food‐amount ratio to 1:4, and in Phase 3 the food‐amount ratio was 3:2. At a relatively extended time scale, preference was described well by a linear relation between log response ratio and log rate ratio (the generalized matching law). A small amount of carryover occurred from one rate ratio to the next but disappeared after four food deliveries. Estimates of sensitivity to food‐amount ratio were around 1.0 and were independent of rate ratio. Analysis across food deliveries within rate‐ratio components showed that the effect of a small amount was diminished by the presence of a large amount—that is, when a larger amount was present in the situation (three or four pellets), the value of a small amount (one or two pellets) became paltry. More local analysis of visits to the levers between food deliveries showed that postfood visits following a large amount were disproportionately longer than following a small amount. Continuing food deliveries from the same source tended to make visits less dependent on relative amount, but a discontinuation (i.e., food from the other lever) reinstated dependence on relative amount. Analysis at a still smaller time scale revealed preference pulses following food deliveries that confirmed the tendency toward dependence on absolute amount with continuing deliveries, and toward dependence on relative amount following discontinuations. A mathematical model based on a linear‐operator equation accounts for many of the results. The larger and longer preference following a switch to a larger amount is consistent with the idea that local preference depends on relatively extended variables even on short time scales.  相似文献   
Suppose an individual loses an irreplaceable object and someone else is at fault. How much should he be compensated? Normatively, compensation should equal the value (utility) to the victim. Our experiments demonstrate that compensation decisions often ignore value and are instead based on cost (how much the victim originally paid for the item) except when cost is zero. For example, we found that people awarded $200 for a destroyed item worth $500 to the victim if the cost was $200; however, they awarded $500 if the original cost was zero. We explain these phenomena in terms of lay scientism (the tendency to base decisions on objective factors) and discuss how the prevalent cost‐based compensation rule hurts consumer welfare. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
我国医院感染管理存在问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
医院感染是影响医疗质量的临床难题。控制医院感染,仅仅通过专职管理人员是不够的,应充分发挥国家政策导向作用,通过宏观调控与微观干预相结合的方法,促使医院真正重视医院感染,变“要我控制医院感染”为“我要控制医院感染”,使医务人员变“被动接受感染控制”为“主动参与感染控制”,促使医院感染控制工作不断深化。  相似文献   
1987~2008年我国安全感研究现状的文献计量学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对收录在中国期刊网上的274条安全感文章题录(1979~2008年)进行计量学分析,结果表明:1)安全感研究呈逐年增长的趋势;2)发表的期刊比较广泛,心理学类期刊、社会类期刊、医学类期刊及各院校的学报上都有涉及;3)研究主要考察整个社会群体,并且已经涉及到如学生、企业员工和患者等群体;4)研究领域主要集中在安全感的相关因素;5)合作研究已经成为安全感研究的研究趋势;6)研究论文总体上的项目资助力度还不够;7)普通高校特别是高等师范院校是进行科研的主要机构。  相似文献   
表象—认知吝啬原则:MHD问题另释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先对MHD问题的研究现状进行了简要回顾,然后对MHD问题中出现的“概率错判”和“选择固着”两种现象给出了一种基于表象—认知吝啬视角的解释。该视角认为,人们无论采用的是顺向表征还是逆向表征,都采用了动态表象表征问题,而依照认知吝啬原则,动态表象要模拟轿车在门1、门2之间以1:2的比率出现的状态很难,却极容易模拟成轿车在门1门2间随机出现的状态;这导致了人们形成“概率错判”;对于“选择固着”问题该视角则认为,它的出现是不变比改变更符合认知吝啬原则的结果。  相似文献   
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