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学校心理学发展的国际现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官群 《心理学探新》2009,29(2):52-56
该文系统考察了学校心理学发展的国际现状。具体探究了学校心理学的国际背景、起源及现状;国际上学校心理学的组织和认证、学校心理学家的培养;揭示了当前国际上学校心理学遇到的一些问题;最后,指出了学校心理学未来发展的国际趋势。  相似文献   
近10年SCI人格心理学研究文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万晓霞 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1281-1286
本研究以美国科技信息研究所出版的《科学引文索引》(SCI)为数据源检索人格心理学文献,并从文献量、学科、国家、作者、期刊、引文等多角度进行文献计量分析。结果显示:人格心理学研究近10年进入了快速发展阶段,但论文数量与在高影响因子学术刊物中所占数量不相称;我国人格心理学研究在文献量等方面与国际先进水平比较有很大差距;人格与神经科学、精神机能障碍关系的研究是具有重要临床价值以及富有挑战性的研究重点。  相似文献   
脊柱外科是骨科学的一个亚专科,也是外科学领域中发展最为迅速的一个分支学科。脊柱外科疾患的正确诊断有赖于诊断过程中的正确辩证思维。在临床诊断思维中,从疾病学角度和症状学角度,需要正确处理几个辨证关系,同时要避免临床思维常见误区,才能提高诊断正确性。  相似文献   
Abstract: In this essay a set of principles is defended that yields a determinate allocation of sovereign competences across a global system of territorially nested jurisdictions. All local sovereign competences are constrained by a universal, justiciable human rights regime that also incorporates a conception of cross-border distributive justice and regulates the competence to control immigration for a given territory. Subject to human rights constraints, sovereign competences are allocated according to a conception of global democracy. The proposed allocation scheme can accommodate substantial local autonomy while at the same time ensuring that everyone has a voice in the political decisions that affect his or her interests. The relevant class of affected interests is fully specified. Relevant affects are of two kinds: those that impose norms of governance on individuals, and those that impose external costs on them. The favored sense of "an external cost" is developed and defended.  相似文献   
In this paper I reconstruct and defend John Rawls' The Law of Peoples, including the distinction between liberal and decent peoples. A “decent people” is defined as a people who possesses a comprehensive doctrine and uses that doctrine as the ground of political legitimacy, while liberal peoples do not possess a comprehensive doctrine. I argue that liberal and decent peoples are bound by the same normative requirements with the qualification that decent peoples accept the same normative demands when they are reasonably interpreted and from their comprehensive doctrine, not from political liberalism. Normative standards for peoples appear in a law of peoples in two places: as internal constraints carried forward from political liberalism which regulate domestic affairs and as principles derived from a second original position that provide the normative ground for a society of peoples. This first source of normative standards was unfortunately obscured in Rawls' account. I use this model to defeat the claim that Rawls has accommodated decent peoples without sufficient warrant and to argue that all reasonable citizens of both liberal and decent peoples would accept the political authority of the state as legitimate. Although my reconstruction differs from Rawls on key points, such as modifying the idea of decency and rejecting a place for decent peoples within a second original position, overall I defend the theoretical completeness of political liberalism and show how a law of peoples provides reasonable principles of international justice. This paper explores theoretical ideas I introduced in embryonic form in a paper presented at the International Conference on Human Rights: Theoretical Foundations of Human Rights, 17–18 May, 2003, Mofid University (Qom, Iran). That paper, “Political Liberalism and Religious Freedom: Asymmetrical Tolerance for Minority Comprehensive Doctrines” (forthcoming in the Proceedings of the conference), addressed specific issues related to religious toleration, but left unexplored theoretical questions regarding the status of decent peoples. I wish to thank participants in the conference for their helpful feedback on my interpretation of Rawls' international political theory, especially Jack Donnelly, Michael Freeman, Stephen Macedo, Samuel Fleishacker, Omar Dahbour, Yasien Ali Mohamed, and Saladin Meckled-Garcia. In addition, I wish to offer my sincere appreciation to the Executive Committee of the Conference and especially to Sayyed Masoud Moosavi Karimi, Nasser Elahi, and Mohammad Habibi Modjandeh.  相似文献   
门静脉高压症的外科治疗观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
门静脉高压症的外科治疗主要有门体静脉断流术和门体静脉分流术,这两种手术方式反映了唯物辩证法的对立统一规律。辩证唯物主义认为,人的认识过程是实践、认识、再实践、再认识,循环往复以至无穷的发展过程。随着实践的深入,医疗技术的进步,医疗设备的更新,近来兴起了分流加断流联合手术、TIPSS及肝移植术治疗门脉高压症。  相似文献   
比较分析我国新施行的《人体器官移植技术临床应用管理暂行规定》和日本现行的《器官移植法》,从立法背景、立法前器官移植开展情况、法规整体情况、立法调整范围、立法目的与理念、监督管理机构、禁止器官买卖、器官摘取事项、处罚等九个方面进行,并对借鉴日本《器官移植法》,完善我国器官移植立法提出了建议。  相似文献   
我国肢体残疾病人的发病率、病种分类、病情特点、医疗需求的实际情况如何?矫形外科医生队伍的建设与学术研究现状怎样?众多的肢体残疾者是否得到正确的矫形外科治疗?骨科学术界缺乏这样的分析。作者实施了2万多例各种肢体残疾的矫形手术,对其中16678例病人进行了统计分析,结果发现,近10余年来我国大医院进入以市场为主导的发展阶段,外科治疗下肢畸形与残疾的矫形外科专业,由于缺乏强大的市场推动、治疗过程较复杂等原因,而被忽视。我国矫形外科医师严重缺乏,某些下肢残缺的矫形手术治疗甚至人才断档。从而出现数以百万计的各种肢体残疾病人,因为缺少经济能力和矫形外科医师,没有得到正确的矫形外科治疗。作者分析了我国肢体残疾病人的发生率、病种、病情特点、年龄分布、经济状况和医疗需求,提出了解决这一问题的对策和建议  相似文献   
贵州省城市社区卫生服务现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动态调查城市社区卫生服务的发展、存在的主要问题,并对社区卫生服务的发展提出对策和建议。自查和典型现场调查相结合。调查分析发现,目前社区卫生服务运作现状较好,国家在社区卫生方面的既定目标已基本达到;但仍存在社区卫生服务管理体制不顺;全科医学人才匮乏等问题。应继续加强领导,改革体制,引入竞争,积极创新,完善和深化服务,保证社区卫生服务的质量,使其健康发展。  相似文献   
Using a procedure similar to the one described by Conger and Killeen (1974), we evaluated levels of attending for 25 college students who participated in either a 20-min (n = 12) or 30-min (n = 13) discussion on juvenile delinquency. Confederates delivered statements of agreement (e.g., "I agree with that point") according to independent variable-interval schedules. Pooled results were evaluated using three generalized formulations of the matching law, and showed that matching was more likely during the first 5 min of the discussion than during the last 5 min. Individual data for 7 of 9 participants were better described by the generalized response-rate matching equation than by the generalized time-allocation matching equation when response allocation was characterized in terms of frequency rather than duration.  相似文献   
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