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There has been a great deal of discussion, in this journal and others, about obstacles hindering the evolution of the philosophy of medicine. Such discussions presuppose that there is widespread agreement about what it is that constitutes the philosophy of medicine.Despite the fact that there is, and has been for decades, a great deal of literature, teaching and professional activity carried out explicitly in the name of the philosophy of medicine, this is not enough to establish that consensus exists as to the definition of the field. And even if consensus can be obtained as to what constitutes the philosophy of medicine, this does not mean that it exists as a field.  相似文献   
马惠霞  白学军  沈德立 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1110-1112
本文以作为心理测验科学性最基本保证的项目编写为核心,论证了心理测验编制的前提、方法,心理测验项目编写的依据、项目的来源以及项目的分析指标等方面的科学性问题。  相似文献   
张增一 《现代哲学》2006,48(2):52-58
自上个世纪后期以来,20世纪哲学四大主题之一的科学划界研究陷入了进退两难的境地。该文从科学划界的视角出发,分析了科学家和创世论者在“猴子审判”这一著名案件中的辩护与反驳,揭示了特定的社会、文化和政治因素对科学划界标准的影响,并且指出在现实社会中研究有关的科学争论,从研究科学精英的科学观转向研究社会公众的科学观,可能是有助于摆脱这一困境的努力方向。  相似文献   
Pragmatism’s naturalism is inconsistent with the phenomenological tradition’s anti-naturalism. This poses a problem for the methodological consistency of phenomenological work in the pragmatist tradition. Solutions such as phenomenologizing naturalism or naturalizing phenomenology have been proposed, but they fail. As a consequence, pragmatists and other naturalists must answer the phenomenological tradition’s criticisms of naturalism.  相似文献   
精神医学是临床医学的一个分枝,是高度复杂的一门科学,站在哲学的角度反思,信息系统控制科学方法渗透于精神医学的历史发展过程和临床工作的资料收集、诊断、治疗等各个环节,以及精神医学的科研工作中,还启迪着我国精神卫生事业的发展方向。  相似文献   
同性恋问题由来已久,但至今同性恋者仍处于社会的边缘和弱势地位,提出旨在对这一问题的解决提出公正原则是对待同性恋者的主要伦理原则.通过践行伦理公正,使其获得应有的权利,从而使同性恋者获得合理的地位,实现其做人的价值.  相似文献   
K. Helmut Reich 《Zygon》1995,30(3):383-405
Abstract. A strategy for deeding systematically with such complex relationships as those between science and theology is presented after a brief overview of the historical record and illustrated in terms of the concept of divinity. The application of that strategy to the title relationships yields a multilogical/multilevel solution which presents certain analogies to or isomorphisms with the doctrine of the Trinity. These concern mainly the multilogical/multilevel character of both conceptualizations and the relational and contextual reasoning required to conceive them. Furthermore, certain characteristics of the doctrine facilitate the dialogue between theologians and scientists on account of their similarity with such scientific concepts as diversity in unity, multiplicity of relationships, nonseparability, and nonclassical logic.  相似文献   
This article outlines the contributions of the Kraków School to the field of science and religion. The Kraków School is a group of philosophers, scientists, and theologians who belong to the milieu of the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. The members of the group are engaged in inquiries pertaining to the relationship between theology and various sciences, in particular cosmology, evolutionary theory, and neuroscience. The article includes a presentation of the historical background of the School, as well as its main original contributions pertaining to the history of the interactions between science and religion, the rationality and mathematicity of the universe, theology of science, and the role of logic in theology.  相似文献   
研究了广州医科大学2004年~2014年的SCI论文总量、总被引频次、篇均被引量、论文被引率、高被引论文、热门论文等数据。结果发现,广州医科大学近10年SCI论文总数大幅上升,但篇均被引频次偏低;"沉睡"论文较多,高被引论文和热门论文较少,尖端成果少。提出"不能没SCI",但要正确使用SCI,学术评价应该由重"收录"向重"引用"转变;应引入分学科、分层评估的机制,鼓励发表高水平论文。同时提出"不能唯SCI",以该校人才评估的两个案例为依据,分析了将h指数和F1000两项指标纳入学术评价体系的可行性。  相似文献   
21世纪生命科学和生物高新技术迅猛发展,基因组学、系统生物学、组织工程与干细胞技术等生命科学发展前沿的研究成果越来越快地应用于临床,正在使人类疾病的预防、诊断、治疗手段和方式发生革命性的变化。这必将对高等医学教育产生深刻影响,这种影响主要体现在人才培养目标的设定、课程体系与教学内容的更新、生源优选与师资提升、教育资源配置等方面。生命科学的发展将促使课程体系更加开放,基础医学教学内容更前沿,临床医学教学突破传统技术纳入更多新技术,计算机等工具学科的教学更强化,并对教师素质和教学资源提出更高要求。  相似文献   
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