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以“医学人文”及“中华传统文化”为关键词,在“中国知网”检索2000年~2012年相关文献合计163篇,文献分类后进行汇总、分析。2000年~2012年,研究成果数量总体呈上升趋势,尤其2009年后增长迅速,显示传统文化对医学人文发展的价值日益被重视;成果类型以期刊论文占绝大多数,系统性的研究成果较少;研究内容侧重于儒家文化与医学人文、中国传统医学伦理等领域的研究,对道家、佛家医学人文相关研究涉及较少;研究人员主要集中于中医类院校,现代医学领域相关研究人员较少。  相似文献   


齐鲁饮食文化深受儒学思想的影响,形成了一定文化形态的饮食观念,影响人们的日常生活,并在一定的时间和空间范围内起着促进或制约社会发展的作用。齐鲁饮食习俗中“上顺天道、适时进食”的自然生态观,“长幼有序、进食有礼”的礼俗观,“敬天爱人”和谐观,“孝敬父母、以和为贵”伦理观,“以大惟美”待客观,是齐鲁饮食文化形态的主要特征,是儒学思想实现社会统治方略和社会管理的具体体现。新的历史时期,齐鲁饮食文化不断与时俱进,加强自身发展与对外交流,去粗存精引领社会饮食文化健康和谐发展。  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are often unable to adequately fulfill their established roles due to physical disabilities and cognitive changes, making this chronic illness particularly threatening to personal identity. Twenty-five MS patients and 25 healthy controls were asked to recall five self-defining memories (SDM). Overall characteristics of SDM did not differ between patients and controls; MS patients displayed preserved capacity to draw meaning upon past events. Moreover, almost two-thirds of MS patients mentioned at least one illness related SDM and about 25% of patients’ SDM referred to MS. These memories were experienced as more negative and associated with more tension than other SDM but led toward more positive emotion and less negative emotion over time; they were also more central and more integrated to the personal identity. We concluded that self-challenging events due to MS may trigger both cognitive and emotional processes enabling the integration of illness in patients’ self-representations.  相似文献   
Lyman A. Page 《Zygon》2007,42(3):767-778
Progress in technology has allowed dynamic research on the development of the human brain that has revolutionized concepts. Particularly, the notions of plasticity, neuronal selection, and the effects of afferent stimuli have entered into thinking about brain development. Here I focus on development from the age of four years to early adulthood, during which a 30 percent reduction in some brain synapses occurs that is out of proportion to changes in neuronal numbers. This corresponds temporally with changes in normal child behavior from the loose‐associative, almost schizoid, thinking and art of the four‐year‐old to the more trained, or disciplined, or acculturated—and restrained—personality of the young adult. I propose that the synaptic changes can best be thought of as a winnowing process likely subject to environmental influences. Acquisition of language and the ability to link linguistic cognition to the plastic development of the brain provide a potentially powerful means of explaining the evolutionally explosive development of human cognition and culture. Schizophrenia, a disease that can be envisioned as representing a derangement of synaptic maturation, may provide an entry into the search for genes controlling the processes mediating the unprecedented development of Homo sapiens over the past 40,000 to 70,000 years. The recently completed mapping of the genome of the chimpanzee provides a new frame of reference that may speed the search.  相似文献   
Conflicts and wars often occur, with devastating consequences in society. Attaining reconciliation is a challenging task, especially if each side in the conflict articulates its identity in terms of victimhood through education, history, and memories. Can theology offer an adequate answer and help overcome conflicts and bring forgiveness? Each time we serve the liturgy, we are reminded to remember the future and remember Christ’s ultimate forgiveness. In that sense, worship as a communal and God-oriented event can remind us of our mission, which is participation in God’s salvific work. This paper offers some theological insights as guidelines for Christians and their respective communities to pursue. Hopefully, theology will prove its ability and strength to foster reconciliation and unity in a suffering world.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to integrate the social identity approach to health and well-being with social network analysis. Previous research on the effects of social network centrality on stress has yielded mixed results. Building on the social identity approach, we argued that these mixed results can be explained, in part, by taking into account the degree to which individuals identify with the social network. We hence hypothesized that the effects of social network centrality on stress are moderated by social identification. Using a full roster method, we assessed the social network of first-year psychology students right after the start of their study programme and three months later. The effects of network centrality (betweenness, closeness, eigenvector centrality) and social identification on stress were examined using structural equation models. As predicted, our results revealed a significant interaction between network centrality and social identification on stress: For weakly or moderately identified students, network centrality was positively related to stress. By contrast, for strongly identified students, network centrality was unrelated to stress. In conclusion, our results point to the perils of being well-connected yet not feeling like one belongs to a group.  相似文献   
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