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Low‐SES couples have limited resources to manage the chronic and acute stressors with which they are disproportionately faced. Although these couples are at greater risk for negative individual and relationship outcomes, evaluations of the impact of couple relationship education (CRE) in low‐SES couples have been plagued by methodological problems, most notably challenges associated with recruitment and retention. We review the literature on challenges couples face associated with low‐SES, as well as on recruitment, retention, and CRE in low‐SES, ethnic minority populations. We illustrate some of these challenges in a case study of CRE for low‐SES couples transitioning to parenthood. In this pilot study, 21 couples were recruited from a community health clinic and randomized to either an experimental treatment condition (EXP;= 11) or a treatment‐as‐usual control condition (TAU;= 10). This study sought to mitigate documented challenges with recruitment and retention: We leveraged community partnerships, attempted to build and maintain strong relationships with study participants, provided incentives for assessments as well as intervention meetings, and attempted to reduce potential barriers to enrollment and retention. Nonetheless, we had low rates of recruitment and retention. We integrate these findings and experiences with our review of previous work in this area. We make recommendations for future CRE research and practice that have potential implications for public policy in this area.  相似文献   
In Uganda, one in five children presents mental health challenges, including disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs). DBDs can persist through adulthood and result in negative outcomes. Effective interventions for DBDs have been developed and tested in high-poverty communities in developed countries. Yet, most African countries, such as Uganda, lack such interventions. This paper describes the adaptation process of an evidence-based intervention of U.S. origin to optimize fit to context with intervention fidelity, as part of a randomized trial conducted with youth that exhibit behavioral challenges and their caregivers in 30 schools in Uganda. The process involved: initial meetings with headteachers and teachers to introduce the study and the main concepts of the intervention; initial manual review focusing on 4Rs and 2Ss content by the Uganda team; engagement of community stakeholders for additional feedback on content and cultural relevance; final revision of the manual; and collection of children’s drawings for the illustration of the manual. This paper describes both similarities and differences between the original and adapted intervention content and methods of delivery. The findings also highlight the importance of involving community stakeholders in the adaptation process.  相似文献   
For about thirty years now, an increasingly large number of robust and incontestable experimental findings have been arguing for the idea that, under certain conditions, interaction promotes the acquisition of cognitive skills, a phenomenon that cannot be clarified by multiplying the number of experiments. To progress, we must have tools designed for studying interaction as it actually affects the interlocutors. This means starting from the "surface" level of interactive dynamics and, step-by-step, constructing the stages of the interaction. This is the aim of interlocutory logic. We use it here to interpret the interlocutory behavior of a child conversing with another child as they solve an arithmetic problem, and to show that the dyadic cosolving process facilitates the acquisition of proportionality. The intersubjective processes that modify cognitions across situations are identified.  相似文献   
The paper will basically be an attempt to state what the author take to be: a) the main message of Walter Mischel's 1968 and 1973 critique of personality trait psychology; b) the connection between Walter Mischel's work and the work of Roy D'Andrade and Richard Shweder on the "systematic distortion hypothesis; and c) the good reasons for moving from a conception of the "person" as a vessel for response dispositions (whether globally or narrowly defined) [the "person-situation" model] to a conception of the person as a purposeful agent whose behavior can be explained by reference to means and ends (the "preference-constraint" model).  相似文献   
This study examined the specific implication of letter-name knowledge in reading acquisition on 5-year-old kindergarten children. Several studies underlined the importance of both phonological and orthographic skills (letters and grapho-phonological associations’ knowledge developed during reading acquisition). So, we focused on the link between those different early abilities and on their links with reading acquisition during school year. Thus, at the beginning and at the end of the year, we proposed to 40 children metaphonemic tasks (phoneme identification in initial and final position in the words), letter-sound and letter-name knowledge tasks (naming and identification) and a pseudo-words decoding task. In addition, to access letter-name knowledge, two types of measurements were proposed: an accuracy measure and a speed one. Mean number of correct responses and reaction times were collected by children and analysed too. Results show that letter-name knowledge could play a part in metaphonemic abilities development and in letter-sound associations’ discovery and acquisition, at the beginning of the year. Thanks to those skills improvement, letter-name knowledge could have an indirect impact on later children's decoding skills. Furthermore, the direct link, already observed at the beginning of the year, between letter-name knowledge and decoding skills still exists in April. At last, analyses on letter-name knowledge access time show that the more children name an important number of letters, the more they do it quickly. These results could mean that a certain level of letter-name knowledge have to be reach before children could use this knowledge automatically. All together, results confirm the importance of good letter-name knowledge in the first stages of reading acquisition. We also suggest taking into account some clues of letter-name knowledge's automatic use to better understand reading acquisition processes.  相似文献   
The present study examined the knowledge of uppercase letters in 160 children aged from three to six. Three tasks were administrated: letter saying, letter naming, letter recognition. Children's responses were analyzed according to several variables: school level, gender, task, letter type, letter frequency, etc. Letter knowledge improved from three to six years, but with huge differences among children, namely the superiority of girls over boys. Letter by letter analyses showed that scores were highly consistent between tasks and school levels. They also revealed that letter knowledge was affected by letter type, letter frequency, alphabetic rank and the presence of letters in the child's first name. The findings are discussed for their contribution to the understanding of letter learning.  相似文献   

Una relación semántica entre los componentes de estímulo relevantes e irrelevantes facilita la ejecución en tareas de anticipación pero parece inhibir la ejecución en tareas de tipo Stroop. Se estudiaron las causas de esta discrepancia. En una serie de tareas de denominación de palabras, se analizaba el efecto del número de dominios semánticos (que covariaba con el número de alternativas de respuesta) presentando a un grupo de estudiantes un conjunto idéntico de estímulos en forma bloqueada o mixta. El experimento 1 muestra que la presentación bloqueada produce un efecto de interferencia de tipo Stroop, mientras la presentación mixta produce facilitación semántica. Los experimentos 2 y 3 muestran que la variante palabra-palabra de la tarea de Stroop y la variante denominación de palabra de la tarea de anticipación semántica pertenecen a una misma familia de tareas. Ambas tareas muestran: a) un efecto de facilitación cuando el anticipador se relaciona con el objetivo y b) un efecto de interferencia cuando el anticipador es miembro del conjunto de respuesta. En la tarea de Stroop, la competición de respuestas aumenta el efecto de facilitación; en la tarea de anticipación, el efecto de facilitación semántica aumenta el efecto de competición de respuestas.  相似文献   

El autor, tras constatar la necesidad de perspectivas propiamente evolutivas que conserven las aportaciones de la psicología diferencial, repasa estos enfoques evolutivos clásicos del desarrollo psicosexual destacando la teoría cognitiva propuesta por Kohlberg (1966). Seguidamente analiza tanto los intentos posteriores de perfeccionar estos enfoques desde el punto de vista psicoanalítico, conductista y cognitivo como la aparición de nuevas perspectivas desde comienzos de los setenta: los enfoques de la “trascendencia de los roles sexuales” y los del procesamiento de la información, ofreciendo las características fundamentales que los diferencian de los clásicos. El autor se pregunta si no sería conveniente una nueva elaboración teórica que tuviera en cuenta las directrices, preocupaciones y necesidades comunes de todos ellos considerando que, para ello, se necesita clarificar previamente la taxonomización terminológica, la contextualización de los distintos contenidos y la extensión a lo largo del ciclo vital. Tras desarrollar estas tres bases de fundamentación, finaliza esbozando un nuevo modelo evolutivo de tipificación sexual y de género en torno al cual ordenar y reinterpretar los hallazgos de las investigaciones sobre el tema.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):259-271

El objetivo de este estudio consiste en examinar si los sujetos son capaces de estimar la exactitud de sus respuestas en una prueba de reconocimiento V/F mediante valoraciones de la confianza. Se utilizaron tres tipos de materiales: conocimientos generales, un suceso y un texto expositivo. Además, la mitad de los sujetos recibieron dos tareas de práctica para que aprendieran a calibrar la confianza en función de la exactitud de sus respuestas, informándoles también de la naturaleza de los errores que pueden aparecer y de los sesgos en la confianza al valorar contenidos episódicos y semánticos. La práctica no afectó ni a la exactitud ni a la confianza. Respecto a los materiales, se produjeron dos patrones de respuesta: mientras los sujetos daban mayor confianza a sus respuestas correctas que erróneas, tanto para las frases verdaderas como falsas, en los conocimientos generales y en el texto, para el suceso aceptaron información falsa que no aparecía en el acontecimiento incluso con mayor confianza que sus rechazos correctos.  相似文献   

Ante el hecho sobradamente constatado de que el episodio esquizofrénico es profundamente desorganizador y su recuperación difícil e impredectible, se está prestando, en años recientes, una especial atención y esfuerzo al desarollo y puesta en práctica de programas preventivos. El modelo de vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia parece configurarse como el marco teórico y de trabajo más adecuado para tales programas. Tras revisar los postulados básicos de dicho modelo se presenta una revisión de los más relevantes estudios experimentales que están permitiendo la identificación de marcadores cognitivos de vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia en poblaciones de «alto riesgo». Se apunta, a continuación, la posibilidad de elaborar una batería que permita la identificación precoz de los sujetos que podrían convertirse en esquizofrénicos. Se analiza someramente algunos de los más importantes programas preventivos de esquizofrenia y se concluye que aún es pronto para emitir un juicio acerca de la eficacia de los mismos. Se deja patente, finalmente, que si bien todavía no estamos preparados para prevenir la esquizofrenia nos encontramos en el camino adecuado para conseguirlo.  相似文献   
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