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This paper seeks to explore the relationship of the imagination to the processes of integration in theological education. It describes the way in which the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. addresses the imagination. It draws on those insights to summarise an understanding of imagination, particularly how imagination relates to conceptualisation and the naming of God. It then explores the way in which valuing the imagination effects pedagogy in pastoral theology. In conclusion, it names what might be involved in creating an environment in theological education that values and encourages the imagination.  相似文献   
本项工作尝试将人类思维的神经生物学基础研究与人工智能的研究成果相结合, 利用类比生成模型的原理, 开发了一个计算机辅助设计系统“多源类比人脸生成系统”, 并运用此平台开展了fMRI实验, 对人类大脑创造性思维的神经生物学机制进行了探索。实验采用open-ends模式下的“design task”和problem solving模式下的“control task”作为对照, 共采得15名健康成人被试的有效数据。数据结果显示design task与control task相比更为显著地激活了内侧前额叶、额中回、右侧颞上回、前扣带回、双侧海马、楔前叶这些脑区。综合以往研究推测, 内侧前额叶可能更多地与即兴自由创作中对自我信息的表征有关, 颞叶可能与不断产生和输出新颖性的观点有关, 边缘系统则可能主要与创造性活动中的动力驱动作用有关。总的来说, 创造性思维是多个脑区同时参与的高度分布式加工的结果。  相似文献   
Scholars have recently explored the effects of salespeople's intraorganizational relationships on salespeople's job-related outcomes. Grounded in social influence theory, we explore the effects of salespeople's intraorganizational skills on salesperson relationship performance. We empirically tested the proposed relationships using the data from a non-Western sales force working with an organization in an emerging economy. The results indicate that salespeople's political skill positively contributes to salespeople's identification with the organization and to creative performance, while strikingly, we also find that salesperson task adaptivity weakens these effects. Moreover, salespeople's identification and creative performance are positively related to customer satisfaction. These findings demonstrate that salespeople's intraorganizational relationships play a key role in enhancing customer satisfaction. In light of these results, we explore implications for marketers and academics and conclude by suggesting directions for further research.  相似文献   
Adopting a dynamic within-person perspective on employee innovation, the present study investigates the role of situational job autonomy and momentary work engagement as day-level correlates of innovative behaviour. Anticipating individual differences in the strength of these intraindividual associations, we propose dispositional creative self-efficacy (CSE) to serve as a cross-level moderating influence amplifying the day-specific predictive power of autonomy and work engagement for innovative behaviour. Hierarchical linear modelling analyses of the nested data from 123 employees surveyed over 5 consecutive work days suggest that both autonomy and work engagement positively predict self-reported innovative behaviour on a daily basis. Whereas the engagement–innovation link emerges as homogenous across persons, results indicate that the daily within-person effect of autonomy on innovative behaviour varies significantly as a function of CSE such that it is greater for individuals who hold higher rather than lower CSE beliefs. Implications for future research, limitations, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Russell's paper explores the astonishing fruitfulness of Nancey Murphy’s use of Imre Lakatos’s philosophy of science in the field of “theology and science.” Murphy’s work can be used to choose between competing theologies according to the theologians’ willingness to engage with science, their ability to continue the engagement as scientific theories change, and their ability to make empirical predictions based on this engagement. Topics range from creation and cosmology, the “cosmic Christ”, and non-interventionist objective divine action in quantum mechanics and evolution. Russell has followed Murphy’s lead and used Lakatos to place theology and science into “creative mutual interaction” (CMI).  相似文献   
Existing research demonstrates the potential value of arts-based interventions for survivors of abuse and other forms of trauma. The See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops were designed to provide survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault with an opportunity to express themselves and connect with others through arts-based interventions. When appropriate, using the art developed through the workshops to create an art exhibit can be useful for raising awareness and giving voice to survivors in the local community. The preliminary results of the pilot evaluation suggest that the workshops were well-received and allowed participants to experience emotional expression, connection with others, and greater self-awareness.  相似文献   
陈群林  丁珂 《心理科学进展》2022,30(11):2507-2517
发散思维的序列位置效应是指随着时间的推移,单位时间内想法生成的数量逐渐降低,但想法的独创性逐渐升高的现象。联想理论和执行控制假说分别侧重对序列位置效应的个体差异和认知加工过程进行解释。神经影像学研究表明,在想法产生的整个阶段序列位置效应依赖于默认网络后部和突显网络的持续增强激活和协同合作;在想法产生的后期阶段,颞-顶区域alpha能量值以及执行控制网络与默认网络的协同模式增强。未来研究需要结合语义和神经动态分析等技术,对序列位置效应的特异性机制、动态加工机制以及影响因素进行深入探究,从而为解构创新思维的动态过程提供新的视角。  相似文献   
工作不安全感、创造力自我效能对员工创造力的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周浩  龙立荣 《心理学报》2011,43(8):929-940
采用问卷调查法, 以286对上级-下属配对数据为样本, 探讨了工作不安全感、创造力自我效能对员工创造力的影响及其内在作用机制。结果表明, 工作不安全感对员工创造力有倒U形的影响, 中等工作不安全感水平下员工的创造力最高; 创造力自我效能对员工创造力有显著的积极影响; 工作不安全感与创造力自我效能的交互效应显著, 创造力自我效能越高, 工作不安全感对员工创造力的影响越小; 工作不安全感、创造力自我效能及其交互效应通过内在动机的完全中介效应影响员工创造力。  相似文献   
华莱士(Wallas)四阶段论是创造性思维过程研究的重要模型, 该模型认为创造性思维包括准备期、酝酿期、明朗期、验证期。相关神经机制研究表明, 准备期主要包括题目呈现前大脑状态和静息状态的研究, 内侧额叶/ACC及颞叶构成准备期网络; 酝酿期主要包括酝酿期提示、延迟顿悟以及心智游移的相关研究, 这一阶段涉及左右脑的共同参与, 海马、腹内侧前额叶等脑区在酝酿过程中起重要作用; 现有顿悟研究反映明朗期和验证期神经活动, 前额叶、扣带回、颞上回、海马、楔叶、楔前叶、舌回、小脑等在内的脑区构成其神经基础, 其中, 扣带回、前额叶在不同角度进行的研究中均有参与, 颞上回是负责远距离联想的关键脑区, 海马参与定势打破与新颖联系形成, 外侧额叶是定势转移的关键脑区, 楔前叶、左侧额下/额中回、舌回在原型激活中起关键作用, 左外侧前额叶参与对答案细节性的验证加工。未来研究可从研究对象、研究内容、研究手段三方面加以改进, 以对创造性思维过程作更系统的探讨。  相似文献   
Although the first research on the creative process was based on interviews with the aim of identifying the main stages (macro‐process), in the last 50 years researchers have focused more on the analysis of micro‐processes, i.e., the mechanisms underlying the generation of ideas. This interest in the micro‐processes is partly a result of the tools available to researchers to carry out rigorous studies on the creative process. In this article, we present a useful and relevant analytical tool for macro‐processes to assess the creative process in a natural context and when it occurs. Here, the reader will find advice on establishing a research protocol for the creative process by using diaries. Examples of diaries and results are presented. The advantage of this tool is that it enables a direct, rich, and inexpensive assessment of the creative process. Thus, the ecological validity of the diary method is particularly high.  相似文献   
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