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As counseling curricula evolve in future years, the idea of including the topics of creative thinking and problem-solving in coursework is explored by the researcher. These domains, along with the broader topic of creativity in general, are embedded in the counseling process and many of its theories. Reasons for consideration are discussed, including the importance of creativity to the counseling profession, the relationship between wellness and creativity, and the spanning of creativity across cultures.  相似文献   
The present study explores the effect of perceived teacher support on three forms of thinking related to creativity. Tests of convergent thinking (by means of the Remote Associates Test), insight thinking (explored through a brain‐teaser test), and divergent thinking (by means of a verbal creativity test) were given to 512 middle school students in China, along with assessments of their perceived teacher support and creative self‐efficacy. The results of this study indicate that perceived teacher support positively predicts convergent thinking and insight thinking, with creative self‐efficacy playing a partial mediating role between perceived teacher support and convergent thinking. However, no significant relationships were found between perceived teacher support and divergent thinking. The findings partly lend support to the expectancy–value model of achievement motivation that teacher’s behavior influences student performance through self‐belief pathway.  相似文献   
先前有关道德与创造力的关系研究多关注道德的认知与行为差异对创造力产生的影响, 但研究结果却存在较大的分歧。为此, 研究从道德情绪的视角, 对二者的关系进行了系统地梳理, 发现道德情绪存在: 以情绪效价调节创造性认知; 激发道德动机, 中介人格与创造力的关系; 引发自我觉察, 促进顿悟与创造性成就的产生; 提升心理资本, 影响不同创造力特性的表达等, 多种影响个体创造力的路径。这表明, 与道德认知和行为相比, 道德情绪不仅能更加全面准确地体现出个体实际的道德活动、促进符合道德标准的创造力产生; 还为人们解释道德与创造力的关系提供了多样的路径与可能。未来需继续加深对道德情绪及其内在机制的理解、通过系统性地选取创造性任务, 明确道德情绪、道德与创造力之间的关系, 寻找道德培养与创造力激发的新模式。  相似文献   
The antecedents of team creativity and their effects on team task performance are explored in this study, with a particular focus on how leader humility promotes team creativity and when team creativity can be converted into performance. Hypotheses were tested via a multiple-source and time-lagged study with 341 employees and 104 teams from five different organizations in China. The results showed that leader humility promotes team creativity through team creative efficacy, and leader conscientiousness moderates this indirect effect. Furthermore, team creativity is more positively related to team task performance when teams are more future oriented. The theoretical contributions and management significance of these findings are discussed, followed by a discussion of limitations and directions for future research.  相似文献   
Integrating proactivity and creativity literatures, we argue that people can perform more creatively at work when they proactively manage their levels of vitality. Proactive vitality management is defined as individual, goal-oriented behavior aimed at managing physical and mental energy to promote optimal functioning at work. We hypothesize that this process may be facilitated by being aware of one's own state and by support from others. A total of 242 employees participated in a weekly diary study for three consecutive weeks, yielding 610 observations. Results of multilevel analyses show that participants reported more creative work performance during weeks in which they had proactively used vitality management. In addition, in line with our predictions, self-insight and social support for creativity in the workplace acted as cross-level moderators and strengthened the relationship between proactive vitality management and creativity. We conclude that a proactive approach regarding physical and mental energy is an important bottom-up strategy that may foster creativity in work settings.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the predictors of psychological service providers' empowerment in the light of the COVID‐19 pandemic outbreak. The researcher prepared a psychological service providers' empowerment scale that consisted of 28 items, and this scale was applied in a random sample consisting of 975 psychological service providers. The results showed that the empowerment scale has acceptable validity and reliability. The results of the exploratory factor analysis indicated that the 28 scale items saturate on seven factors, which accounted for 64.42% of the total variance of the scale: the first factor named expect psychological services effectiveness accounted for 27.86%, the second factor named self‐stimulation accounted for 9.71%, the third factor named responsibilities and duties accounted for 7.12%, the fourth factor named psychological services work environment accounted for 6.51%, the fifth factor named psychological service providers’ decision‐making accounted for 5.37%, the sixth factor named creative psychological service provider behaviour accounted for 4.45%, and the seventh factor named psychological services confidence accounted for 3.82% of the total variance of a psychological service providers' empowerment. In order to study the ability to predict the empowerment among psychological service providers, the researcher developed a structural model for psychological service providers' empowerment and then used the structural equation model analysis. The results showed that the proposed structural model of a psychological service providers' empowerment has goodness‐of‐fit, and these results emphasised the ability to predict psychological service providers' empowerment by seven tested factors.  相似文献   
This paper seeks to explore the relationship of the imagination to the processes of integration in theological education. It describes the way in which the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. addresses the imagination. It draws on those insights to summarise an understanding of imagination, particularly how imagination relates to conceptualisation and the naming of God. It then explores the way in which valuing the imagination effects pedagogy in pastoral theology. In conclusion, it names what might be involved in creating an environment in theological education that values and encourages the imagination.  相似文献   
Traditionally, researchers employ human raters for scoring responses to creative thinking tasks. Apart from the associated costs this approach entails two potential risks. First, human raters can be subjective in their scoring behavior (inter-rater-variance). Second, individual raters are prone to inconsistent scoring patterns (intra-rater-variance). In light of these issues, we present an approach for automated scoring of Divergent Thinking (DT) Tasks. We implemented a pipeline aiming to generate accurate rating predictions for DT responses using text mining and machine learning methods. Based on two existing data sets from two different laboratories, we constructed several prediction models incorporating features representing meta information of the response or features engineered from the response’s word embeddings that were obtained using pre-trained GloVe and Word2Vec word vector spaces. Out of these features, word embeddings and features derived from them proved to be particularly effective. Overall, longer responses tended to achieve higher ratings as well as responses that were semantically distant from the stimulus object. In our comparison of three state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, Random Forest and XGBoost tended to slightly outperform the Support Vector Regression.  相似文献   
本项工作尝试将人类思维的神经生物学基础研究与人工智能的研究成果相结合, 利用类比生成模型的原理, 开发了一个计算机辅助设计系统“多源类比人脸生成系统”, 并运用此平台开展了fMRI实验, 对人类大脑创造性思维的神经生物学机制进行了探索。实验采用open-ends模式下的“design task”和problem solving模式下的“control task”作为对照, 共采得15名健康成人被试的有效数据。数据结果显示design task与control task相比更为显著地激活了内侧前额叶、额中回、右侧颞上回、前扣带回、双侧海马、楔前叶这些脑区。综合以往研究推测, 内侧前额叶可能更多地与即兴自由创作中对自我信息的表征有关, 颞叶可能与不断产生和输出新颖性的观点有关, 边缘系统则可能主要与创造性活动中的动力驱动作用有关。总的来说, 创造性思维是多个脑区同时参与的高度分布式加工的结果。  相似文献   
Charley D. Hardwick 《Zygon》2005,40(3):667-682
Abstract. This essay is an appreciative engagement with Karl Peters's Dancing with the Sacred (2002). Peters achieves a naturalistic theology of great power. Two themes are covered here. The first is how Peters gives ontological footing for a naturalistic conception of God conceived as the process of creativity in nature. Peters achieves this by conceiving creativity in terms of Darwinian random variation and natural selection combined with the notion of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. He gives ontological reference for a conception of God similar to Henry Nelson Wieman's idea of creative transformation. The second theme is how Peters succeeds in translating this nonpersonal conception of God into a powerful view of naturalistic religion that can shape a religious form of life. The key is that Peters's God can be understood as present in experience. Peters provides naturalistic interpretations of grace and the cruciform structure of creativity; the latter addresses the problem of evil in a nuanced fashion. I conclude with three critical comments about Peters's environmental ethics, his use of the notion of mystery, and his failure to have a robust conception of human fault or sin.  相似文献   
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