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创造性动机是促使个体的创造能力从潜在状态转化为现实状态的动力。本研究以研究生为被试,修订工作倾向问卷(WPI),采用修订后的WPI考察研究生创造性动机的结构和特征。结果表明:研究生创造性动机处于中等偏高水平;专业对创造性动机的影响非常显著;性别对创造性动机的影响不显著;31~35岁研究生的创造性动机最强;4-6年工龄的研究生创造性动机水平最高;一年级研究生创造性动机水平最高。  相似文献   
Irene Harwood 《Group》2003,27(2-3):121-129
Winnicott informed us about the components of the facilitating environment. Kohut warned us to differentiate between the charismatic leader, who looks for enfeebled followers to further his own grandiose ambitions, and the idealizable leader whose actions are based on a sense of values. Findings from attachment theory and neurobiology indicate how specific developmental issues make for a perfect fit between the self-serving charismatic leader and those who have been deprived of attuned interactive regulation and secure attachment in early childhood. This article attempts to integrate the above ideas for application to group dynamics in therapeutic, supervisory, training, and institutional groups.  相似文献   
赵伶俐  黄希庭 《心理科学》2002,25(6):649-652
本研究以小学3、5年级、初2、高2、大2年级学生共300人为被试(实验组156人;对照组154人),对审美概念实验教学前后测验结果分析表明:审美概念理解程度对于创造性思维作业成绩有显著影响,各年级都存在这种效果;总的看女生显著高于男生。审美概念理解的7个因子(概念理解流畅、释义正确、释义精确、事实迁移长度、事实迁移宽度、类词迁移长度、类词迁移宽度等)与创造性思维的两类作业(图形、语言)、6个因子(流畅、独创、精致、灵活、标题抽象、抗封闭)之间均存在显著相关;其中“类词迁移宽度”、“释义精确”、“类词迁移长度”等三个因素对创造性思维作业总成绩影响显著。  相似文献   
Despite the growing body of research on creativity in team contexts, very few attempts have been made to explore the team‐level antecedents and the mediating processes of team creative performance on the basis of a theoretical framework. To address this gap, drawing on Paulus and Dzindolet's (2008) group creativity model, this study proposed team creative efficacy, transformational leadership, and risk‐taking norms as antecedents of team creative performance and team proactivity as an intervening mechanism between these relationships. The results of team‐level regression analyses conducted on the leaders and members of 103 Korean work teams showed that team creative efficacy and risk‐taking norms were positively associated with team creative performance. Furthermore, the relationships between team creative efficacy and team creative performance and between risk‐taking norms and team creative performance were mediated by team proactivity. These findings offer new insights regarding the antecedents and the mediator of creative performance in team contexts and important implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   
为探讨中学生个人认识论、创造性思维与自我提问三者之间的关系,本研究采用《中学生反省判断调查问卷》、《中学生自我提问水平调查问卷》和《中学生创造性水平测验》对545名初一至初三年级被试进行调查,结果发现:(1)中学生创造性思维与其个人认识论存在显著的正相关关系;(2)中学生自我提问能力与创造性思维水平之间存在显著的正相关关系;(3)在知识来源对创造性思维独特性的预测中,自我提问水平较低的被试,其知识来源观对独特性具有显著的正向预测作用,而自我提问水平较高的被试则此预测作用不显著,因此中学生自我提问在个人认识论与创造性思维的关系中具有一定的调节作用,在三者关系当中它是调节变量。  相似文献   
领导对员工创新起到重要作用。什么样的领导风格与员工创新相关更高?实际研究中存在一定争议。为了回答这个问题,基于自我决定理论,我们提出一个理论框架,来解释不同领导风格与员工创新相关系数的差异。我们使用元分析汇集432篇独立的实证研究的证据(中文研究229篇,英文研究203篇,样本总量达161599),来检验我们的假设。研究发现:(1)交易型领导、伦理型领导、变革型领导、服务型领导、领导-成员交换、授权型领导、包容型领导及真实型领导与员工创新绩效之间均存在显著的正相关,且相关递增;(2)个人主义、绩效评价方式、数据收集时间点、领导风格测量方式、创新测量方式以及发表语言部分调节领导风格和员工创新绩效的关系。研究结果符合理论预测,研究促进自我决定理论的发展。更为重要的是,研究结论为管理者提供重要的实践意义,即使用合适的领导风格进而促进员工创新。  相似文献   
杨付  张丽华 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1383-1401
采用问卷调查法,以国内十三家大型企业集团75个工作团队共334名团队成员为研究对象,运用分层线性模型分析技术,探讨了团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的影响,以及创造力自我效能感对此关系的调节作用.结果表明,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为有倒U形的影响;创造力自我效能感调节团队沟通、工作不安全氛围与团队成员创新行为之间的关系:员工的创造力自我效能感越高,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的倒U形影响越小.  相似文献   
通过描绘发散性思维测验(物品多用途, AUT)中答案生成在累积函数和语义相似性等一系列参数上的量化特征, 揭示创造性思维的语义搜索过程。结果发现:(1)新颖AUT条件中, 语义搜索呈现与自由联想类似的负加速特点, 但搜索速度较寻常AUT条件更慢。(2)新颖AUT条件中所生成的答案与题目(即物品)均具有较低的语义相似性, 且显著小于寻常AUT条件。(3)新颖AUT条件中生成的答案比寻常AUT条件表现出显著更低的聚类程度, 其中可聚类答案和未聚类答案与题目的语义相似度均较低, 且不存在显著差异, 二者在新颖性上也不存在显著差异。以上结果说明了创造性思维的语义信息搜索过程具有与自由联想类似的激活扩散特征, 但总体搜索速度较慢。新颖性要求使得个体在最初搜索时便开始摆脱题目的语义限制而进行远距离搜索(避免就近搜索), 并倾向于在每个语义场中只生成一个答案(避免局部搜索), 但也可能会在远离题目的语义场中生成多个同类别答案。  相似文献   
There are obstacles to creativity: one of them is called fixation effect, the fact that some knowledge about existing or obvious solutions is spontaneously activated and constrains the generation of new solutions. Converging evidence in cognitive psychology has indicated that the ability to generate original ideas can be limited by recently activated knowledge, such as examples of solutions. On the other hand, neuroimaging studies have recently demonstrated that exposure to examples could, on the contrary, have a stimulating effect on originality. To make sense of what seems to be contradictory studies, we hypothesized that two types of examples could have opposite effects on originality: (1) restrictive examples—within the fixation effect—could lead to a reduction in the originality of the solutions, whereas (2) expansive examples—outside the fixation effect—could provoke solutions of higher originality. Results from a total of 160 participants confirmed that the solutions proposed by the group exposed to restrictive examples were less original than those given by the group exposed to expansive examples.  相似文献   
Previous research has pointed to the importance of transformational leadership in facilitating employees' creative outcomes. However, the mechanism by which transformational leadership cultivates employees' creative problem‐solving capacity is not well understood. Drawing on theories of leadership, information processing and creativity, we proposed and tested a model in which psychological safety and reflexivity mediate the effect of transformational leadership and creative problem‐solving capacity. The results of survey data collected at three points in time indicate that transformational leadership facilitates the development of employees' creative problem‐solving capacity by shaping a climate of psychological safety conducive to reflexivity processes. However, the findings also indicate that psychological safety is related both directly and indirectly, through reflexivity, to employees' creative problem‐solving capacity. This study sheds further light on the ways in which transformational leaders help to develop and cultivate employees' capacity for creative problem‐solving.  相似文献   
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