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This study investigates whether the right hemisphere has more flexible contrast gain control settings for the identification of spatial frequency. Right-handed participants identified 1 and 9 cycles per degree sinusoidal gratings presented either to the left visual field-right hemisphere (LVF-RH) or the right visual field-left hemisphere (RVF-LH). When luminance contrast was randomized across a wide range (20-60%), performance gradually improved with contrast in the LVF-RH. Conversely, performance in the RVF-LH was disrupted and saturated for 20 and 60% of contrast, respectively, leading to a LVF-RH advantage for these contrast levels. When contrast was blocked or randomized for a smaller range (30-50%), the LVF-RH advantage was diminished. Flexible contrast gain control is needed when contrast is randomized across a wide range, but not when it is blocked or randomized across a smaller range. The results therefore suggest that the right hemisphere is able to process spatial frequency information across a wider range of contrast levels than is the left hemisphere.  相似文献   
The magnification of visual field asymmetry observed with bilateral compared to unilateral tachistoscopic presentation of homologous stimuli (bilateral effect) can be explained by two hypothetical processes: homologous activation with subsequent inhibition of callosal information transfer or intrahemispheric competition for processing resources. A lexical decision task with unilateral and bilateral stimulation and response with the right or left hand was used in an attempt to decide between these hypotheses. Analysis of response time data revealed a bilateral effect, superimposed on a right visual field advantage, and no interaction between visual field and response hand. Results are consistent with the hypothesis of intrahemispheric competition in the left hemisphere.  相似文献   
The present study sought to investigate the time course of brain activation during grapheme-to-phoneme conversion and phonologic processing of legal Italian syllables. To this goal, we monitored a group of right-handed native Italian volunteers performing a phonologic decision task (same/different judgments). ERPs were recorded from 28 scalp sites during silent reading. Analysis of ERP latency showed faster responses to same syllables than to different ones as early as 105 ms at left temporal electrode site and 160 ms at frontal sites. The first effect of phonologic/graphemic incongruity on the amplitude of ERPs was observed at lateral occipital/posterior temporal sites (N185), where physiologic responses were enhanced to incongruous syllables.  相似文献   
This review focuses on facial asymmetries during emotional expression. Facial asymmetry is defined as the expression intensity or muscular involvement on one side of the face (“hemiface”) relative to the other side and has been used as a behavioral index of hemispheric specialization for facial emotional expression. This paper presents a history of the neuropsychological study of facial asymmetry, originating with Darwin. Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of asymmetry are addressed. Next, neuroanatomical bases for facial expression are elucidated, separately for posed/voluntary and spontaneous/involuntary elicitation conditions. This is followed by a comprehensive review of 49 experiments of facial asymmetry in the adult literature, oriented around emotional valence (pleasantness/unpleasantness), elicitation condition, facial part, social display rules, and demographic factors. Results of this review indicate that the left hemiface is more involved than the right hemiface in the expression of facial emotion. From a neuropsychological perspective, these findings implicate the right cerebral hemisphere as dominant for the facial expression of emotion. In spite of the compelling evidence for right-hemispheric specialization, some data point to the possibility of differential hemispheric involvement as a function of emotional valence. An earlier version of this paper by the first author was presented at the XV Annual Symposium of the Society of Craniofacial Genetics, July 12, 1992, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.  相似文献   
A neural model consisting of paired cerebral hemispheric regions interacting via homotopic callosal connections was trained to generate pronunciations for 50 monosyllabic words. Lateralization of this task occurred readily when different underlying cortical asymmetries were present. Following simulated focal cortical lesions of systematically varied sizes, acute changes in the distribution of cortical activation were found to be most consistent with experimental data when interhemispheric interactions were assumed to be excitatory. During subsequent recovery, the contribution of the unlesioned hemispheric region to performance improvement was a function of both the amount of preexisting lateralization and the side and size of the lesion. These results are discussed in the context of unresolved issues concerning the mechanisms underlying language lateralization, the nature of interhemispheric interactions, and the role of the nondominant hemisphere in recovery from adult aphasia.  相似文献   
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by vocal and motor tics and is associated with cortical–striatal–thalamic–cortical circuit (CSTC) dysfunction and hyperexcitability of cortical limbic and motor regions, which are thought to lead to the occurrence of tics. Importantly, individuals with TS often report that their tics are preceded by ‘premonitory sensory phenomena’ (PSP) that are described as uncomfortable cognitive or bodily sensations that precede the execution of a tic, and are experienced as a strong urge for motor discharge. While the precise role played by PSP in the occurrence of tics is controversial, PSP are nonetheless of considerable theoretical and clinical importance in TS, not least because they form the core component in many of the behavioural therapies that are currently used in the treatment of tic disorders. In this study, we investigated the brain structure correlates of PSP. Specifically, we conducted a whole‐brain analysis of cortical (grey matter) thickness in 29 children and young adults with TS and investigated the association between grey matter thickness and PSP. We demonstrate for the first time that PSP are inversely associated with grey matter thickness measurements within the insula and sensorimotor cortex. We also demonstrate that grey matter thickness is significantly reduced in these areas in individuals with TS relative to a closely age‐ and gender‐matched group of typically developing individuals and that PSP ratings are significantly correlated with tic severity.  相似文献   
Both emotional reactivity and categorization have long been studied within the framework of hemispheric asymmetry. However, little attempt has been made to integrate both research areas using any form of neuropsychological research, despite behavioral data suggesting a consistent relationship between affective and categorization processes. The primary goal of the current study was to examine the possibility of a laterally mediated interaction between emotional reactivity and the cognitive process of categorization. Using a split visual fields categorization task combined with affect inducing procedures, we hypothesized that the relationship between state affect and categorization would be dependent on the nature of state affect and on the hemisphere targeted. Results offered support for this hypothesis, showing that state affect related changes in categorization appeared only in the hemisphere commonly associated with both a specific affective state and categorization strategy employed. Findings are discussed in terms of possible evidence for a hemispheric arousal effect underlying the relationship between affect and categorization.  相似文献   
编码与提取干扰对内隐和外显记忆的非对称性影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟迎芳  郭春彦 《心理学报》2007,39(4):579-588
以往研究表明在外显记忆中,编码与提取加工存在着非对称性,但在内隐记忆中,二者的关系并不明确,因此实验采用“学习-再认”范式,考察在编码或提取中分别附加的干扰任务对词汇判断或再认产生的影响。结果证实编码与提取干扰对内隐或外显记忆都具有非对称性的影响,但又存在着差异,即编码干扰会导致随后外显记忆成绩显著减少,而提取干扰对其影响较小,相反,编码干扰对随后内隐测验中启动效应的影响较小,但提取干扰会破坏启动效应,从而为内隐记忆和外显记忆的分离提供了进一步的证据  相似文献   
Neonatal male rats were either injected subcutaneously with testosterone propionate (TP) or oil vehicle. When weaned, each treated pup was paired with an untreated male sibling. The play fighting of TP-and oil-treated rats were compared at the juvenile phase (30–36 days), and in adulthood (84–90 days). In the juvenile phase, the rate of initiating playful attacks was significantly greater for TP-treated rats. Playful defense in response to such attacks did not differ between TP- and oil-treated rats. At the completion of the study, cortical thickness was measured for all the groups of rats. Oil treatment decreased overall cortical thickness relative to untreated pairmates, whereas TP treatment did not. Both oil and TP treatment abolished the asymmetry in hemispheric thickness, which was present in the untreated pairmates. The reversal of at least one of these injectioninduced changes in the cortex by TP provided independent evidence for the effectiveness of the TP treatment. As adults, neither the TP treatment nor the oil treatment influenced which pairmate became dominant. Dominance was judged by which pairmate initiated less playful attacks. Therefore, it is concluded that the early neonatal testosterone surge is not likely to be a factor in influencing the behaviors that lead to adult dominance. In contrast, play fighting is influenced by hormonal events in this early neonatal phase. It thus appears that play fighting and the aggressive systems subserving dominance relationships are differentially controlled. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
As pairs of male juvenile sibling rats that are housed together become sexually mature, they develop a dominance-subordinance relationship. These dominance relationships appear to be reflected in the play fighting of the pairmates both as juveniles and as young adults, in that the seemingly subordinate partner initiates more playful attacks at both ages. However, as adults, even though it is the subordinate that initiates more playful attacks, it is the subordinate that is pinned on his back by the partner most often. Dominant pairmates were found to switch to defensive patterns typically found in adult males. In contrast, the subordinates, when contacted on the nape, were more likely to retain the juvenile pattern of turning over to supine. Therefore, the subordinate pairmate of an adult pair of male siblings both initiates more playful attacks and defends itself in a more juvenile manner than its dominant partner, and this leads to it being pinned more frequently. This pattern of behavior by subordinate rats is suggested to function as a friendship maintenance mechanism permitting co-existence in multimale colonies.  相似文献   
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