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以视觉呈现时距信号,采用时间泛化范式要求被试判断5种探测时距(1~4秒)与标准时距(2秒)之间的长度关系,并记录11名大学生在时距判断过程中的事件相关电位(ERP),继而探讨不同探测时距条件下CNV波幅特征变化以及左、右侧额叶在时距判断中的功能。结果发现:1秒、1.42秒以及2秒条件下,CNV波幅峰出现在探测时距结束点,2.84秒、4秒条件下,CNV波幅峰出现在大约2秒处(标准时距);CNV负性翻转至基线位置在1秒、1.42秒、2秒条件下随探测时距的增长而延后,而在2.84秒、4秒两种条件下无显著差异;左、右侧额叶处诱发的CNV波幅峰潜时在2.84秒、4秒探测时距条件下无显著差异,且均在2秒附近。这说明在1秒以上视时距判断中CNV波幅峰反映了基于记忆中标准时距的时距判断的决策过程;CNV负性翻转至基线位置与时距判断的决策阶段存在共变关系,CNV负性翻转至基线位置相当于负荷解脱过程中的一个由负翻正的转折点;左、右侧额叶均参与了时距脉冲累加过程。  相似文献   
工作记忆训练(Working Memory Training, WMT)诱发神经可塑性, 但其具体机制尚不明晰。为探索WMT改变正常人群大脑功能的时空特性, 以“扩展的智力顶额整合理论”和“神经效率假说”为依据, 采用逐层递进的5种方法, 分6个步骤来查究近20年来正常人群WMT的37篇fMRI文献。第一步, 用叙述性综述、频数分析和卡方检验法比较脑区激活模式和脑网络功能连接在WMT前后发生的改变, 发现WMT改变了大脑的5个联合区、7个宏观区和3个子区。其中, 额上回、顶下小叶和扣带回这3个子区各自激活减弱的报道文献数量多于其激活增强的, 且这种差异分别具有统计学意义。第二步, 采用激活似然估计法对其中26篇开展元分析, 发现大脑的3个子区激活减弱水平在WMT前后的差异具有统计学意义, 即额中回(BA6和8)、额上回(BA6)和前扣带回(BA24和32)。第三步, 综合定性和定量分析结果, 提出WMT脑区分布递减时空模型, 产生5个结果和讨论。第四步, 采用非参数检验进一步追踪WMT效应的调节因素, 发现训练的任务类型和时间分别对脑区激活的影响具有统计学意义。第五步, 针对正常人群WMT诱发神经可塑性的时空特性, 得出3个结论:第一, WMT改变了正常人群相应脑区的神经活动, 表现为减弱或增强, 但减弱更加突出, 且更新和较短时间的WMT倾向于诱发较多减弱; 第二, 这些神经活动变化主要发生在额顶叶联合区, 但也包括分别以颞叶、枕叶、扣带回及纹状体为主的联合区, 在一定范围内体现了整脑功能联合。这体现了WMT诱发神经可塑性的空间特性, 且符合“扩展的智力顶额整合理论”; 第三, 额中回、额上回、顶下小叶和扣带回(尤其前扣带回)这4个子区在激活减弱水平上重点展示了WMT神经可塑性的时间特性, 且符合“神经效率假说”, 恰好体现出“聪明的大脑更懒惰”。第六步, 指出WMT诱发神经可塑性的未来研究可能关注脑可塑性中的低活跃性、辨析额中回、额上回、顶下小叶和扣带回(尤其前扣带回)这4个子区在激活减弱水平上体现的时间特性、找寻训练减弱或增强大脑活动的综合性影响因素。  相似文献   

The identification-production framework suggests that aging is associated with a decline in production forms of repetition priming, particularly under test conditions that maximize response competition. The present study examined this prediction by testing young and healthy older adults in a single-encoding version of the verb generation task in which some items had one dominant verb response (low competition) or had no such dominant response (high competition). Further analyses examined whether priming and error rates were related to performance on neuropsychological tests purported to measure frontal lobe functioning. Priming was invariant across age groups and was not related to frontal lobe status in older adults, but frontal lobe status did predict task performance: low-frontal older adults made more errors than high-frontal older adults, particularly for high-competition items and items with high association strength. These results are not consistent with the identification-production framework, but are consistent with the conclusions that (a) aging is associated with invariance in the processes that support repetition priming in the verb generation task and (b) frontal lobe status in aging is related to verb generation performance.  相似文献   
Sörqvist, P. & Sætrevik, B. (2010). The neural basis of updating: Distinguishing substitution processes from other concurrent processes. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 357–362. Most previous studies of updating processes have not been able to contrast processes of substituting items in memory with other concurrent processes. In the present investigation, we used a new task called “number updating” and an fMRI protocol to contrast the activation of trials that require item substitution (adding a new item to the working memory representation and suppressing an old item) with trials that involve no substitution (discarding the new item). Trials that require item substitution activated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the posterior medial frontal cortex and the parietal lobes, areas typically seen activated for working memory tasks in general. Trials that do not require substitution activated the anterior medial frontal cortex. Studies examining executive functions have associated this area with cognitive conflict, and may represent suppression of the substitution processes.  相似文献   
There is a need to study prospective memory (PM) and its relationship with aspects of frontal lobe functioning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The study aims to investigate event‐based (EB) and time‐based (TB) PM functioning in the two groups, and its association with working memory, planning, and attention. A word categorisation task was developed to assess PM functioning among 90 participants (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and a control group). Frontal lobe functioning was assessed using Tower of London, N‐Back test, and triads test. Mean comparisons revealed significantly higher impairment in TB PM in comparison to EB PM in both the clinical groups. Significant relationship between PM and frontal lobe impairment was found. Relationship between PM and frontal lobe deficits in the clinical groups emphasises the need to include its assessment at an early stage and to develop PM rehabilitation strategies to improve the quality of living.  相似文献   
逆行性遗忘、额叶与远期记忆的组织   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对一例严重记忆障碍合并额叶损伤病人的逆行性遗忘的分析,对远期记忆的组织特点进行了探讨。被试的额叶功能受损较为明显。除顺行性遗忘外,患者的逆行性遗忘也较为严重。对病人进行的逆行性遗忘检测包括:著名人物测验、著名事件、一般知识测验和自传性记忆测验等。被试对著名人物、著名事件的回忆和再认成绩、以及有关个人的情节和语义记忆成绩均较低,但没有典型的随时间下降的趋势,而是呈平直斜率;患者儿童期的自传性记忆和公众事件记忆也受损。这两个特点均与内侧颞叶一间脑系统损伤的特点不同,提示额叶参与了远期记忆的提取等过程。  相似文献   
Twelve patients with anxiety disorder were studied with respect to regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using a 32-detector system with the 133 Xe inhalation technique. Measurements were taken during a rest condition and during anxiety induction. Anxiety relevant to the patient's psychological disorder was induced with a projective test, the meta-contrast technique (MCT). Increased blood flow in the orbital frontal region of the left hemisphere was observed in each of the 11 subjects who showed evidence of experiencing anxiety during the procedure. In a second study four additional anxiety patients were studied with a high-resolution (254-detector)Xe rCBF system. In addition to the anxiety and resting conditions, a neutral verbalization condition was added to control for the verbal aspects of the anxiety induction procedure. The results again showed the experience of anxiety to be accompanied by increased blood flow in the left orbital frontal region, with the patients showing this flow increase to be greater in the posterior, paralimbic, areas of the region. These results are consistent with previous suggestions of left hemisphere involvement in anxiety. They also suggest that imaging methods may allow research into what appears to be exaggerated corticolimbic activity in this disorder.  相似文献   
Electroencephalographic (EEG) frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) and frontal midline (FM) theta have been suggested as biomarkers for depression and anxiety, but have mostly been assessed in small and non‐clinical studies. In a clinical sample of 79 adults with depression (ICD‐10: F32), resting EEG and scales of depression (MADRS) and anxiety (HADS‐A) were measured at intake and after 3 months. FAA and FM theta values were referenced to a normative population database. Internal consistency, test‐retest reliability, and correlations with psychiatric tests were examined. Reliability was sufficient. However, FAA and FM theta values were close to the general population, and correlations with psychiatric tests were mostly small and non‐significant, with the exception of FAA on F7–F8 z‐scores and HADS‐A. We conclude that the validity of FAA and FM theta and therefore their potential as biomarkers for depression and anxiety remain unclear.  相似文献   
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