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语义整合是语言阅读理解中非常重要的环节。随着认知神经科学技术的广泛应用,当前关于语义整合的研究取得了长足进步,各种模型层出不穷。但是不同模型对于语义整合的功能定位及其内在机制却存在较大的争议。本文首先介绍当前关于语义整合的主要模型,然后对当前不同理论模型之间关于语义整合的界定,以及语义整合的功能定位是在额下回还是颞叶的争论进行了分析。我们认为,关于语义整合的实质、语义整合的功能网络将是未来研究的主要方向,相关的研究对于语言理解理论的发展将具有重要的启示。  相似文献   
文章主要介绍了语义启动的过程及其脑机制的研究进展。启动效应是内隐记忆的研究焦点,而语义启动是通过刺激的语义特征来研究启动效应的。语义启动的脑机制研究一般是通过脑损伤、脑成像和ERPs等方法实现的。研究表明,大脑的广泛区域都参与着语义启动过程,尤其是脑前区和大脑的左半球。  相似文献   
The present study explored early emotion processing in the frontal area using the two-dipole source model. The 21-channel recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) produced by a pure tone were analyzed in order to assess information processing. In the test conditions, the pure tone followed the presentation of one of two unpleasant sounds to enhance anxiety. In the control condition, only the pure tone was presented. There were two groups of eight subjects, one with low scores for trait anxiety and one with high scores. The ERPs were separately averaged for the groups, as well as for the high- and low-anxiety sound and control session. A negative peak around 120 ms (C2) and a positive peak around 280 ms (C5) after stimulus onset were identified in all the sessions. The two-dipole source model was applied to these two components. In the C2 component, dipole sources were located in the left frontal area in the control sessions, and in the right frontal area in the high-anxiety sessions. This activation pattern was clearer in the group with low trait anxiety. In contrast, with the C5 component, lateralization of the dipole source in the frontal area was not seen. These findings suggest that the frontal area is involved in early emotion processing. A dual-stage model of emotion processing is therefore proposed.  相似文献   
As an introduction to the special issue on neurocognitive factors underlying age effects, we discuss a number of recent developments in the literature on aging. The classic distinction between generalized and process-specific cognitive changes with old age has reappeared in the distinctions between the frontal lobe hypothesis and more differentiated views of neurocognitive aging. We argue that neurological decay in the frontal cortex has important implications for cognitive control, but that the frontal lobe hypothesis does not capture the plethora of changes that characterize aging and incorrectly suggests a unitary effect.  相似文献   
Recent neuroimaging studies of language processing are examining the neural substrate of phonology because of its critical role in mapping sound information onto higher levels of language processing (e.g., words) as well as providing codes in which verbal information can be temporarily stored in working memory. However, the precise role of the inferior frontal cortex in spoken and written phonological tasks has remained elusive. Although lesion studies have indicated the presence of selective deficits in phonological processing, the location of lesions underlying these impairments has not revealed a consistent pattern. Despite efforts to refine methods and tasks, functional neuroimaging studies have also revealed variability in activation patterns. Reanalysis of evidence from these neuroimaging studies suggests that there are functional subregions within the inferior frontal gyrus that correspond to specific components of phonological processing (e.g., orthographic to phonological conversion in reading, and segmentation in speech).  相似文献   
EEG频谱相干分析发现额叶发育在童年中期存在可能的加速期。针对这一问题,本研究通过记录75名6至12岁正常儿童静坐和闭目状态下的自发脑电,分析δ、θ、α和β基本脑电频段下31对电极相干的变化情况,系统探索了该年龄段儿童额叶自发脑电频谱相干的变化特点,结果发现:θ波活动普遍强于α和β波活动;6至12岁儿童额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在整体上表现为随年龄增长而增加的趋势;额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在各频段均表现为7岁、11岁突增,10岁、12岁表现为高峰。上述结果支持6至12岁儿童额叶发育存在加速变化的结论。  相似文献   
The present study used fMRI/BOLD neuroimaging to investigate how visual‐verbal working memory is updated when exposed to three different background‐noise conditions: speech noise, aircraft noise and silence. The number‐updating task that was used can distinguish between “substitution processes,” which involve adding new items to the working memory representation and suppressing old items, and “exclusion processes,” which involve rejecting new items and maintaining an intact memory set. The current findings supported the findings of a previous study by showing that substitution activated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the posterior medial frontal cortex and the parietal lobes, whereas exclusion activated the anterior medial frontal cortex. Moreover, the prefrontal cortex was activated more by substitution processes when exposed to background speech than when exposed to aircraft noise. These results indicate that (a) the prefrontal cortex plays a special role when task‐irrelevant materials should be denied access to working memory and (b) that, when compensating for different types of noise, either different cognitive mechanisms are involved or those cognitive mechanisms that are involved are involved to different degrees.  相似文献   
Mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS) is a rare and poorly understood condition of perceived continual motion. Using a multiple‐case design (n = 13; 8 f; 63.5 ± 12.6 years), this study investigated the efficacy of eight 20‐min sessions, over 4 weeks, of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the dorsolateral pre‐frontal cortex. Compared to sham, rTMS demonstrated improvement in balance and confidence in daily living activities. rTMS shows promise for the treatment of MdDS. However, larger trials with longer intervention periods are required.  相似文献   
Creativity is one of the central dimensions of human achievement and social development and has always fascinated scientists and non-scientists alike. But what is the essential nature of creativity? And what is the role of consciousness in the emergence of creativity? If it is true that it has been explored in many aspects in the cognitive and neurobiological field, it is also true that the lore chest—from which the conscious mind through unconscious mechanisms extracts the rough material that is then brought to the surface—has been less investigated. The purpose of this article is to give an account of how the multiplicity of levels of awareness is made possible by a spontaneous order that has nothing to do with a monolithic view of creativity.  相似文献   
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