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After training under short or long fixed-interval schedules, humans responded under a modified fixed-interval schedule in which magnitude of reinforcement (X or 2X) was minimally correlated with response frequency. Response frequencies that equaled or exceeded a minimum response criterion were followed by the larger reinforcer at the end of the interval; otherwise, the smaller reinforcer was delivered. The modified schedule alternated with the baseline schedule across conditions. In a control condition, the reinforcer magnitudes produced by control subjects were yoked to those of experimental subjects. Experimental subjects, but not control subjects, showed increased responding. In addition to the baseline and modified fixed-interval schedules used in Experiment 1, subjects in Experiment 2 also responded under a second modified fixed-interval contingency in which increases in reinforcer magnitude were more highly correlated with response frequency. Experimental subjects, but not control subjects, showed increased responding under both procedures. Direct comparison of these two procedures showed that the high-correlation procedure produced greater increases in responding than did the low-correlation procedure.  相似文献   
采用加工分离程序和多重分离程序,以瑞文高级推理测验为实验材料,对内隐推理进行了实验研究。实验1对包含测验与排除测验中正确猜测的期望概率进行了估计;实验2采用公式P1=Pc∪PA∪R1和PE=PC^-∩(PA∪RE)对外显推理和内隐推理的贡献进行了计算。结果发现存在显著的外显推理和内隐推理效应。  相似文献   
《四库提要》是中国古典目录学史上的经典著作,具有极高的学术价值,但也不可避免存在一些错误.本文对其易类17条提要的谬误进行了补正.  相似文献   
通过介绍与借鉴荷兰、美国、日本、比利时等国安乐死立法经验,结合我国立法难的现状,对我国安乐死立法进程进行思考,同时建设性提出了我国安乐死的立法原则:生命权神圣不可侵犯原则,死亡方式选择权有限制的自主决定原则,知情自愿原则,严格程序原则等。  相似文献   
We discuss properties that association coefficients may have in general, e.g., zero value under statistical independence, and we examine coefficients for 2×2 tables with respect to these properties. Furthermore, we study a family of coefficients that are linear transformations of the observed proportion of agreement given the marginal probabilities. This family includes the phi coefficient and Cohen’s kappa. The main result is that the linear transformations that set the value under independence at zero and the maximum value at unity, transform all coefficients in this family into the same underlying coefficient. This coefficient happens to be Loevinger’s H.  相似文献   
Three computer based experiments, testing human participants in a non-immersive virtual watermaze task, used a blocking design to assess whether two sets of geometric cues would compete in a manner described by associative models of learning. In stage 1, participants were required to discriminate between visually distinct platforms. In stage 2, additional spatial information was provided by the shape or the color of the walls of the pool. In a test trial, the platforms were removed and the spatial knowledge acquired regarding the position of the platform was assessed. Experimental groups were compared against control groups which did not receive stage 1 training. The unique color of the correct platform, in Experiments 1 and 3, disrupted learning about the colored walls but not the geometry of the pool. In Experiment 2, the correct platform was identifiable from its position within the three platform array. Learning the relative position of the correct platform within the array disrupted learning about its position relative to the geometry of the pool, but not to the colored walls. The results suggest that learning the position of a goal in relation to the geometry of the environment can be blocked but only by an alternative geometric cue.  相似文献   
习得知识的意识觉知问题一直以来是内隐学习领域的研究热点和难点。以加工分离程序来分解击中率和虚报率、以结构知识中意识和无意识测量为视角,采用2(测验方式:SDTT,SKT)×2(学习程度:30试次,60试次)混合设计,试图去分离人工语法学习中习得的意识知识和无意识知识。结果发现:(1)学习程度影响到习得的无意识知识,但还未影响到习得的意识知识;(2)在分离人工语法学习的习得知识上,SDTT的敏感性高于SKT;(3)SKT夸大了元认知中的意识成分。  相似文献   
以汉语单字词为材料,通过颜色来区分目标和分心物,采用过程分离程序,直接探讨了目标激活与分心物抑制和意识、无意识过程之间的关系。结果表明,(1)靶词充当分心物时,不仅意识过程存在的概率降低,无意识过程存在的概率也降低。这一结果说明,在选择性注意任务中,信息是有关还是无关,并不能分离意识和无意识过程;(2)靶词充当目标时,加工水平影响Pc,但不影响Pu,而靶词充当分心物时,加工水平既不影响Pc,也不影响Pu。因此,加工水平能否分离意识和无意识过程,依赖于靶词的作用或信息是否有关  相似文献   
The present study examines controlled and automatic uses of memory in clinically depressed patients by applying the Process Dissociation Procedure developed by Jacoby (1991) to a stem completion memory task with short and long retention intervals. The results show that the contribution of controlled processes is lower in depressed patients than in controls, especially for the longest retention interval, whereas the contribution of automatic processes is equivalent in both groups and unaffected by the length of the retention interval. These findings are discussed in a cognitive control framework.  相似文献   
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